Forum Thermomix

Thermomix Recipes for TM5 and TM31 => Desserts => Topic started by: containergirl on July 04, 2010, 11:36:29 pm

Title: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: containergirl on July 04, 2010, 11:36:29 pm
Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream:
number of servings depends on your glutton factor - this is rich:
600 mls pure cream
400 mls can condensed milk – what is 5 mls between friends
1 ˝ teaspoons good vanilla
optional a bit extra icing sugar – I added 2 teaspoons

Chill the condensed milk in the fridge for a while
Insert Butterfly
Add cream and condensed milk to TM Bowl
Whip on speed 4 until soft peaks stage (I went a full 40 seconds but checked after 20 seconds)
lick bowl  ;D


I had a little more than the container I was using and made the kids some little ‘special’ ones in small containers with home made strawberry jam drizzled around.  They looked and sounded in heaven when they were presented with them.

Members' comments
Obbie - I made this last week and again today. Today I added 50g of cocoa powder, and yummy. Thankyou.

mama bel - One of my girls makes this often, she has put berries, choc chips and other additions through it.

Pam H - This is an excellent recipe, I add Tim Tams or choc with mint in or anything that tastes good. Chopped up small and then line a lamington tray with alfoil, put a layer of malt biscuits in pour the ice-cream over and flatten it, put another layer of malt biscuits on top and freeze. Cut so that you can hold a biscuit and eat like the old giant sandwich ice-cream, yum a great favourite at our house.

Gert - I added 1tsp vanilla essence , 40 gms of Vittoria Dark Chocochino and no sugar. Absolutely delicious. It was all I could do to actually put it into the freezer for much later and I don't even like chocolate.
Made this again today for my vegan son who is visiting. I chopped some dark chocolate and added it at the end. Heaven.
My GD made this last week adding crunched up oreo cookies. Instant Cookies and Cream ice Cream.  They loved it.

in the wilds of Tassie - I have made 2 versions - making 1/2 batches -
Strawberry - blitz 100g of dried strawberries on 7 for a  seconds first and then whisk as normal.
Ferero Rocher - 1 tbsp cocoa and 6 or 7 ferero on 4 for a few seconds, then follow the recipe. Both very, very nice. I am planning to try Apricot  and a praline mix later in the week.

Cookie asked - Does this icecream set hard?

Gert replied - Not rock hard but you could scoop it into cones hard.

JD - I made this today but only had a can of Nestle's 'top & fill' caramel so just whipped that and the cream and it was sweet enough for me - delicious and the easiest ice-cream I've made.  Thanks containergirl.

Cookie - I made this the other day and only used 300ml cream and 300ml of milk. I put some ferrero rocher chocolates in. Last night DH actually said yummy ice-cream last night. It was a bit icy but I guess that was the milk. Very nice.
I have made this a few times now.
The last batch I made as mango ice-cream. I added 2/3 tin of mango blended, to the mix and 1/3 diced very finely. I also added 2 tablespoons of mango flavoured vodka. It is so moorish.  I used all cream this time as I had some in the fridge I was going to make into butter. It is a smoother ice-cream.
We're eating so much of this that I have put in an order for a compressor ice-cream maker for Christmas.
I made this recipe again today - I used 30g of cocoa and 1 tablespoon of kahlua for a chocolate taste this time.
Maltesers version - I blitzed them to a fine powder and just folded them through this ice-cream.

I use this ice-cream recipe so much. It is one of DH's favourites. I made the vanilla ice-cream for my ice-cream cake for Christmas. I made this ice-cream with a slurp of vanilla and then churned it. I put it into a bowl and quickly mixed in toasted pistachios, chopped marshmallows, and chopped glacé fruit, and about 300g frozen, slightly thawed raspberries squashed.
I put it into the tin and froze it. After freezing you could decorate it with cream and put back into the freezer. I didn't as it was just for us. Put some raspberries and pistachios on to decorate it. 
I lined the base of the tin with baking paper. Then when it was time to in mould it I put it in a sink of hot water for a tiny bit. Then ran a knife around the edges to loosen it. I put a plate over the top and turned it upside down onto the plate. If it doesn't work the first time do it again.

