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Welcoming Center, Management and General Chat => Chit Chat => Topic started by: achookwoman on June 12, 2011, 03:51:36 pm

Title: Chookie in Londong
Post by: achookwoman on June 12, 2011, 03:51:36 pm
Arrived late on Friday night  in London to find that the hotel had messed up our booking.  They had our money but had not reserved a room.   We have a very small room ,  not enough room to open 2 cases,  however every thing else is nice.  We are very central and close to Oxford St.   Yesterday morning we went to Portobella Rd. Market.  This place is a real buzz with lots of secondhand stalls selling furs, records, silver, leather. And food.   Lunch at Selfridges,  2 sandwiches and 2 coffees , $35.   Today we went to Colluccios for lunch.  Very nice and not expensive.  Interesting bread with raisins and fennel seeds. VG with pasta.   I have taken lots of photos.   Looking forward to Meeting up with CC on Tuesday.  It is raining but not really cold and we are enjoying it.  More later.
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: CreamPuff63 on June 13, 2011, 01:24:29 am
wow chookie I am imagining your room to be as big as as ensuite - we get so used to having lots of space at home, so its hard to imagine not having enough room to open 2 suitcases  :D must have been to a die for lunch at Selfridges, and one that you will not forget if not for the price alone  ;D I have never been to Europe, but Portobella Rd sounds like a real treasure trove. Have fun !
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: judydawn on June 13, 2011, 01:33:13 am
Hi Chookie, on the final leg now.  You should be so tired by the end of the day when you are back in your little room that you would both drop on the bed and go out to it immediately.  Hope they have compensated you for the muck-up. Get all the fine dining you can in - even if it is just a sandwich and a coffee.  If it makes you feel any better, I was paying $10 for my lunch when I visited Geoff in hospital recently and I'm sure you couldn't compare the ambience of the hospital tuck shop with Selfridges. :D :D  Enjoy London - I'm sure London is enjoying you  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: cookie1 on June 13, 2011, 07:26:01 am
Oh Chookie that would have been annoying. I hope they are only charging you 'broom cupboard' rates for your little room. :D
Your travels sound wonderful but I am sure you're looking forward to coming home. Travel safely. :-*
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: trudy on June 13, 2011, 08:26:09 am
Hi Chookie, Glad you are having a great time.  I love London - you just need lots of time as there is so much to see.  I hope you get back here OK.  The Melbourne airport is closed due to ash from a Chillian Volcano.  They are now talking about closing Adelaide's.  They had in today's paper that passengers are being put up at the airlines expence.  You might be lucky and get a few more days in London!!!!! 
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: achookwoman on June 13, 2011, 08:40:31 am
Must be tired, Can't spell London and Carluccio.!!!!  Today warm and humid. Holiday weekend so plenty to see. 
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: johnro on June 13, 2011, 09:55:01 am
Soak up the excitement of London in the spring/summer time Chookie - the enchanting Portobello Rd was a favourite for us - what did you think of Humming Bird Bakery? - the quaintness of the place is so unique. My daughter is still pining for the old L town eventhough she has been back just on 12 months. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy  :)  :)
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: judydawn on June 13, 2011, 12:47:32 pm
Carluccio the pasta cook Chookie? What was the story about him? I have one of his recipe books - won it on the forum when TMXer had a competition going.
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: Frozzie on June 13, 2011, 02:21:40 pm
enjoy the end of your holiday chookie and glad you got to catch up with some members...have a good time/lunch with CC and DH tomorrow..hope the weather brightens up a bit...have a safe trip home  :)
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: cookie1 on June 14, 2011, 02:53:37 am
Chookie and DH and CC and DH have a wonderful time.  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: dede on June 14, 2011, 04:48:36 am
It sounds like you are having a great time Chookie. And its great that you are keeping us all up to date with what you are upto.
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: achookwoman on June 17, 2011, 04:33:16 pm
This is the third time I have tried to send this post!!!  We are waiting for the taxi to take us go the airport for a 9.30pm flight.   first to Singapore and then to Melbourne.  Daughter has rung to say she is going to our house to light the fire as it is so cold.   nice thought.   We have had a great time in. London and could easily spend another week here.  The top event was catching up with Cornish Cream and her DH.  We had lunch together at a nice restaurant and then went window shopping.  CC introduced me to some of her favorite shops and I returned yesterday and bought a couple of things.   Never seen these before,  table napkins on a roll.  Like paper towels,  that you just tear off one as required.   Also bought a jam roll or spotted dick tin.  bit like a pipe loaf tin only a bit shorter and without the ridges. 
DH says he should have ordered a container to take the stuff home.  Ha Ha. 
We have had a wonderful trip,  10 and 1/2 weeks.  A bit tired but still fit and healthy.   Looking forward to trying out some of the ideas that I have seen and tasted.
It is the first time that we have travelled and I haven't been home sick.  Several reasons,  the iPad has meant that we have been in constant touch with family and friends.  secondly, our family are now truly independent and we are not so inclined to worry about them.  Also I have dipped into the Forum when I have had time,  so don't feel that I am missing out on the inspirational things that you clever people are doing. 
Looks like the Chilean volcano will let us get home.  21 hours in flight.  Will talk soon,  when I have recovered from jet lag.
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: Cornish Cream on June 17, 2011, 07:07:11 pm
We had a wonderful time meeting you and your DH Chookie,a memory that I will always cherish. :-* :-*
Have a safe journey home. :)
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: judydawn on June 18, 2011, 01:23:49 am
Aiding and abetting Chookie to shop CC, bet not much encouragement was needed   ;) ;)
Chookie, it has been an absolute delight hearing from you whilst you have been away, have a nice trip home, sleep the whole way so that you can be up and running once you hit Melbourne.   :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: cookie1 on June 18, 2011, 08:30:10 am
Chookie thank you so much for sharing your travels with us. It has been lovely. I quite understand the bit re the worries about family. Our DD doesn't have a partner so still uses us to talk to and off load problems too.

Travel safely and may the fire be lovely and warm when you return.
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: trudy on June 18, 2011, 10:38:56 am
Have a safe trip home Chookie.  It's been such a pleasure sharing your travels with you.  I'm glad that you both had such a wonderful time.  When you get back home put your feet up and start planning your next trip!!!!
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: judydawn on June 19, 2011, 01:23:40 am
Here's the photo you've all been waiting for.  After 2.5 months on the go, how amazingingly fit and healthy do the travellers look.  Pity CC's DH was behind the camera.  For those who haven't seen CC before, here she is guys - our English rose.
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: cookie1 on June 19, 2011, 06:19:33 am
What a fantastic photo. Thank you Judy.
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: trudy on June 21, 2011, 02:56:01 am
Great photo.  It's so nice to see you all enjoying yourselves.  Just wish I could have been there with you.
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: johnro on June 21, 2011, 09:48:20 am
That is so special - thank you for posting it, Judy.  :)  :)
Title: Re: Chookie in Londong
Post by: CreamPuff63 on June 21, 2011, 10:03:14 am
love it!