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Topics - Mayet

Pages: [1]
Main Dishes / Adobo (chicken and pork)
« on: October 03, 2009, 01:00:16 pm »
Serves 4

1/2 onion
1 MC cider vinegar
1/2 MC white vinegar
1 MC water
2 cloves garlic
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 bay leaves
1 teaspoon black peppercorns
3 chicken thigh fillets chopped
500-600g pork rashers chopped
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1/2-1 mc brown sugar
Oil for frying

Place onion and garlic in TMX chop on 7 for 5 seconds
Add oil and saute for 3 minutes 100 degrees speed 1
Add meat, vinegar, water, salt, bay leaves and peppercorns cook for 20 mins at 100 degrees speed soft.
Add soy sauce and sugar cook further 5 minutes.
Serve with white rice.

members' comments

Angela - This is a gorgeous meal, even my 3 year old who rarely eats dinner scoffed it down. I'll definitely be making this one.

VHJ - it was delicious. It was very runny so I thickened it with cornflour and served it over rice. I will definitely make this again. Thank you Mayet.

JD - Absolutely beautiful dish Mayet. Must admit I was a bit worried with all that vinegar in it but because of the reviews, I decided to try it for myself.  Mine was very runny too so I thickened it with 3 tblspns cornflour mixed with a little water then cooked it for a further 2 minutes. I removed the black peppercorns after it was cooked too (found 70 of them!) but DH still managed to bite on one. Might just used cracked black pepper next time to save me the trouble of removing them.  We both gave this one 5/5.  Served it with Karonjulie's non-fried fried rice. Cooked the whole meal on reverse and only chopped the onion and garlic on speed 7 for 2 seconds.

Introduce Yourself / Hello thermomixers
« on: October 03, 2009, 12:57:27 pm »
Hi Thermomixers

I am a mama to two little people, I am married to a chef who is always at work, so I needed a TMX so I can keep up with him. I have had my tmx for about a month now, and use it constantly. I mostly cook all my own recipes in it as I'm not too fussed with the cook books but use them as a guide for how long to cook something etc.
So far almost everything has come out great (with the exception of minced chicken, I annihilated that :lol)

I have just had a friend come over for dinner and she has told me to post the recipe for the meal I made on the forum, so here I am :)


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