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Topics - jkmt

Pages: [1]
Recipe Requests / Gluten-free vegan sandwich bread?
« on: October 23, 2011, 12:59:04 am »
Hi Everyone,
I've successfully made gluten-free bread using Cyndi O'Meara's recipe, which was great. However, I'm  now looking for a gluten-free egg-free bread that is both tasty and usable for sandwiches, and uses not-too-exotic accessible ingredients. A big ask, I know. Any recommendations?

Chit Chat / Thermomix staples
« on: September 08, 2011, 02:53:24 am »
Hi Everyone,
After six months or so of owning a Thermomix, I've realised that there is a range of staples that I always make and have on hand. I couldn't find a thread to see other people's thoughts, so thought I'd start a new one to compare notes. What are your TMX staples - the dishes or basics that you always have sitting in your fridge or freezer or that you are constantly replenishing for your family?

Mine are:
- Sliced bread and rolls (usually based on Isi's Portugeuse recipe, but there are variations)
- Yoghurt (always plain greek-style, but I'm currently also experimenting with sweet yoghurts)
- Ice cream (quite a few varieties, but vanilla or coconut are our most common ones)
- Vegetable stock
- Custard (our fave is made on coconut cream)
- Danubes (usually stuffed with olives for DH & DS' lunchboxes)
- Quirky Jo's lentil bolognaise (for use on pasta/rice, or as base for lasagna or shepherd's pie)
- Whole orange cake
- Lemon yoghurt cake
- Cinnamon scrolls
- Savoury scrolls (usually with olives, sundried tomatoes, baby spinach)
- Buttermilk scones
- Butter

I'm sure come summer, I will add lemonade, cordials and sorbets to that list.

What are your staples?

Chit Chat / Thermomix brand name
« on: August 26, 2011, 12:23:28 am »
Hi Everyone,
I notice lots of websites and blogs use the thermomix brand name in their title (including this forum!). Has anyone ever had any dramas because of this being a brand name? I'm guessing that head office isn't too worried about it, given that all these sites promote their product and contribute to more sales of the machine.

However, I wouldn't like to set a website or something like that up and then find I got in trouble because part of the name included the word Thermomix.

Any feedback from those of you who have a web entity?

Chit Chat / Questions for bloggers
« on: August 16, 2011, 01:47:28 pm »
Hi Everyone,
I've spent numerous hours in recent months not only hanging out on this forum, but also wandering around lots of TMX blogs. More hours than I can spare really! However, I've found lots of lovely recipes out of it, so thanks for being so open and sharing with your creativity and wisdom. This forum in particular has been an enormous blessing.

The experience has made me curious about blogging in general though. So I thought I'd just ask the questions which have been running around in my head. That way, hopefully I'll shut up the mental chatterbox!

Why do you blog? Is it just because you want to record your own journey (like keeping a diary?). Do you have trouble keeping the blog going? Do you get many followers? For consultants who blog, is there any benefit to your TMX business? What feedback do you get from readers, ie they like your recipes, want something more about the TMX, they share their own recipes, etc?

Just curious and being a nosy parker! Feel free to PM me if you'd rather not have lots of people reading your responses!


Bread / Gluten-free bread
« on: June 06, 2011, 03:09:24 am »
Hi Everyone,
I have visitors coming this weekend, and need to make gluten and lactose free bread for one of them (or something that can substitute for bread!). Does anyone have a good gluten-free recipe I can try?

Recipe Requests / Yoghurt for kids
« on: April 14, 2011, 02:00:25 am »
I have now made several batches of yoghurt, but sadly my kids won't eat it. They love shop-bought yoghurt, but don't like the tast of my homemade yoghurt. I have experimented with sugar to sweeten, but still no luck. Does anyone have a yoghurt recipe that suits kids' tastbuds? I have one child who will only eat vanilla yoghurt, while the other loves fruit yoghurts.

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