Forum Thermomix

Thermomix Recipes for TM5 and TM31 => Diet => Topic started by: Maluhia on September 23, 2011, 02:06:03 pm

Title: Herbal Chicken Hors-D'oeuvres DUKAN STYLE
Post by: Maluhia on September 23, 2011, 02:06:03 pm
Name of Recipe:
Herbal Chicken Hors D'oeuvres (Everyday, Page 46) DUKAN STYLE

Number of People:
Depends on your Oat Bran allowance for what phase you are in.
I'd say this creates four meals or six snacks.

Handful of Flat Leaf Italian Parsley
Thyme or other Herbs to taste (I used fresh Thyme and Basil)
2 Shallots (roughly cut into medium pieces)
1 large Onion (peeled and quartered)
500g Chicken Mince
I left out the 90 g of Fetta Cheese, cubed, and instead added 50 g of Fat Free Greek Yogurt.
60 g of Oat Bran (to replace the bread crumbs, I buzzed this first in the TMX to powder the bran)

Preheat oven to 200C
Place parsley, herbs, shallots and onion into the TM bowl and chop for 5-10 seconds on speed 7.
Add meat to mince and mix with the existing ingredients into TM bowl for 8 seconds on speed 7.
Add greek yogurt and oat bran then mix for 5 seconds on speed 6.


I ground the Oat Bran first in the TMX to make it more powdered.

Form small meatballs and bake on a lined tray (to eliminate need for cooking spray) for 20 minutes until lightly brown and cook inside.

I served these with a dipping sauce of fat free Greek Yogurt with herbs - yum!