Forum Thermomix

Welcoming Center, Management and General Chat => Chit Chat => Topic started by: deedub on May 10, 2012, 03:34:54 am

Title: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: deedub on May 10, 2012, 03:34:54 am
Hi all, I know Masterchef has started this week but I haven't been watching it. I was addicted to it the last 2 seasons but I'm trying not to get sucked in this year!
Has anyone been watching it? Maybe I should just take a little peek......
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: DizzyGirl on May 10, 2012, 04:01:30 am
No dee, havent watched it. DH hates reality shows.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: fundj&e on May 10, 2012, 04:03:46 am
not this year deedub, i am waching to many show at the moment
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: jeninwa on May 10, 2012, 04:10:38 am
I'm recording it. Haven't had a chance to watch any yet. Hopefully next week I will get time to watch some.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: Cuilidh on May 10, 2012, 04:29:26 am
No. I'm not watching it, I can't be bothered with it any more.  I think it has "lost its way".  Like DizzyGirl's DH, I'm completely over reality shows, they are mostly becoming cheap, tacky and formulaic these days.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: obbie on May 10, 2012, 04:33:29 am
No not watching, I mainly watch Pay TV now.

Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: EmeraldSue on May 10, 2012, 04:50:05 am
No, I watched the last series and the kids got addicted too. It goes on too long and it's on so many nights a week. It's too big a time commitment though, so I,ve purposefully not been watching this time. Besides, we are addicted to the ABC repeats of Dr Who.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: Wonder on May 10, 2012, 04:56:29 am
We have recorded and then watched the few episodes that have already been on. there are so many ads and they go over so much of the same information that there is no way I could watch it live. We watch very little in our household but have been hooked on Biggest Loser and will now most likely watch most of masterchef although I wouldn't imagine every day and definitely not live. There are already a few people I really think they could have done without.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: JulieO on May 10, 2012, 05:25:01 am
No me neither.  Watched the first 2 seasons, then lost interest.

I do however like the fact that since these shows started our supermarkets stock a wider selections of produce than they did before.  Obviously more people asking for different things because of these shows has made the supermarkets take note and that can only be a good thing.  :)
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: Cuilidh on May 10, 2012, 05:35:41 am
Good point, Julie.  Also, I believe it is getting more and more people interested in cooking again, which is a very good thing.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: Amy :-) on May 10, 2012, 08:05:25 am
I'd love too, but I'm just too tired by night time. I get impatient with the ad breaks too :P
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: jkmt on May 10, 2012, 01:08:21 pm
Yes, we're watching it. Although I'm not sure that we'll be quite as dedicated this season, simply because it is just so many nights each week. We've been fans ever since the first series when the wife of one of DH's acquaintances was on it - so we started watching then because of her and got absolutely addicted. I thought last series got a bit too 'big', but I'm enjoying this series again because they seem to have bought it back to being more about the food. So far anyway.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: CreamPuff63 on May 10, 2012, 01:26:11 pm
think I have seen 1-2  shows, but seem to be too  pre-occupied here on the forum. I am a MKR fan.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: pumpkin pie on May 10, 2012, 02:07:35 pm
I Would rather check through all the thermomix forum stuff when I get home if I have some free time (which isn't often) to see what is going on here,
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: Merlin on May 11, 2012, 01:14:33 am
I'm watching it as:
1. I didn't watch a single episode of MKR (didnt want to- no interest!)
2. Current episodes of masterchef are in Melbourne filmed in our glorious Exhibition Buildings- how could you miss seeing the grand old dame of our city? They also had an episode filmed on the Mornington Peninsula as well as an upcoming one in Daylesford filmed at the Lake House with Alla Tasker-Wolf - I cant wait for that one. The Lake House has to be one of the best restaurants in Australia!
3. I dont watch any other reality TV shows eg The Voice, X factor etc. I know names of the shows but don't give a hoot about what they are about.
4. Have better things to do with my time than watch TV- rather spend time with the kids, tape shows and watch them after my kids are in bed if I get a chance.
5. Love the fact that occasionally a TM comes up on Masterchef- ie TM spotting!
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: mab19 on May 11, 2012, 03:03:21 am
No, we are not watching it.  DH is not keen on these shows and I don't like that they it is on nearly every night.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: jkmt on May 11, 2012, 01:37:38 pm
Love the fact that occasionally a TM comes up on Masterchef- ie TM spotting!

Actually, Masterchef was where I first saw a Thermomix, so it has been an expensive show for me! I'm very glad I saw it though.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: Bubbles on May 11, 2012, 03:14:32 pm
Love the fact that occasionally a TM comes up on Masterchef- ie TM spotting!

Actually, Masterchef was where I first saw a Thermomix, so it has been an expensive show for me! I'm very glad I saw it though.