LeeJ - I made this one twice this week, it is very yummy! I've been adding chopped up chic ripple bickies for the 'cookies and cream' effect, and it is simply divine!

Spinderella - Well the cherry ripe ice-cream was a hit!  I used the recipe in this thread as the basis for it but here's my version...

100gm block chocolate (I used Black & Gold organic Maya Gold)
400ml coconut cream
200ml cream
395gm sweetened condensed milk
250gm frozen cherries

Chop chocolate 4 seconds speed 6.  Remove from tmx.

Butterfly in.  Whip coconut cream, cream & condensed milk (I did this for 1min20sec on speed 4 waiting for it to form peaks but it doesn't, so I guess 30 seconds on speed 4 would probably do)

Add 175gm frozen cherries. 15 seconds on speed 5
Add 100gm chunked up chocolate. 6 seconds speed 3
Add the rest of the cherries & mix 5 seconds speed 1

Pour into freezer container & freeze.  After a couple of hours give it a stir.  I didn't stir mine (I fell asleep!) so all the chocolate & cherries settled on the bottom.  But it was still AWESOME!

Rubyslippers - For Christmas I made:

*  The caramel version (with top & fill), I reserved a little caramel to dob on the top of each individual serve cup.
*  Strawberry and marshmellow with 100s & 1000s on top.  I used the dried strawberries as previously suggested and added in some chopped up giant marshmellows.
*  Coffee with some sugar coated almonds on top.

I was very happy with them all, as was everyone else.

jkmt - I just made this for the first time. I found it set very solid - I did forget to give it another stir at 3 hours though, so that probably didn't help. It's quite sweet - next time I won't add any extra icing sugar.

charabelle - I've just made this using 300g condensed milk and 100g Tenina's salted caramel sauce, tastes great! Hope the kids like it for sweets tonight!

Amy - Made this to have at Christmas lunch today. An absolute winner, thanks so much for the recipe! So easy and delicious.
This is the recipe I used to make my rhubarb ice cream Smiley Just add about 200g of stewed rhubarb in the last 10 seconds of mixing.

deedub - I made this today with vanilla paste and it is incredibly easy! Haven't tried it myself yet (apart from licking the bowl, but I was only following instructions in the recipe 😉), but kids have and loved it. I'll try some of the variations - maybe I don't need an icecream maker after all.

Erica Rawlings - Thanks for this fantasticly easy recipe. I have made it twice and just love the flavour, but wish it didn't go so rock hard , any suggestions please??

Amy replied - to solve the problem I just get it out of the freezer while I'm cooking the main course. By dessert time it is usually soft enough to scoop.

Some suggested a glug of alcohol.

Erica Rawlings - As you may gather, I am rather new to this forum, so thanks to all who have so promptly helped me with their suggestions, another idea I found on the net was to add about half teaspoon of guar gum to mixture, so I did to the ice-cream I made last night and some 10 hours later, it is far from rock hard, can't wait for the grandchildren to try it, thanks again folks.

Brumington - This was a hit today made with top and fill, cream, a pinch of salt and a tsp of gelatine dissolved in a tbsp of water (hoping that'll stop the rock hard effect). It's in the freezer for now but first taste out of the ice-cream machine was yummy. 
Just to let you know the gelatine has certainly helped in keeping the ice cream softer. I can easily scrape some out with a spoon straight from the freezer. A little too easily perhaps!

deedub - I tried the gelatine trick yesterday, afraid it didn't work for me the ice-cream is still hard. Take it out of the freezer about 15 mins before you need it, should be soft enough to scoop then. Haven't tried the alcohol option, since the kids are the ones who eat ice-cream around here!

BZB - Good texture. Creamy, not too hard after churning in the ice-cream maker. But too sweet, even without the extra sugar.
Will reduce the condensed milk next time.

