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Topics - cathy79

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Tips and Tricks / EDC Mushroom Sauce tips?
« on: October 17, 2009, 04:10:38 am »
Last night I made the mushroom sauce from EDC pg 101 and steamed zuchini and sausages instead of meatloaf.  But the mushroom sauce didn't turn out - it was just sauteed mushrooms with no liquid, and very, very strong.  Definitely not a sauce.

Is there a trick I've missed?  I cooked it for the right amount of time, 40 minutes at Varoma.

Recipe Requests / Gherkin Relish - like the Masterfooods recipe
« on: October 12, 2009, 09:30:00 am »
We love Gherkin Relish.  But the jar is now empty, and not being replaced.  Does anyone have a recipe?

Bread / Fruit Toast
« on: October 11, 2009, 02:06:31 am »
This is based upon the Basic Bread from EDC cookbook and Hot Cross Buns by Winosandfoodies

100g Whole Wheat Grain
300g luke warm water (1 1/4 cup)
20g fresh yeast or 1 sachet dry yeast or 2 tsp instant dried yeast
1 tsp salt
400g Bakers Flour
20g Olive Oil
1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cloves
3 tbs sugar
1 1/2 handfuls sultanas

Place whole wheat grain into  *:.  Mill for 1 minute on speed 9 firmly holding piece of cardboard over MC hole to prevent flour storm.
Add water, then yeast, salt, flour, oil, spices and sugar.  Mix for 5 seconds speed 7 to combine.
Set dial to closed lid position.  Knead the dough for 1 minute and 30 seconds on interval speed.  Add sultanas through MC hole halfway through kneading.

Allow dough to rise using your favourite method, until double in size.  Bake for 20 minutes in a fan forced oven at 180 deg.
Be careful not to overcook.  Because of the sugar, it cooks a bit quicker than standard bread, and the sultanas will burn if overcooked.

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Spumone AL Caffe (Ice Coffee) EDC
« on: October 11, 2009, 01:50:17 am »
Recipe Name:   Spumone Al Caffe (Ice Coffee)
Book Name:     Everyday Cooking for every family
Review:           Absolutely Delicious - Grind for 1 minute for Frappe style.  The longer you, the fluffier and softer it becomes.  Use good coffee for best flavour.  Could use for iced chocolate or iced mocha
Score: (out of 5*)  10 out of 5 - from a family of serious iced coffee nuts!

Tip - I just put everything in the bowl together, not need to grind sugar and coffee first.

News about Thermomix / Thermomix in November Australian Women's Health
« on: October 11, 2009, 12:34:31 am »
Page 52, under section called "Kitchen Made - The gadgets and gizmos that had us salivating this Month"

This Jetson-esque machine does pretty much everything except your tax return.  It cooks, blends, steams, minces, weighs, peels, grates and crushes ice.  Gordon Ramsay and George Calombaris both have the Thermomix TM31 in their kitchens.  At $1939 it ain't cheap, but we estimate that buying separate appliances adds up to around $3k.

And there's a little picture.  A very short article, but to the point.

Seafood and Fish / Tuna Mornay
« on: October 09, 2009, 07:50:06 am »
Finally got around to converting my mum's tuna mornay recipe which I've cooked for years, and adapted a little.

Feeds approx 4 people

50g butter
50g plain flour
500g milk
80g cheese cubed or roughly chopped
420g tinned tuna in brine, drained
100g frozen peas (1 cup)
large tsp vegetable stock concentrate

Place butter, flour, milk and cheese in  *: and cook 7min 90deg  ^^.
Add tuna, peas and vegetable stock concentrate and cook approx 10min 90deg ^^ :-: or until hot and peas are cooked.
Serve with pasta or rice.

Can add optional lemon juice.  I also add sliced mushrooms if I have them.
Mum always served this with rice, but I prefer pasta.
Cheese - I started with 50g cheese but it wasn't nearly enough so added another 50g.  The cheese taste seems to get stronger as the sauce cooks, so next time I wouldn't add as much and will try 80g as stated above.

Members' comments
Shayla - It is usually best to make the sauce without the cheese and to stir in the cheese during the last minute. I always add a little mustard to a cheese sauce too.

Lilli33 - So good, this is so tasty.

Chit Chat / When Children go Crazy, What do you Blame?
« on: October 09, 2009, 06:53:17 am »
My eldest is 4.5 and (although I'm biased) is a great little girl.  She started sleeping through at 6 weeks and has done so ever since.  Many (okay most) parents are jealous of this.

