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Messages - Mixanthon

Pages: [1]
Seafood and Fish / Tagliatelle with smoked salmon
« on: July 21, 2008, 10:09:26 pm »

1 average sized pack of smoked salmon
1 small box of cherry tomatoes
1 pack of fresh Tagliatelle
1 pack of cream
2 teaspoons of garlic powder
Olive oil, salt and pepper
Grated Parmesan cheese


place the tomatoes quickly over a naked flame and remove the skin. Cover the base of the bowl with olive oil and place the peeled tomaotes (whole).

Give three turbo boosts, then add the garlic powder, salt and pepper. Cook for 5 minutes, 100ºC speed 1
Place the cut smoked salmon, and cook for a further 3 minutes, 90ºC, counter clockwise.
Add the cream via the hole and cook for a further 2 minutes, 90ºC, counter clockwise.
In the meantime cook the tagliatelle in boiling water until "al dente". Strain the pasta and let it cool a little (to stop the pasta getting sticky, add a little olive  oil and mix around.
Take out the salmon mix from the bowl and mix with the tagliatelle. The to finish off, sprinkle the grated Parmesan on top.

I hope you enjoy the recipe.

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