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Messages - TQTB

Pages: [1]
Hi everyone
Just wanted to know.... I've been invited to a BBQ and I'm in charge of dessert!  I've got a lovely recipe for apple & berry crumble...nsteam apples & berries then make the crumble for on top.  Could I make it up ahead of time?
Also can you make the custard ahead of time and heat in a pot at friends house??
Or do I just take my TM with and do it all there??
Thanks  ???

Recipe Requests / Re: Coffee and Date Muffins...
« on: June 16, 2012, 02:11:15 am »
Thanks - yes think it's the one from devil of a cookbook that was there, guess I will need to buy the book tee hee. Thanks again

Recipe Requests / Coffee and Date Muffins...
« on: June 15, 2012, 11:08:58 pm »
Hi everyone
I went to the Biggest Morning tea event held here in Adelaide this week - it was fantastic, thank you!  Anyway someone had made mini muffins which had the sign "coffee and date muffins"".  They also had a lovely thin layer of icing.  They were so yummie.... I have a breakfast event at my home on Monday morning and I would LOVE to get hold of this recipe if anyone might have it??

Greatly appreciated.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Thermomix owner.. From Adelaide :-))
« on: May 13, 2012, 11:43:06 am »
Thanks so much for all your wonderful messages - so heart warming!! Looking forward to chatting more as I embark on my TM journey.
Thanks again and have a super week :)

Chit Chat / Re: Just got my TM... should I sell my Kenwood Chef???
« on: May 13, 2012, 11:41:09 am »
Thanks so much for all your feedback  :)
Yes to buy a Kenwood new is expensive and I won't get much for it if I sell. Great advice to hang on to it for the bigger cakes etc... I've given my bread maker away to a friend, hope the TM can handle my bread making needs. I guess time will tell.
Thanks again  :)

Recipe Requests / Puff pastry recipe for a chicken pie...??
« on: May 13, 2012, 03:46:25 am »
I'm a newbie I want to make a chicken pie... I've found a great recipe for the actual pie filling but I can't find a recipe for a normal (not GF or anything) puff pastry recipe.
Any suggestions please?  I don't want to get a shop pastry I want to make my own....
Thanks in advance  :)

Chit Chat / Just got my TM... should I sell my Kenwood Chef???
« on: May 13, 2012, 03:30:59 am »
Hi everyone
I'm a new and very proud owner of a TM  ;D I wanted to get some advice... I've already re-homed my bread maker and liquidiser and wanted to know your thoughts about my Kenwood Chef... will I ever use it again?  Will the TM be able to handle making a larger cake batter?  The Kenwood Chef is great but no point in hanging on to it if I won't ever use it again...  I also have a stick blender... I suppose no use in keeping that??
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated  :)

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Thermomix owner.. From Adelaide :-))
« on: May 13, 2012, 03:27:45 am »
Thanks everyone.  My actual birthday is the 17th of May  ;D
Had a wonderful day yesterday using the TM... and this morning we make the piklets for brekkie - super yummie.
Look forward to heading on this adverture with the help and support from the forum.

Introduce Yourself / New Thermomix owner.. From Adelaide :-))
« on: May 12, 2012, 11:51:49 am »
My hero hubby surprised me with a Thermomix for Mothers Day and my Birthday  ;D. Best present EVER!!!
I've wanted one for ages so it was a awesome surprise when the consultant knocked on the door with the special delivery!! Only got it yesterday and today I made the veg stock concentrate, too easy choc cake and a bacon & mushroom risotto.  It was so great, obviously slower than when you know what you are doing.
I have two sons ages 6 and 3 and I can't wait to make healthy meals without all the preservatives and chemicals that you find in foods these day's!

I so excited about this new adventure and look forward to getting to know all the fellow Thermomix users on the forum  ;D

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