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Welcoming Center, Management and General Chat => Recipe Book Recipe Reviews => Topic started by: CreamPuff63 on January 20, 2012, 12:26:45 am

Title: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: CreamPuff63 on January 20, 2012, 12:26:45 am
Oh so scrummy  :D Needed no marinating time, but required more cooking time in my oven. Served it with the fried rice as suggested, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. 5/5
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: judydawn on January 20, 2012, 12:27:59 am
Nice to know in advance how this is going to turn out, on the menu for tonight.  Thanks CP
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: judydawn on January 20, 2012, 09:18:59 am
Like CP, we had these with the fried rice from the same book.  With a meal like this, I always start preparation early in the day so I steamed them in the morning & marinated them in the fridge until ready to cook for tea but that isn't necessary.  Too hot to use the oven here today so I cooked mine in the weber which showed 200oC (recipe says to cook at 160oC) and like CP, I still had to cook for extra time for them to brown. I did 5 minutes extra.  CP did you cook them at 160oC and if so, how much longer did yours take.
We love pork spare ribs here and these are very tasty. I did half the recipe.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: CreamPuff63 on January 20, 2012, 09:23:53 am
5:30pm here JD so just the sight of those pics is making my stomach growl  :-)) I did put them on 160o and it was a really hot day, so I had to sit outside until they cooked (drinking wine)...may have been up to 30mins
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Merlin on January 20, 2012, 09:34:38 am
Thanks everyone for your reviews of this cookbook. I have been debating getting a copy but after all of these positive reviews I think I will have to buy one!
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: CreamPuff63 on January 20, 2012, 09:38:06 am
DD was going through the book putting little pieces of paper of the recipes she wanted to write out. I saw them all and I said "you're putting markers on every page!  :o"  so I will have to buy her a book as a going away present.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: judydawn on January 20, 2012, 09:40:37 am
You won't be sorry Merlin, it's a great book and you know we are honest with our reviews here. I'd go as far as to say this book should be given with every TMX bought along with the EDC for basic instructions.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Merlin on January 20, 2012, 09:43:46 am
Well coming from you Judy, that is strong praise indeed so I promise I am now committed to getting a copy. Just need to convince my DH that I need another cookbook to add to the huge stockpile!
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Cornish Cream on January 20, 2012, 10:53:27 am
The ribs and fried rice look wonderful Judy. :) Thanks to you and CP for the tip about extra cooking time on the ribs.Will make a note in my book when it arrives ;)
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: cecilia on January 20, 2012, 01:00:43 pm
Yo I'd go as far as to say this book should be given with every TMX bought along with the EDC for basic instructions.

Wow, JD, Aylce will be pleased to read that!
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: goldfish on January 20, 2012, 08:54:18 pm
I'd second (and third!!) that!!  It would be interesting to know if HO has seen it - sure they would have by now!
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: knittercook on January 20, 2012, 09:41:17 pm
You won't be sorry Merlin, it's a great book and you know we are honest with our reviews here. I'd go as far as to say this book should be given with every TMX bought along with the EDC for basic instructions.

The ribs look delicious Judy and yes I agree, this book would have been great to have when I was first starting out.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Twitterpated on February 06, 2012, 09:10:41 pm
Made these and everyone has said - they are a definite yum. I made the marinade in the morning and then steamed and cooked in the afternoon. They were well browned in the time stated but would probably cook a little extra next time to crisp them up. I was concerned by how runny the marinade was but all went fine. I served with salad as it was just too hot here to make the fried rice and they tasted great.

As the book says "simply melts in your mouth". 5/5
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: maddy on September 07, 2012, 10:56:48 am
Yum!  Pork was really tender.


I would have cooked them for about 50-55 minutes.
I didn't have star anise, so added 1 tsp. Chinese 5 spice to the marinade.

Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Zada on September 08, 2012, 09:48:38 am
These look yum, is someone able to pm me the recipe please??  :)
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Halex on September 18, 2012, 06:28:55 am
I have these marinating for tea tonight. 1.5kgs for 3 of us, it doesnt look that much. The recipe says 2kgs for 6  people. Going to do some chicken kebabs too.

