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Messages - Mali

Pages: [1] 2
Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from Lincoln UK
« on: August 15, 2010, 11:26:14 am »
Hi, you're not far from me, I'm up the road in Hull  :).

Tons of great recipes here to try and a lovely, warm and friendly forum. Enjoy your thermomix.

Thanks for the tip about the carpet stain remover, DH sometimes brings the garden in with him. I have good results with the ecozone stain remover for my laundry.I love all recommendations by anyone.Have you tried the silicone pods to poach eggs in the steamer basket in the TM?They work well but you have to make sure they are well greased.

I got better results by doing eggs en cocotte in the varoma in little ramekins. Again something else I need to say goodbye to, my egg pods. :-\ :)

Hi Mali - and welcome! Glad to hear you're enjoying Herman.  Aren't he and the Remoska a match made in heaven?  ;D  I often combine the 2.

Are you a Lakeland addict too, or did you just go for the Remoska?

My name is Mali and I'm a recovering Lakeland addict ;).

Actually bizarrely enough the new catalogue came today and I resisted buying anything, although there are a few things I may look at more closely. :D

But no, my appliance cravings are well and truly satisfied at the mo with Herm **sighs** I'm in

Poor old remoska hasn't seen much action since we got the cooker, ah well, I may take the remoska away with me this weekend. They are good though. :)

Recipe Requests / Re: Easy Traybake?
« on: July 07, 2010, 02:58:50 am »
I made the almond and cherry cake recipe from the Fast and Easy Cookery book, I didn't tamper with the ingredients but there was that much I put it into a large roasting tray and it adequately filled it.

Tastes delicious too.

You could always do the bimby chocolate cake recipe, traybake it and then smother in icing and sprinkles.

Or the marsbar and rice krispies recipe, super fast, super easy and super yumptious, maybe drizzle white chocolate on top for a contrast?

Cakes / Re: Isi´s easy Crumbel Fruit Cake
« on: July 07, 2010, 02:45:17 am »
Lovely and welcome back...I'm new but I'm already aware of your amazing bread and the fact you have been very missed by the Hello and glad to meet you. ;D

I 'forgot' I had a rice cooker too...oops...haven't used that for ages...another one for the list of things to go.

I think I need to be ruthless really, and honest about what I do use and how frequently. I have too many gadgets taking up too much room anyway. I can't justify keeping things I don't use really...done that for far too many years. :-[

Welcome / Re: Karen's Poll - where are you from???
« on: July 03, 2010, 12:30:53 pm »
Strange that there are only 8 from the UK - do they have an alternate forum or outlet?

Not that I'm aware of, this appears to be the only dedicated english language forum for thermomix...could be wrong but I haven't found any other one. I'm UK too and voted.  ;)

Chit Chat / Re: Anyone in the U.K. interested buying a TM21
« on: July 03, 2010, 12:28:04 pm »
I think if she stuck it on ebay she'll be pleasantly surprised at how much it could sell for...they very rarely come up on the UK ebay to my knowledge.

Hi all, I will be in the future getting rid a few items from my kitchen. Firstly because they are now no longer used and I don't think I will use them and secondly to offset the cost of the thermomix.

I'll be getting rid of these items;

magic bullet
hand chopper/whisker
ice cream maker
juicers x 2
scales x 2

thinking about getting rid of the magimix and possibly my Kenwood Patissier although I'm not quite sure yet.

Have many of you ruthlessly decluttered or do you advise keeping some items?

Chit Chat / Re: Anyone in the U.K. interested buying a TM21
« on: July 03, 2010, 12:18:54 pm »
I just wondered, could your friend stick it on ebay, it'd surely sell on there.x

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: July 03, 2010, 12:17:31 pm »
Hi and welcome. :)

Chit Chat / Re: Anyone in the U.K. interested buying a TM21
« on: July 02, 2010, 07:07:35 pm »
Do you know how much she wants for it?

Cakes / Re: Nutella Tart (with photo)
« on: June 24, 2010, 12:44:07 pm »
Looks gorgeous, this will go on my list of 'one's to make'...urgently. :)

Desserts / Re: Mars Bar Slice
« on: June 22, 2010, 09:57:09 pm »
Hi all, I made this yesterday and just used plain rice crispies as they're called in the UK...well atually they were the cheaper Aldi brand.

Came out absolutely lovely. I'm thinking about freezing some to smash up and then sprinkle on custard or icecream.

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