Mab19 - I made this today for the first time.  OMG how delicious. 
I made Pam H's version using the malt biscuits and with crumbled chocolate flake bars in it.  I'm sure the GCs will love it.

Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: I Love Bimby! on July 05, 2010, 10:03:28 am
Looks very good containergirl!  :-*

DD is directing me that I have to put a sad face on here because she's sad.... sorry but a mums gotta do what a mums gotta do....  :(
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cathy79 on July 05, 2010, 10:39:12 pm
Looks very good containergirl!  :-*

DD is directing me that I have to put a sad face on here because she's sad.... sorry but a mums gotta do what a mums gotta do....  :(
She must be sad that she isn't eating easy egg free vanilla icecream.  Sounds delicious Congainer girl!
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Thermomixer on July 12, 2010, 06:49:19 am
Great little recipe Mrs Spanner.  Reminds me of one we used to make years ago.  MrsT made some a few weeks ago for her son with coffee flavouring.  :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: obbie on July 18, 2010, 09:58:07 am
 :) I made this lat week, and again today.
Today i added 50g of cocoa powder, and yummy.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: containergirl on July 19, 2010, 11:57:59 am
obbie....glad to hear that you enjoyed it, it worked and that now there is a new evolution..  We need to make some icecream again, I might try it with the cocoa powder as you did....I love the way recipes evolve with each person who makes it.

Previously for chocolate I have done this version but with a large whack of melted chocolate to chocolate it up which was very rich.  Thanks

Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: mama_bel on August 18, 2010, 11:23:07 am
One of my girls makes this often, she has put berries, choc chips and other additions through it.   ;D
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Thermomixer on August 19, 2010, 05:25:19 am
Good ideas indeed  Mrs Spanner & bel - thanks.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: pedroteixeira07 on August 30, 2010, 11:08:50 am
quick an easy.. Ill try this tonight :D
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: rubyslippers on August 30, 2010, 12:44:41 pm
Ohhh I think I need to try a coffee version.  Would a tablespoon of freezedried be enough?
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Pam_H on August 31, 2010, 01:16:23 am
This is an excellent recipe, I add Tim Tams or choc with mint in or anything that tastes good ;D chopped up small and then line a lamington tray with alfoil, put a layer of malt biscuits in pour the icecream over and flatten it, put another layer of malt biscuits on top and freeze. Cut so that you can hold a biscuit and eat like the old gaint sandwich icecream yum a great favourite at our house
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: gertbysea on August 31, 2010, 01:59:29 am
This is an excellent recipe, I add Tim Tams or choc with mint in or anything that tastes good ;D chopped up small and then line a lamington tray with alfoil, put a layer of malt biscuits in pour the icecream over and flatten it, put another layer of malt biscuits on top and freeze. Cut so that you can hold a biscuit and eat like the old gaint sandwich icecream yum a great favourite at our house

How instantly decadent is that.

Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: gertbysea on August 31, 2010, 02:03:36 am
I wonder if it would work with light cream and skim sweetened condensed milk? Must go shopping.

Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: CreamPuff63 on August 31, 2010, 05:00:19 am
Two recipes for making your own condensed milk here ( and here (
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Pam_H on August 31, 2010, 06:50:54 am
Gretchen I dont see why the light cream wouldn't work, I have used skim sweetened condensed milk and that works, I just use the milk straight out of the tin (dont partly freeze it)
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: gertbysea on August 31, 2010, 06:55:13 am
Well I didn't get the light cream. I figured what the heck! But I already had some skim condensed  in the fridge so am going to try it as soon as my yogurt cools down and I can finish that off. Man do I need another jug.

Yogurt in one hand and ice cream in the other. Go figure. :-\

Thanks for that.

Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: gertbysea on August 31, 2010, 08:08:37 am
I added 1tsp vanilla essence , 40 gms of Vittoria Dark Chocochino and no sugar. Absolutely delicious. It was all I could do to actually put it into the freezer for much later and I don't even like chocolate.

Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: judydawn on September 01, 2010, 02:45:21 am
Ohhh I think I need to try a coffee version.  Would a tablespoon of freezedried be enough?
Just looking at an ice-cream recipe made with custard and cream rubyslippers and they use 1.5 dessertspoons of coffee powder as a flavouring so your 1 Tblspn would be around the mark.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: containergirl on September 05, 2010, 04:58:27 am
Mmmm the variations sound divine.  Thanks for the links the making condensed milk cream puff.  I hadn't made any for a while and found cream on special the other day.  I have one in the freezer and one to make.   Since it is fathers day I might give the coffee flavour a go for Mr Containergirl (formerly known as, Spanner). 

We had lashings of ice cream with chocolate self saucing pudding (made the old fashioned, non thermomix way). 
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: rubyslippers on September 13, 2010, 11:05:45 am
they use 1.5 dessertspoons of coffee powder as a flavouring so your 1 Tblspn would be around the mark.
Thanks JD.   :)

I had enough condensed milk (open) to make 1/2 a batch.  So I made the chocolate version as suggested by obbie (to be fair to everyone & not just me lol).  I sprinkled some choc chips on top, will be tasting it soon, but it was very tasty before it went into the freezer.  ;D
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: in the wilds of tassie on September 14, 2010, 05:12:29 am
I have made 2 versions - making 1/2 batches -

Strawberry - blitz 100g of dried strawberries on 7 for a  seconds first and then whisk as normal.

Ferero Rocher - 1 tbsp cocoa and 6 or 7 ferero on 4 for a few seconds, then follow the recipe

Both very, very nice

I am planning to try Apricot  and a praline mix later in the week.

Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on September 14, 2010, 06:38:22 am
Welcome to the forum Lee.  Love your variations of this recipe.

Where abouts are you in Tassie?  We are in Forth. ;D
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on September 14, 2010, 08:05:13 am
Welcome Lee. I look forward to some more variations/recipes from you as those icecream ones sound delicious.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: in the wilds of tassie on September 16, 2010, 05:45:01 am
I'm 20 kms NW of St. Helens. Lee
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Thermomixer on September 16, 2010, 07:59:12 am
Welcome to the forum Lee - great part of the world (especially for seafood!) Have fun (sounds like you are already with the ice cream combinations )
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: containergirl on October 02, 2010, 12:05:10 pm
Lee, those icecream variation sound great. 
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: gertbysea on October 05, 2010, 12:06:44 am
Made this today for my vegan son who is visiting. I chopped some dark chocolate and added it at the end. Heaven.

Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on October 05, 2010, 05:44:01 am
Does this icecream set hard?
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: gertbysea on October 05, 2010, 07:23:41 am
Not rock hard but you cold scoop it into cones hard.

Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on October 05, 2010, 09:44:13 am
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: judydawn on October 07, 2010, 12:12:29 pm
I made this today but only had a can of Nestle's 'top & fill' caramel so just whipped that and the cream and it was sweet enough for me - delicious and the easiest ice-cream I've made.  Thanks containergirl.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: judydawn on October 09, 2010, 12:04:06 pm
Just received my latest Donna Hay magazine this week and having already made a caramel version of this ice-cream I was surprised to find Donna has almost the exact thing in her magazine.  There are 4 quick ice-cream recipes and the caramel one only uses 300g cream, not 600g as we did. The other 3 are Raspberry & Banana frozen yoghurt, Vanilla Meringue Ice-cream & Choc swirl caramel ice-cream.  I will be trying them all  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Cornish Cream on October 09, 2010, 12:08:59 pm
The Raspberry and Banana frozen yoghurt sounds very interesting Judy.Keep us all up to date on the all important taste tasting. :D :D
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: gertbysea on October 11, 2010, 01:21:18 am
My GD made this last week adding crunched up oreo cookies. Instant Cookies and Cream ice Cream.  They loved it.

Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on October 11, 2010, 07:38:16 am
I still haven't made this but with all the variations being offered I had better do it. :P
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Thermomixer on October 15, 2010, 07:14:50 am
Good work JD - expect recipes  ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D 
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on October 18, 2010, 06:16:50 am
I made this the other day and only used 300ml cream and 300ml of milk. I put some ferrer roche (??) chocolates in. Last night DH actually said yummy icecream last night. It was a bit icy but I guess that was the milk. Very nice.