Oh really? I have never spotted a TM on Masterchef, but keep thinking if I"m ever watching it that they so NEED one on that show!
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: Merlin on May 11, 2012, 04:12:05 pm
They had quite a few TMs particularly in the first and also second series.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: JuliaBalbilla on May 11, 2012, 06:58:02 pm
The first time I spotted a TM on television here was in an Aussie programme (either Masterchef or Come Dine With Me??).  They are now using them a lot in Great British Menu (where professional chefs compete to cook for special events - this year for Olympians), which is great, but never seen in the UK versions of Masterchef / Come Dine With Me.  Here, I think that currently they are regarded as being an professional kitchen item because of this  :(

Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: Merlin on May 11, 2012, 07:10:50 pm
I have been watching the UK master chef on pay TV and haven't seen TMs either. I think it's a shame that they aren't widely publicised as TMs are perfect for flats and apartments/ small kitchens- they would definitely be approved by Jamie Oliver with his eating healthy food movement/ cook your own food policies. Having lived in and visiting the UK I can't remember anyone I knew having a TM and most of them were relying on takeaways and eating out due to the small size of their kitchens and they were bemoaning how hard it was to cook properly in them. Personally, I think a lot of my friends were lazy eg  it doesn't take much to boil water or make an omelette!!! Also, I was a student at the time so the flats I stayed in probably arent representative of the rest of the country!!
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: fundj&e on May 11, 2012, 08:50:34 pm
i did last night for about 15mins . george calombaris made Pommes dauphine shoe pastry mixed with mashed potato then you deep fried them .

i have never seen or heard of Pommes dauphine  b4

will be trying these soon  ;D

Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: Twitterpated on May 12, 2012, 02:15:24 am
Haven't seen the first few episodes as we just flew back in from a holiday in Fiji. Watched some of the show last night but fell asleep (had been up since 2.30am travelling home). I will watch it from now on as I can't help myself when it comes to cooking shows.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: Halex on May 12, 2012, 02:21:07 am
Uni they are delish.

Never made them

H ;)
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: mcmich on May 12, 2012, 04:40:38 am
I love Masterchef. I usually record it and then I can fast forward through the adds.
And of course I'm cheering for Andy our Local Newcastle Lad.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: cookie1 on May 12, 2012, 04:42:53 am
I enjoy Masterchef but haven't seen any shows this year. I usually get into watching it when there are a few less contestants. I enjoy the Friday night Master class.

My DH also hates reality shows and I must agree I don't like most of them. Sorry CP I really don't like MKR.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: gertbysea on May 12, 2012, 05:46:53 am
They had quite a few TMs particularly in the first and also second series.

That is when George and Grace had a contract no doubt. She doesn't need him any more. Most professional chefs kitchens would have All the gadgets  including the Thermomix and HotmixPro. Perhaps we will see the Hotmix Pro next. That I would like to see in action. A bit too sophisticated perhaps for the show ... or not! 

For MC there is no point in allowing them to use a Thermomix if they do not know the basic elements of cooking which some of them clearly do not.

Would  we be making a carrot purée by mashing it through a sieve three times? I think not. Aren't we lucky?


Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: Bubbles on May 12, 2012, 06:08:18 am
They had quite a few TMs particularly in the first and also second series.
Was it mainly in the masterclasses or were the contestants allowed to use the TMX?
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: kezza on May 12, 2012, 09:48:27 am
I've watched every season, but for some reason I just don't have as much interest this year.  I will start watching when they whittle down the contestants.  Probably will start taping the show so I don't have to watch all the adds.  I did like watching MKR though, but there were too many ad breaks on that too.
Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: JuliaBalbilla on May 12, 2012, 10:18:28 am
I have been watching the UK master chef on pay TV and haven't seen TMs either.  Having lived in and visiting the UK I can't remember anyone I knew having a TM and most of them were relying on takeaways and eating out due to the small size of their kitchens

Sadly, a lot of kitchens here are very small indeed, especially in newish properties and I agree, we do tend to be a nation of takeaway eaters  :-[ However, I feel that a TM would be a indispensable in a small kitchen.

A bit of good news though.  As I type, I am watching Saturday Kitchen (James Martin) and for the first time ever on this programme, James used a TM to make a pea puréé.  He didn't say what it was, except that it was a 'noisy machine'.  It did sound noisy, but he was using a high speed.  Makes a pleasant change from seeing Kitchen Aids everywhere  ;D

Title: Re: Is anyone watching Masterchef?
Post by: AmandaN on May 12, 2012, 12:13:17 pm
Even in these early episodes of Masterchef you can spot TMXs on the shelves in the background.   In previous seasons I don't think they used them until later.  I would assume they have to be trained on a lot of these pieces of equipment.  Particularly the industrial sized things they come across in challenges.  If only for an OHS aspect.