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Welcoming Center, Management and General Chat => Recipe Book Recipe Reviews => Topic started by: cathy79 on January 30, 2011, 10:27:08 am

Title: Beef Stew with Buttermilk Dumplings - Budget Busters
Post by: cathy79 on January 30, 2011, 10:27:08 am
Recipe Name: Beef Stew with Buttermilk Dumplings
Book: Budget Busters
Stars: 5/5 for a home cooked weekly meal

Tweaks:  I read somewhere on this forum that it was a nice basic stew that could be added to.  So bearing that in mind, I tweaked by reducing the stock to 400g and adding 200ml red wine.  Probably throws out the "budget" aim of the meal, but the flavour was fantastic!  I used zucchinis instead of carrots (didn't have any), and they were beautifully cooked in the time.

I was tempted to thicken the sauce as it looked a little thin, but am glad I didn't as the dumplings mopped it up beautifully.  Would also be delicious with mashed potato.

Made enough for two meals at our house, which is always a bonus.  While the hands on time is very small, it does have 70 minutes of cooking time, so start early.

ETA: I used milk and 1/2 tbsp of vinegar instead of buttermilk - dumplings were delicious.
Title: Re: Beef Stew with Buttermilk Dumplings - Budget Busters
Post by: Nay-nay on January 30, 2011, 12:17:52 pm
That is a particularly long cooking time isn't it. Not used to having set that much time aside for a meal - but on your say so will try this recipe.  ;)
Title: Re: Beef Stew with Buttermilk Dumplings - Budget Busters
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on January 31, 2011, 12:55:59 am
We quite like this with a heaped tbsp of relish added and a few other flavourings.  I still prefer dumplings out of the oven though.  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Beef Stew with Buttermilk Dumplings - Budget Busters
Post by: cookie1 on January 31, 2011, 06:03:57 am
We loved these dumplings but found the stew a bit bland. Haven't tried it since but I will do when winter arrives. :P
Title: Re: Beef Stew with Buttermilk Dumplings - Budget Busters
Post by: cathy79 on January 31, 2011, 11:25:05 am
Cookie, I think it was your bland comment that prompted me to try it with the red wine.  Very glad I did.

Nay-nay - yes it is a long cooking time, but doesn't require much hands on time at all.  Just have to think ahead, so for me it's not a weekday meal as I don't get home early enough.  The long time certainly makes it very tender.
Title: Re: Beef Stew with Buttermilk Dumplings - Budget Busters
Post by: djinni373 on May 22, 2012, 10:28:35 am
Although this is an oldie, it is one of the first things requested by the family when the weather turns chilly. Made a herb version last night with half the oil, about half the tomato paste and substituting about a teaspoon each of dried parsley and oregano for the bay leaves. Also added a grind of hot chilli seasoning for depth. Threw in a few good handfuls of organic peas just before cooking the dumplings which were also sprinkled with herbs. Really, really good and the dumplings are divine.

I do cringe at the 2 tablespoons of salt in this recipe. I only add a heaped teaspoon of veg stock stock concentrate which is plenty for us.

This stew does require a long time to cook in the TMX (just over an hour), but needs very little supervision.  4+/5 from us :)
Title: Re: Beef Stew with Buttermilk Dumplings - Budget Busters
Post by: Tan on May 22, 2012, 11:10:56 am
i have this cooking at the moment - so will let you know what we think.
just looking at it - i always find that there is too much liquid and it does not thicken up  ???
so i might add some cornflour to thicken perhaps/
Title: Re: Beef Stew with Buttermilk Dumplings - Budget Busters
Post by: djinni373 on May 22, 2012, 11:36:37 am
Tan the dumplings do soak up a lot of the liquid. Yum :)
Title: Re: Beef Stew with Buttermilk Dumplings - Budget Busters
Post by: charlieboy on June 10, 2013, 08:55:01 am
Hi I just made this and have enough for another night leftover.  I assume it would be best to keep the dumplings separate and add to the stew when we have it again tomorrow?
Tasted great BTW if this is the same recipe that is on the recipe community.  I didn't find it bland at all - loved it  :)
Title: Re: Beef Stew with Buttermilk Dumplings - Budget Busters
Post by: Tasty on May 19, 2014, 12:13:28 pm
We enjoyed the stew part of this meal. It had a nice flavour, once the seasoning was added at the end. However, none of us really liked the buttermilk dumplings so I wouldn't make them again.

It might be a cheap meal but it's certainly not quick, as mentioned in earlier comments. It took over an hour in total and I would save it would serve 3-4 with the size we eat.

Here is a photo:

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Title: Re: Beef Stew with Buttermilk Dumplings - Budget Busters
Post by: cookie1 on May 21, 2014, 03:03:12 am
It looks warm and comforting Tasty.