I was reading the August issue of the British Good Food magazine with my morning coffee and they have much the same recipe in but only use ˝ can of condensed milk with 600ml cream and vanilla.

I bought Donna Hay's latest book/magazine and Judy the icecreams do look lovely.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on October 24, 2010, 10:19:36 am
I have made this a few times now.

The last batch I made as mango icecream. I added 2/3 tin of mango blended, to the mix and 1/3 diced very finely. I also added 2 tablespoons of mango flavoured vodka. It is so morish. I used all cream this time as I had some in the fridge I was going to make into butter. It is a smoother icecream.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Thermomixer on October 28, 2010, 05:57:14 am
Good one cookie1.  Bought 5 mangoes on special yesterday and MrsT said "What are you going to do with them ??"  Now I have an idea.  Along with the prawns.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on November 18, 2010, 03:39:49 am
We love this icecream so I have decided to photograph each type I make. The mango icecream missed out but I'll being doing it again and we've finished the Mulberry icecream.
I read Gretchen's GD idea and copied it. As Gretchen said instant Cookies and Cream icecream.

Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on November 26, 2010, 06:47:45 am
We're eating so much of this that I have put in an order for a compressor icecream maker for Christmas. :D
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: LeeJ on November 26, 2010, 11:28:25 am
I made this one twice this week, it is very yummy!

I've been adding chopped up chic ripple bickies for the 'cookies and cream' effect, and it is simply devine!

Had normal Blue Ribbon IceCream tonight and was quite dissapointed in it :s Oh well, will have to make my own from now own ;)
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on November 27, 2010, 06:56:13 am
I think  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) Santa is bringing me a compressor icecream machine. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Meagan on November 27, 2010, 10:55:03 am
How exciting cookie ;D
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: judydawn on November 27, 2010, 11:30:58 am
You obviously threw out enough hints Cookie  :D Tell me, why is it called a compressor icecream machine - are all ice-cream makers called that?
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Meagan on November 27, 2010, 12:06:33 pm
You obviously threw out enough hints Cookie  :D Tell me, why is it called a compressor icecream machine - are all ice-cream makers called that?

Judy that is the icecream churn/maker that doesn't have a bowl that has to go in the freezer. You just put the mixture in and hit the button and it churns it instantly then you can do another batch straight away.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: judydawn on November 27, 2010, 12:24:32 pm
Thanks Meags, crystal clear now - that is the type I would want. Who has room in their freezer in which to store a permanently empty bowl  ???
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on November 28, 2010, 05:33:56 am
That was my problem too. Dh has just placed an order with Snyder's in the US for some Model A parts so I thought what the heck. It makes 1 litre at a time and I thought we could have 2 or 3 flavours going at once. I looked at the instructions for the machine on line and you can make low fat icecream without the icicles appearing in it. Now I just have to wait until Chriustmas day.

I made this recipe again today-I used 30g of cocoa and 1 tablespoon of kahlua for a chocolate taste this time.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Meagan on November 28, 2010, 05:35:50 am
Nice what sort did you ( father Christmas) order lol
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on November 28, 2010, 05:40:38 am
Sunbeam. The Cuisinart looked good too, but I couldn't really justify the extra $200 or so. The Good Guys at Cannington gave me a very good price with the opening of their new shop. Oops-gave Santa a good price. :-))
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: spinderella on December 20, 2010, 03:14:52 am
Could I substitute the cream for coconut cream?
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on December 20, 2010, 05:02:57 am
Does it have a similar fat content? Maybe half and half. Why not give it a go? I'm sure it will taste nice.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: spinderella on December 26, 2010, 07:18:33 am
Well the cherry ripe icecream was a hit!  I used the recipe in this thread as the basis for it but here's my version...

