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Messages - Tasty

Pages: 1 ... 67 68 [69] 70 71
Recipe Requests / Lactation cookies
« on: October 20, 2011, 01:25:42 pm »
Has anyone ever made lactation cookies in the thermomix?

Would love a recipe.

I want to make a choc chip muesli slice and i have all the ingredients except grapeseed oil. What can i use instead? I have vegetable oil, peanut, macadamia and olive oil.

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Chocolate Ice Cream
« on: October 16, 2011, 01:01:10 am »
Yes that's the one JD.

I saw JulieO's one but you need an ice cream maker for that and i don't have one.

I might try containergirls recipe too one day.

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Chocolate Ice Cream
« on: October 15, 2011, 02:12:41 pm »
I decided to make chocolate ice cream with this warm weather we're having. The first time I attempted this I forgot to put the cream in so it tasted very rich - whoops!

I used the recipe from as it had ingredients I already had at home and you don't need an ice cream maker.

This recipe is very simple and tastes delicious. The dark chocolate is fine too - I thought I would need milk chocolate but it's sweet enough as it is and so so yummy! Makes almost 2L.

Not sure how much it makes but the recipe is from - the chocolate one posted in 2008

I'm trying to make icecream for the first time and the recipe asks for vanilla bean paste. I don't have any so what can i use as an alyernative?

Also what is the equivAlent for 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste?


Ok, I think I might try this again but next time I might make the full tikka paste in advance and then the butter chicken some other time. It has to be good since so many of you have tried it with success.

I don't normally have a problem weighing ingredients using the TMX but because the quantities were so small sometimes I was putting in a whole lot and the scales didn't change. I might try teaggs suggestion.

I don't think I'll be trying this for a while though as it's springtime now and I have a baby on the way that is due today!

Bread / Re: Small rolls that taste homemade? recipe
« on: August 31, 2011, 06:21:44 am »
I have tried ragdoll's recipe from another site and also the uk site ones.

Bread / Small rolls that taste homemade? recipe
« on: August 31, 2011, 06:16:08 am »
Just wondering if someone has a recipe for small rolls that taste homemade as I have found most of them seem to be soft and like the cheap variety you find at shops.

I would normally think to use the recipes for loaves such as buttermilk bread but the dough is hard and messy to work with to do such a thing.

Bread / Re: Naan
« on: August 31, 2011, 06:13:31 am »
Thanks Chookie - I think I will try the BBQ thing next time - didn't even cross my mind to do it that way.

My experience with butter chicken last night was rather frustrating. Firstly, I hadn't read through the recipe before (but apparently it's the one from the Indian Cookbook) so I didn't realise how long it would take to make the paste and then actual butter chicken.

I decided to reduce the tikka paste recipe by 1/4 as I didn't have sufficient ingredients to make the full amount or even half of it. So, when you reduce it by 1/4 - it's hard for the TMX to accurately measure some of the ingredients so I'm not sure if that worked out properly. Can't we just have measurements like 1 teaspoon instead of 10g of this and 10g of that? Also, I just put everything in and forgot about heating certain parts and blending others so I guess I made a total disaster out of it.

When making the actual butter chicken, I almost had double the amount of chicken necessary so I just used it. Probably a good thing as otherwise there is too much sauce.

So the final product tasted alright but it just didn't taste like butter chicken. It was rather bland. I feel reluctant to make this again, mainly because of how the ingredients are in grams rather than teaspoons etc. The little jars I buy don't come in 100g as needed but 25g. Any tips/hints? What do you use? Did you make the full amount of tikka paste and where did you buy your ingredients from?

Bread / Re: Naan
« on: August 31, 2011, 05:32:21 am »
I tried this yesterday and they turned out and looked great - just like naan bread. However, didn't have that naan bread taste, more like regular bread. Is that because you need those special ovens. Also, I didn't wrap them with a tea towel once out.

Special Diets / Dairy free, gluten free, nut free recipes
« on: August 29, 2011, 02:29:43 am »
I have a friend who has just found out he needs to avoid dairy, nuts, gluten products and things like onion as it really affects his bodyily functions. It's pretty restrictive I know but can someone tell me where I can find suitable recipes - either blogs or otherwise. Even if recipes fit some of these categories, if not all.

I'd like to make some recipes for him to try in the TMX.

Just wanted to know if I can freeze this recipe or will it not taste as good?

Chit Chat / Re: eBay - am i missing something?
« on: August 26, 2011, 10:48:38 am »
Looks like the second book has sold - someone put in an offer of $58.50 and they buyer accepted. At least it was nowhere near the original $150 they were asking for.

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