Forum Thermomix

Thermomix Recipes for TM5 and TM31 => Desserts => Topic started by: zebraa on September 26, 2010, 02:36:16 pm

Title: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: zebraa on September 26, 2010, 02:36:16 pm
what are your favourites?

A friend passed on this recipe that I made yesterday - it was very very good.

Follow the recipe amount and method from EDC:

300g fresh pineapple
100g sugar (pineapple is so sweet that the normal amount is too sweet)
tray of frozed coconut cream
about 4 icecube trays to bring the total up to 700g icecubes
egg white

if making for adults a bit of rum would be a great addition.

Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: bluesed on September 26, 2010, 04:34:53 pm
Here in Spain its autumn now which means that the first fresh apples have arrived.

I usually prepare Apple Butter and then use that for a delicoius apple sorbet.

I dont use the TM to prepare the apple butter but only to make the Sorbet.

For those of you who dont know what is Apple Butter(Nothing to do with butter!)  i just googled a nice recipe for you.
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: Thermomixer on September 27, 2010, 03:44:43 am
Pina colada sorbet - great idea.

My fav is green apple or mixed berries.
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: zebraa on September 27, 2010, 07:39:09 am
I would never have thought of apple sorbet. What a great idea.

That would be really nice in champagne. Mmmmmmmmm
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: cookie1 on September 27, 2010, 07:41:53 am
Bluesed do you just freeze the apple butter and then puree it in the TMX?
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: Nay-nay on September 27, 2010, 08:06:23 am
Strawberries are really cheap atm - add a tablespoon of coconut oil instead of egg white for a egg free version - gives it a nice flavour as well  ;)
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: bluesed on September 27, 2010, 01:14:19 pm
Bluesed do you just freeze the apple butter and then puree it in the TMX?

No i dont freeze it, i just keep it in the fridge. When i blend it with ice it gets a nice sorbet texture.
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: zebraa on September 28, 2010, 06:35:26 am
Thanks for that tip nay-nay
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: obbie on September 28, 2010, 06:59:05 am
i make watermelon sorbet, and also passionfruit quite alot.

Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: cookie1 on September 28, 2010, 07:03:01 am
Thanks bluesed.
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: Bambi on September 28, 2010, 07:46:54 am
Orange sorbet is my fave. ;)

How would one make apple sorbet?
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: earth mumma on September 28, 2010, 10:27:11 am
Hi Zebraa

You can try pear and ginger (very refreshing, jusd use a smallish piece of ginger and blitz it with the sugar, add 300gm of pear flesh - skin on and 700gm of ice) or mango and orange (freeze about 300gm of orange, cut into smallish chunks and use in place of 300gm of ice - so 300gm of fresh mango flesh, 300gm of frozen orange and 300gm of ice cubes  - 1 egg white and about 90gm of sugar)

This is our favourite summer version

Strawberry / Watermelon Sorbet


80-90gm sugar (tm speed 9/10 secs - do this first)
300gm fresh strawberries (or 250)
300gm iceblocks (I find if I use smaller ice blocks it creates a smoother sorbet) - to make it all fruit you can replace the ice with 300g frozen strawberries, making sure that you cut them into ¼ before freezing
1 egg white
300gm frozen watermelon
100gm chocolate (you choose what you like best) - optional
1 glass of water


Mill sugar sp9, 10secs
Add fresh strawberries and frozen strawberries/ice blocks and egg white.
Using spatula vigorously, incorporate together on sp 10, for about 10 -15secs.
Add frozen watermelon through hole in lid, incorporate for another 40-50sec, speed 10, keep and eye on it here, the time may need to be less, do it too long here and you will end up with a slushy.
If using - add chocolate in the last 5- 10 secs of incorporation.

* If your sorbet stops moving and seems stuck at any stage it is very important to add water and use your spatula to keep it moving – this will help with the longevity of your blades.

Eat immediately or re-freeze in a shallow tray, when required chop into chunks and re emulsify by TM at sp10 until at desired consistency.

Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: judydawn on September 28, 2010, 02:10:21 pm
Orange sorbet is my fave. ;)

How would one make apple sorbet?
  I posted this one Bambi - I tasted it at a cooking class
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: zebraa on September 28, 2010, 04:55:58 pm
yum - thanks earth mumma - esp. the pear and ginger - that looks amazing!
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: AMH on October 07, 2010, 11:54:22 am
Thanks for posting the pear and ginger recipe-I had read about that somewhere and thought it sounded fabulous!

I have been eating sorbet heaps and love JudyDawn's green apple and lemon sorbet - I hope she doesn't mind me posting the link.  I've made it four or five times.