100gm block chocolate (I used Black & Gold organic Maya Gold)
400ml coconut cream
200ml cream
395gm sweetened condensed milk
250gm frozen cherries

Chop chocolate 4 seconds speed 6.  Remove from tmx.

Butterfly in.  Whip coconut cream, cream & condensed milk (I did this for 1min20sec on speed 4 waiting for it to form peaks but it doesn't, so I guess 30 seconds on speed 4 would probably do)

Add 175gm frozen cherries. 15 seconds on speed 5
Add 100gm chunked up chocolate. 6 seconds speed 3
Add the rest of the cherries & mix 5 seconds speed 1

Pour into freezer container & freeze.  After a couple of hours give it a stir.  I didn't stir mine (I fell asleep!) so all the chocolate & cherries settled on the bottom.  But it was still AWESOME!

Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on December 27, 2010, 06:09:10 am
Congratulations. I made peanut butter icecream yesterday. Lip smacking good. :-* :-*
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on January 07, 2011, 08:06:34 am
We had a box of maltesers from Christmas so I blitzed them in the TMX and added them to this icecream. It is lip smacking good. Really beautiful.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: rubyslippers on January 14, 2011, 06:29:02 am
cookie1 - was the peanut butter one made from this version?  Mmmm maltesers one does sound good, did you leave it chunky or blitz it fine?

For Christmas I made:

*  The caramel version (with top & fill), I reserved a little caramel to dob on the top of each individual serve cup.
*  Strawberry and marshmellow with 100s & 1000s on top.  I used the dried strawberries as previously suggested and added in some chopped up giant marshmellows.
*  Coffee with some sugar coated almonds on top.

I was very happy with them all, as was everyone else.  :)
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on January 14, 2011, 06:57:22 am
Rubyslippers the maltesers one I blitzed them to a fine powder and just folded them through this versioin of icecream. The peanut butter one was a different recipe. Would you like me to post it? It's yummy.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: rubyslippers on January 14, 2011, 07:23:15 am
cookie1 - I am looking forward to trying out the malteser version, I am sure my DS will love it too!  I would really like to try the peanut butter one (especially if it's anything like Reese's Pieces, which I love).  If it's not too much trouble please?
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: KarenH on January 14, 2011, 10:47:55 am
Cookie1 how are you finding your new ice-cream maker?  Am thinking of getting one, but not sure I can justify yet another kitchen gadget, especially since we can just make icecream in the TMX and throw it straight into the freezer.  Do you make churn it in the icecream maker and then transfer it to another container to store in the freezer??  How does it work?
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on January 14, 2011, 11:53:10 am
KJH I love it. I make the icecream in the TMX, then transfer it to the icecream machine. It stirs and freezes and aerates for 40 -50 minutes, then we sometimes have some as soft serve but usually I then put it in the freezer. I guess it is an expensive toy. One of the ones with a bowl you put in the freezer is good too. I had one but do prefer this one.
You transfer it from the icecream machine to another container for the freezer. If you wish you can then make another lot immediately.

Will post the peanut butter icecream over the weekend. It is only peanut butter flavour, not like Reeces peanut butter and chocolate things)
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: randomness on August 17, 2011, 05:26:05 am
How long does this take to freeze just in my freezer its my mums birthday and she wants me to make some icrecream which ive never tried before, so do i have enough time! wish id known yesterday?

Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on August 17, 2011, 05:42:37 am
I find it takes about 4 hours in my chest freezer to get to the stage where it is firm enough to be served.  :)
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: jkmt on August 28, 2011, 08:25:59 am
I just made this for the first time. I found it set very solid - I did forget to give it another stir at 3 hours though, so that probably didn't help. It's quite sweet - next time I won't add any extra icing sugar.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: charabelle on December 15, 2012, 01:00:14 am
I've just made this using 300g condensed milk and 100g Tenina's salted caramel sauce, tastes great! Hope the kids like it for sweets tonight!
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Amy :-) on December 25, 2012, 07:52:53 am
Made this to have at Christmas lunch today. An absolute winner, thanks so much for the recipe! So easy and delicous :D
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Persistenttiger on December 25, 2012, 08:29:27 am
Sounds pretty easy!
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Amy :-) on January 15, 2013, 10:57:23 am
This is the recipe I used to make my rhubarb ice cream :) Just add about 200g of stewed rhubard in the last 10 seconds of mixing :D
Title: Re: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: deedub on January 22, 2013, 10:55:57 am
I made this today with vanilla paste and it is incredibly easy! Haven't tried it myself yet (apart from licking the bowl, but I was only following instructions in the recipe 😉), but kids have and loved it. I'll try some of the variations - maybe I don't need an icecream maker after all.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: meganjane on January 22, 2013, 03:32:03 pm
Can't believe I haven't seen this one! Will be making it soon and trying some of the variations.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Brumington on January 23, 2013, 11:08:21 am
Can't believe I haven't seen this one! Will be making it soon and trying some of the variations.

Me too. I've got some top and fill in the cupboard so will try JD's variation tomorrow.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: EricaRawlings on January 23, 2013, 12:18:40 pm
Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream:
number of servings depends on your glutton factor - this is rich:
600 mls pure cream
400 mls can condensed milk – what is 5 mls between friends
1 ˝ teaspoons good vanilla
optional a bit extra icing sugar – I added 2 teaspoons

Chill the condensed milk in the fridge for a while
Insert Butterfly
Add cream and condensed milk to TM Bowl
Whip on speed 4 until soft peaks stage (I went a full 40 seconds but checked after 20 seconds)
lick bowl  ;D


I had a little more than the container I was using and made the kids some little ‘special’ ones in small containers with home made strawberry jam drizzled around.  They looked and sounded in heaven when they were presented with them.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: EricaRawlings on January 23, 2013, 12:23:27 pm
Thanks for this fantasticly easy recipe.I have made it twice and just love the flavour, but wish it didn't go so rock hard , any suggestions please??
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Amy :-) on January 23, 2013, 12:27:34 pm
Erica, I don't know how to solve the hardness of this icecream, but to solve the problem I just get it out of the freezer while I'm cooking the main course. By dessert time it is usually soft enough to scoop ;)
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: EricaRawlings on January 23, 2013, 12:57:41 pm
Erica, I don't know how to solve the hardness of this icecream, but to solve the problem I just get it out of the freezer while I'm cooking the main course. By dessert time it is usually soft enough to scoop ;)
Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream:
number of servings depends on your glutton factor - this is rich:
600 mls pure cream
400 mls can condensed milk – what is 5 mls between friends
1 ˝ teaspoons good vanilla
optional a bit extra icing sugar – I added 2 teaspoons

Chill the condensed milk in the fridge for a while
Insert Butterfly
Add cream and condensed milk to TM Bowl
Whip on speed 4 until soft peaks stage (I went a full 40 seconds but checked after 20 seconds)
lick bowl  ;D