I think its going to be yumm

Ok need to use glasses, no wonder my ribs didnt look much, they weighed 0.558, not 1.558 as I thought, so glad I did some kebabs too :)

H :)
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Aussie Brenda on September 18, 2012, 07:31:56 am
Hee Hee.  I was thinking you are really big eaters ;D :D ;D :D
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Halex on September 18, 2012, 07:41:06 am
I am shocking without my glasses :-))

H :)

The ribs are in the oven, our house smells devine, cant wait to try them. I used the rest of the marinade for chicken :). Another 10 mins.....

5/5  from all of us, ddnt bother to steam, 60 mins in the oven at 180 perfect :)
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Nik2WIN on January 10, 2013, 06:40:16 pm
This is the first recipe I've done from this book.

I've been completely bowled over by the reception from my children.  All three absolutely loved it!  Boy1 and 2 have Aspergers and are really fussy eaters, sadly neither has the same tastes.  Boy3 is only 4 and has the appetite of a sparrow but they are loving this.

In terms of prep time and actual *work* this couldn't have been easier, although next time I make this I will marinate the meat for a while.  I served it with noodles as boy1 doesn't like rice  :o

Will definitely do this again.

Nik xx
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: consumerate on February 10, 2013, 09:09:11 am
Tried these today. Used soy in place of tamari. I think that messed with the balance of flavours though because it was a bit too salty. An incredibly rich dish. I allowed three ribs per person but could only eat two of the smallest.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: leoness79 on February 25, 2013, 12:59:35 pm
What did I do wrong?? Maybe it was the actual ribs which ended up quite tough and gristly!!! The marinade was really runny and didn't go sticky at all! Was ok flavour but really oily and ended up with an oily oily mess on the plate. Also my ribs ended up looking like cutlets with the meat all up one end and a bare bone on the other after the steaming. This wasn't really a problem though as it made them easier to eat. Overall not a great dish but I am assuming it was probably something I did as everyone else seems to love it?
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: cottchick on March 31, 2013, 02:53:53 am
I'm planning on doing this one tonight for a crowd, approx 8 adults and 9 kids. Anyone got any tips for doing this in a large quantity?

Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: judydawn on March 31, 2013, 11:44:41 am
Leoness79, did you use the spare ribs like the ones you have seen in the pictures on this thread.  There is no bone in them and they shouldn't have ended up gristly.

Cottchick you could also put some of the spareribs in the steaming basket to cope with the extra quantity and perhaps double the marinade.  Don't worry if those in the steaming basket are submerged in the water - in my favourite recipe for spareribs I used to boil them in water before marinating and cooking in the oven.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: asha_76 on May 04, 2013, 04:14:05 am
Can anyone provide any tips on halving this recipe?

Hubby has come home from shops with two trays of pork spare ribs (there are 11 in total) & is adamant there will be far too much if I cook both trays.  There are 4 of us but two are children.

Would I still make the same amount of marinade & cook for the same amount of time or would I need to halve everything including cooking time?
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Wonder on September 24, 2013, 10:36:31 pm
I used this marinade last night but marinated the ribs for a few hours before cooking in the pressure cooker for 20 mins and then finishing off in a high heat oven to brown them up a little. I also strained and reduced the sauce after cooking in the PC as it was very runny. Next time i would also go to the trouble of removing the fat from the marinade. I served with fried rice and it was a hit with everyone.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: judydawn on September 24, 2013, 11:18:48 pm
I've just noticed Asha's question went unanswered.  Sorry Asha, how did you get on with this one.  I would have thought 11 spare ribs between your family wouldn't have been too much unless they were extra large, most men could eat 4 at least.  Better late than never, you would halve the marinade if using 1kg spareribs but the cooking time would be the same.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: asha_76 on September 29, 2013, 11:35:51 am
Hi judydawn,

No problem at all.  Even though they were very large, I ended up cooking all the spare ribs anyway so I didn't have to worry about halving in the end.

But thanks for the tip anyway.  Now that my 19 month old son is eating almost as much as his dad most nights, I don't think I will be halving many Thermomix recipes again!
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: judydawn on September 29, 2013, 11:39:58 am
Boy that toddler is going to cost you a lot to feed if he is already eating as much as his Dad Asha  :o ;D
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Chocolatte on November 06, 2013, 11:25:10 pm
I'm glad that there are many positive reviews for this recipe. I haven't had many hits with thermomix recipes unfortunately. I plan to make these soon. i have a question though. What is tamari please, and where do I buy it?
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: judydawn on November 07, 2013, 08:49:38 am
Both soy sauce and tamari are made from fermented soybeans, with the amount of wheat being the main difference between the two. When it comes right down to it, tamari is really a broad class of soy sauce that's made with no (or little) wheat and a greater concentration of soybeans.

