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Messages - failed_goddess

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Just found the forum!
« on: November 23, 2008, 05:48:07 am »
Hello all, My name is Sue and I am truly an awful cook - my sons' friends all come round to eat my husbands cooking, but since buying my Thermomix about a year ago, I have several recipes in my repertoire - most of which are edible!

I have been hunting on the web for a forum such as this, and found it quite by accident, so looking forward to becoming part of a Thermomix community!

I am now going to settle down to read the posts.

PS forgot to say that I am also from Perth, Western Australia. There are loads of us because we've all got better things to do than stand around in the kitchen all day - hence Thermo is fantastic. Also forgot to mention that aforementioned husband is a complete Thermo convert and his Lasagne is to die for!!

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