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Topics - Lexi

Pages: 1 [2]
Suggestions and Complaints / Marking recipes as favourites
« on: May 13, 2011, 09:11:11 am »
Is there a way to mark recipes as favourites so I can mark them and come back to them later? Or do people just write them down to come back to?

Tips and Tricks / Popcorn??
« on: May 13, 2011, 09:03:54 am »
Can you pop popcorn in the thermomix?

Desserts / Custards but runny when cold
« on: May 11, 2011, 10:41:04 am »

Does anyone have a recipe for a custard that is runny like the shop bought ones when it's cold?  Or are they called something special so I can find one?  My toddlers love custard but runny, but whenever it's cold it's too set for them.  I've tried with eggs, without eggs, and almost 1/4'ing the cornflour and it is still too set :(

CHRISTMAS / Royal Icing in thermomix
« on: November 21, 2010, 04:43:31 am »
Anyone have a neverfail recipe for the thermomix version they'd share please?

Tips and Tricks / Heating Thermomix bowl before adding ingredients
« on: February 11, 2010, 10:29:47 am »
How exactly do you do this?  I don't want to burn the bowl out.

Special Diets / Looking for a break/cake recipe that's gluten free
« on: January 20, 2010, 10:59:47 pm »
but not crumbly like cake.  My toddlers don't like cake and how it's crumbly yet they love bread and finger buns.

BUT they are supposed to be gluten free.  Any ideas?  Anyone made finger buns with gluten free flours?

Desserts / Reinvigorating Sorbet from freezer
« on: January 13, 2010, 09:38:01 am »
Ok any tips on how to reinvigorate sorbet made originally in the Thermomix, but been in freezer for couple weeks??

Introduce Yourself / One from SA
« on: January 11, 2010, 10:29:44 pm »
Hi, I'm Lexi mum to 2 little boys and living in Adelaide Hills.  I got my Thermomix just before Christmas and love it.  Makes life so much easier!  Hubby has learnt to use it for protein drinks in the am and to clean it too :)

Pretty much my kids have chemical sensitivities and compromised gut issues, so I need to know 100% what goes into them, hence the Thermomix to make life a little easier.

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