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Topics - lizzieO

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Help. I think the bread from the gf cookbook tastes pretty good and is not difficult to make. I slice it and freeze it and it keeps together nicely but it does seem to fall apart as a sandwich which can't eat without a knife and fork. Before I experiment (often costly and with bad results) is it the eggs or the lack of gluten that make it fall apart?  I read somewhere where you can add physillium husks to help 'glue it together", anyone tried this. I sometimes think that maybe the eggs make it more cake like - is this true?

Any comments would be welcome

Chit Chat / I've done it or my DH has
« on: August 19, 2010, 10:18:11 am »
Went to a TM presentation last night with DH. It was odd, for a person who doesn't cook much and pretty badly, he sat there and nodded his head with excitement all night. After tasting all the yummies at the end of the night the  he ordered a TM on the spot. I'm a serious gadget person and the technical person round the house and have all sorts of useless gadgets I've bought over the years and others I use a lot - DH is not. If I tell you I bought an iphone  a year ago purely 'cos I wanted one and love it, he owns a flip phone and has never even played with my phone. When I started looking at TM online and told him about it and what it did but said it sounds great but its so expensive he said "Lets get one". We replaced our kitchen in January and he still hasn't got round to finding out how to use the new oven - like many men he is allergic to instruction manuals. The decision was made so quickly that last night I was awake half the night wondering if we'd done the right thing. At 6am I told him about my concerns (almost on the verge of buyer's remorse) and he was smiling from ear to ear still full of enthusiasm - I should have woken him at 1am and then I could have slept in peace. What's more he has even agreed to read the manual and follow recipes, - halleluia. I think he is counting the sleeps. Up to now I have the cooking space mostly to myself as I love it so now I think there is going to be a serious challenge and I may even have to draw up a roster.  There are only the two of us at home but we have 5 married children and by the end of the year there'll be 11 grandchildren. I know the TM will be great, I've often made bread but this looks like it will take the slog out of it - and I'm gluten intolerant and the gf bread we had last night was great. Well this is my first post, I joined up so I could do research and gauge the enthusiasm, its awesome - doesn't seem anyone has regrets.

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