Because of this, the flavour differs as well. You'll notice that Japanese tamari is thicker, richer, and less salty than most soy sauce. I think the flavour tends to be smoother and because of that, we've started to use it in dipping sauces instead of soy sauce.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Chocolatte on November 07, 2013, 08:57:42 am
Thanks for the detailed reply Judy. :)  I'm guessing that a large supermarket should have it. If not, I guess an alternative would be low salt soy sauce.
Title: Re: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Jamberie on November 09, 2013, 03:13:44 am
Yes, these days most supermarkets have tamari. If you can't find it near the soy sauce, have a look in the health food section :)
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: CreamPuff63 on November 09, 2013, 02:21:38 pm
Can be found in the health food aisle or the Asian usually
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Chocolatte on November 09, 2013, 11:42:29 pm
Thanks Jamberie and CreamPuff, I tried the Asian section of the the supermarket but could not find it. Perhaps the supermarket I was at was too small. I didn't think of the health food section, will try that next.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: arcadia on November 21, 2013, 09:14:45 am
Have this in the oven cooking and it smells and looks wonderful.  Have some lamb cutlets also.   :P
Title: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Domesticgoddess on January 07, 2014, 08:42:48 am
These were amazing! I was a bit unsure because I haven't really liked pork in the past but they looked so good I had to give it a try. Fair to say I like pork now! 5/5 from me and the hubby. Went perfectly with the fried rice as well.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: judydawn on January 07, 2014, 08:55:01 am
Lovely picture DG, I am a pork lover from way back  ; ;D
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: JulieO on January 07, 2014, 09:17:10 pm
Looks delicious Domestic.  I must check that recipe out now.  :D
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Domesticgoddess on January 13, 2014, 06:15:50 am
so I attempted to review this, I posted my review under recipe review thread with appropriate title etc and it hasn't been linked, did I do that right?
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: judydawn on January 13, 2014, 06:56:54 am
Ah, that was because there were reviews on here already Domesticgoddess.  I'll merge your review with these here.  It pays to check the list of reviews before reviewing, you only need to add yours if someone has already started a review.  What you did is if you are the first person to review a recipe.  Hope that is clear.  Not a problem I can fix it.  I think when I read your review I presumed you had posted with the other reviews as I knew there were some already.  My apologies for presuming and not being more vigilant.  You will see your review has been slotted in above, by date of posting.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Tasty on January 27, 2014, 12:11:50 pm
Thought I'd give these a whirl after all the positive reviews. I cooked them extra but they didn't really crisp up or go sticky and hubby didn't want me to continue cooking as it would overcook the meat. I'm thinking next time I might stick the steaming part like someone suggested (was it Halex?) and just put them straight in the oven. I'm not sure if it's 'cos I tried to put them all in the one tray. It might've been better if to spread them out over 2 trays and therefore reduced the liquid in each tray.

Regardless, they still tasted nice and had a nice flavour about them. I served them with the fresh corn, pancetta and chives dish but it  would've been better with the fried rice I think.

Also, this might be a silly question but do you only eat the meat part of the ribs or do you eat it with the fat?
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: judydawn on January 27, 2014, 01:18:52 pm
Some would eat the lot Tasty but I never eat the fat.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Wonder on January 27, 2014, 06:58:51 pm
Tasty, I find by steaming and then cooking in the oven a lot of the fat actually renders out and the meat just falls apart. I don't eat fat on any meat but find the longer slow cooking and then high heat to crisp them up gives a texture where we eat the lot with the exception of any rind.
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Aussie Brenda on January 28, 2014, 12:40:14 am
I haven't tried this recipe but when I make sticky ribs I eat the lot FAT and rind Yum.   
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: asha_76 on January 28, 2014, 02:09:41 am
Same here Aussie Brenda...I think that's the best part!   :)
Title: Re: Quick Fix in the Thermomix - Pork Spare Ribs p100
Post by: Kimmyh on January 28, 2014, 06:58:52 am
Me too. Not too would be like eating roast pork without the crackle 😊