Thanks for the tip on coconut oil-I have been omitting the egg white as I'm preggo and it does mean that it's icier.

I've also used mango and orange which is a nice combination.  Haven't strayed too far from the EDC recipe but this will be inspiring!!
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: judydawn on October 07, 2010, 12:00:48 pm
Posting links is what we are all about here AMH. Technically speaking I posted the recipe but I copied it from one of our cooking classes so cannot take the credit.  I will be doing this one myself once the warmer weather arrives.
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: faffa_70 on October 07, 2010, 04:01:28 pm
AMH a banana should help cream it up if you a looking for a change from the iciness while you are pregnant.  ;) I often do this for my egg allergic DS
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: earth mumma on October 08, 2010, 12:14:38 am
Great tip faffa.  I'll try that one once it is consistently warm here  ;D
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: AMH on October 08, 2010, 03:20:42 am
Thanks faffa!  I don't have any coconut oil on hand but bananas I have in abundance.   Yum, might make this this afternoon!

Thanks JudyDawn!

I have some rockmelon (cantalope) and was thinking of trying that with banana as well.  If it's a success I will report back.
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: brazen20au on October 08, 2010, 03:53:06 am
loving these ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: ~ - Jules - ~ on October 08, 2010, 05:54:36 am
I have also found the "no egg" egg replacer works well instead of the egg white.  and although its not a standard in many peoples cupboards, it lasts for ages, and actually works out much cheaper than eggs.
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: AmandaN on October 08, 2010, 07:44:41 am
Oh that's good to know!  I have a son allergic to egg, and while he can have egg in some things (like 1 egg as binder in meatballs), I use no-egg if there are a few eggs in the recipe, or it is an uncooked recipe.  Hadn't thought of using it for sorbet!
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: brazen20au on October 08, 2010, 10:28:55 am
i've never put the egg white in my sorbet ;)
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: AmandaN on October 08, 2010, 11:42:38 am
I haven't being putting egg white in, but I have been meaning to try and see the difference.
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: ~ - Jules - ~ on October 09, 2010, 11:57:52 am
I prefer the sorbets with the egg white (or substitute), but we had a preg lady over so gave the "no egg" replacer a try, worked just as well as the actual egg white, is cheaper, and sits better with us given its not raw egg.  So have used egg replacer ever since.
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: Thermomixer on October 15, 2010, 06:57:37 am
Great ideas for replacing the egg white  :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: Thermomixer on October 15, 2010, 06:59:52 am

This is our favourite summer version

Strawberry / Watermelon Sorbet

Thanks for that recipe - have gven it a thread of its own here (
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: cottchick on January 02, 2011, 07:29:00 am
Has anyone used rockmelon for sorbet? I have one here that needs using up.
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: Meagan on January 02, 2011, 08:42:58 am
Yes you may want to freeze some of it too as it is quite watery and you will have a more liquid result.
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: cottchick on January 02, 2011, 09:46:26 am
It turned out well - I would use less sugar next time though as the rockmelon is so sweet.
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: LeeJ on January 03, 2011, 03:11:12 am
I made one with 1 punnet of strawberries, 1 passionfruit (sieved) and 1 nectarine, it was nice and light, and very refreshing!
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: cookie1 on January 03, 2011, 05:29:53 am
I did a similar one the other day for unexpected guests. From memory I think I used a banana, kiwi fruit, few strawberries and 2 squishy peaches. It was beautiful.
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: Meagan on January 03, 2011, 04:06:13 pm
I prefer the sorbets with the egg white (or substitute), but we had a preg lady over so gave the "no egg" replacer a try, worked just as well as the actual egg white, is cheaper, and sits better with us given its not raw egg.  So have used egg replacer ever since.
Jules what amount do you use and do you add water to it or use just the powder?
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: Nay-nay on January 03, 2011, 11:58:16 pm
Has anyone used rockmelon for sorbet? I have one here that needs using up.
I have used it quite a few times at demos - it's very summery.  ;)

I prefer the sorbets with the egg white (or substitute), but we had a preg lady over so gave the "no egg" replacer a try, worked just as well as the actual egg white, is cheaper, and sits better with us given its not raw egg.  So have used egg replacer ever since.
Jules what amount do you use and do you add water to it or use just the powder?

At cooking classes they only ever use one of those little meringue 'nests' you can buy in a pack of 10 in case there is someone pregnant in the audience.  :)
Title: Re: Now that it is nearly sorbet season again...........
Post by: opi2kenopi on January 04, 2011, 12:00:10 am
That's a good tip, Nay-Nay.  I have quite a few pregnant friends at the moment.