But on two occasions, we've had terrible nights.  And I believe that both are linked to food.  The first was when she was about 2 and we went to a BBQ.  She ate about 3 Twisties, the first time she'd ever had anything like that before.  That night she woke up every hour screaming.  We'd settle her down in about 10 minutes, and the same thing continued all night.

Last week we went to a coffee shop and bought her a chocolate fudge cookie.  You know the ones in the glass jars that have been mass produced but somehow have a homemade price tag.  I had a little piece, and although edible, it tasted fake.  Well the same thing happened.  Up every hour screaming etc.

It's fascinating that an innocent biscuit could do this.  Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, but if this has only happened twice in 4.5 years, what do you think?  What sends your kids (or yourself) crazy?  After all, this is why I (and probably most parents on this forum) are taking back control over what our family eats!

Tips and Tricks / Bechamel Sauce (EDC) Help Please
« on: October 04, 2009, 11:16:36 am »
Seems that lots of people use the bechamel sauce from EDC - are there any tricks?  Just made a lasanga using this sauce, and the sauce is very floury and runny.  I probably should have cooked it a bit more but there were good reviews for the recipe, so went with it.

Have I done something wrong or is there a tweak out there that I've overlooked?

Recipe Requests / Christmas Section
« on: October 02, 2009, 08:54:36 am »
Just had a look at the "festive"section.  It's rather sad at the moment.  We need to get our Christmas thinking hats on soon!  I'm yet to "host" a Christmas but I'm booked as host for next year.

As a start, I'll have to get my mum's brandy custard recipe and convert it.

Recipe Requests / Custard Filled Pecan Danish
« on: September 29, 2009, 09:04:37 am »
Just been flicking through the Coles catalogue which is much quicker these days.  So many pages (and pages and pages) of things to just skip past and ignore.

Then the Custard Filled Pecan Danish jumped out at me on the bakery page.  At $6, quite expensive and I hate to think what's in it.  So, where to start on a replacement dish?  Custard and icing should be easy, but what about the cakey, danishey bit?

Chit Chat / Total Time Logged In:
« on: September 29, 2009, 08:36:43 am »
Okay, I'll go first and see who else is game... drum roll please

Total Time Logged In: 1 Day, 1 Hour and 1 Minute!    :o

Not bad since I've only had TMX for 1 month.

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Recipe Review - Mushroom Soup - EDC
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:05:37 am »
Recipe Name:  Mushroom Soup
Book Name:  EDC
Tweaking details:
Review: very easy
Score: (out of 5*)  3/5

A very simple, quick recipe.  If you like mushroom soup, give it a try.
I love mushrooms, but I prefer them cooked in other ways, not in a soup.  I've remembered that after making the soup!

Tips and Tricks / How do you store your bread?
« on: September 28, 2009, 10:11:47 am »
I've been using freezer bags to store my bread, but they're so thin that they tear very easily.  And one tiny hole can make the bread stale very quickly.

I always make 2 loaves and freeze one.  I find it's quicker to make 2 at a time as everything is out, the oven is on etc.

How do you store your bread?

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Recipe Review - Bacon, Leek and Tomato Risotto
« on: September 23, 2009, 01:59:13 am »
Recipe:  Bacon, Leek and Tomato Risotto
Author:  Cookie1
Review: 5/5 - never any leftovers - 3 large adult serves

3 cups water
3 good teaspoons vegie stock
3 rashers of bacon
1 leek
1 clove garlic
200g arborio rice
1/4 cup white wine (I used verjuice)
125g small cherry tomatoes, halved
45g olive oil
1/4 cup parmesan

Grate the parmesan for 3 seconds on speed 9.
Place garlic clove into TM bowl and chop for 5 seconds on speed 7(added by Thermomixer - may not be right!)
Chop white part of leek and place in the bowl with the garlic and sliced bacon and oil. 2 minutes, 100o speed 1.
Add rice and wine. Cook 2 minutes at 100o reverse speed soft.
Add stock and water, cook for 7 minutes 100oReverse, speed soft.
Add the halved tomatoes and cook a further 10 minutes as above. Place in thermoserver, stir through the parmesan and let sit for 5 minutes.

Variations: I use spring onion instead of leek, just a personal preference.  And 3 normal tomatoes (diced), as I always have them on hand.

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