I had a little more than the container I was using and made the kids some little ‘special’ ones in small containers with home made strawberry jam drizzled around.  They looked and sounded in heaven when they were presented with them.
Thanks Amy
have heard that if you use 2 - 3 tablespoons alcohol, such as vodka, has anyone any esperience with this idea?  Erica
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: meganjane on January 23, 2013, 01:00:48 pm
Erica, I haven't heard that one, but it's worth a try as alcohol doesn't freeze, so it sounds like it should work.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Delightful Den on January 23, 2013, 01:35:02 pm
If you added a few tablespoons of Kahlua it might keep it from freezing so solid and would certainly taste nice.  ;D
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Meagan on January 23, 2013, 03:18:28 pm
Yes the alcohol does work ;)
I made the Nigella coffee icecream the other day which is really similar to this recipe and it is delish!!!
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: EricaRawlings on January 23, 2013, 10:13:33 pm
As you may gather am rather new to this forum, so thanks to all who have so promptly helped me wth their suggestions, another idea I found onn the net was to add about half teaspoon of guar gum to mixture, so I did to the icecream I made last night and some 10 hours later, it is far from rock hard, can't wait for the grandchildren to try it, thanks again folks,   
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: judydawn on January 23, 2013, 10:16:06 pm
I've sometimes put glugs of alcohol in my ice-cream but it just doesn't seem to work for me at all.  I usually resort to the old zap it in the microwave for a while, depending on how full the container is.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Amy :-) on January 23, 2013, 10:40:12 pm
This house is an alcohol free zone so I've never tried the alcohol thing ;)
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: EricaRawlings on January 23, 2013, 11:02:20 pm
I am not keen to include the alcohol, albeit that small amount - has anyone any other ideas of keeping icecream scoopable, so far I am happy with the guar gum effect, it doesn't appear to have any side effects
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Meagan on January 24, 2013, 12:21:24 am
I only put vanilla in the kids icecream and I use vodka to make that (but it is only 2teaspoons in 1.3lt. I put it on the bench for 5-15 mins then serve :)
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: DizzyGirl on January 24, 2013, 12:51:35 am
Meagan, I just added that coffee ice cream to paprika. Looks lovely.
Do you whip with butterfly in thermie?
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Brumington on January 24, 2013, 03:07:35 am
This was a hit today made with top and fill, cream, a pinch of salt and a tsp of gelatine dissolved in a tbsp of water (hoping that'll stop the rock hard effect). It's in the freezer for now but first taste out of the icecream machine was yummy.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Meagan on January 24, 2013, 01:07:51 pm
Meagan, I just added that coffee ice cream to paprika. Looks lovely.
Do you whip with butterfly in thermie?

Yes just insert butterfly add everything ( I bought a short black instant coffee powder from woolies) turn the dial slowly to speed 4 and whip - keep your eye on it 30-90secs depending on the cream. I put too much coffee in so check it with a taste test and add more if needed.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: DizzyGirl on January 24, 2013, 08:24:13 pm
Oh thanks Meagan :) I can't wait to try it. I love coffee. Have you made it with chocolate?
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Brumington on January 24, 2013, 11:59:03 pm
Just to let you know the gelatine has certainly helped in keeping the ice cream softer. I can easily scrape some out with a spoon straight from the freezer. A little too easily perhaps! 😊
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: EricaRawlings on January 25, 2013, 01:30:54 pm
Shall try the gelatine next time I make this delicious icecream, there is only one thing better than this forum and thats the Thermomix itself.  Used mine so much today that I am sure it is hoping for a day off tomorrow!!!!
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Meagan on January 25, 2013, 03:16:09 pm
Oh thanks Meagan :) I can't wait to try it. I love coffee. Have you made it with chocolate?

only the recipe on here where you melt chocolate before adding cream and condensed milk
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Bugsie on January 30, 2013, 02:47:49 am
Love the look of this recipe, as the icing sugar is optional, and there are many comments re keeping it from freezing to hard, if included would it stop it help prevent that????
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: deedub on January 30, 2013, 02:52:02 am
I tried the gelatine trick yesterday bugsie, afraid it didn't work for me the icecream is still hard. Take it out of the freezer about 15 mins before you need it, should be soft enough to scoop then. Haven't tried the alcohol option, since the kids are the ones who eat icecream around here!
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Brumington on January 30, 2013, 05:42:45 am
That's weird cause it worked really well for me. I made the ice cream with the top and fill rather than evaporated milk. Do you think that makes a difference?
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: judydawn on January 30, 2013, 10:10:32 am
I see Erica Rawlings has suddenly become a 'guest'.  I wonder if she unsubscribed from the forum or whether she had the same problem as Mama Fergie a little while back?
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Bugsie on January 30, 2013, 10:46:02 am
I see Erica Rawlings has suddenly become a 'guest'.  I wonder if she unsubscribed from the forum or whether she had the same problem as Mama Fergie a little while back?
and that is?????
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: judydawn on January 30, 2013, 10:48:37 am
Read this ( Bugsie.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Bugsie on January 30, 2013, 11:11:08 am
Read this ( Bugsie.
thanks for the valuable info ....
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Amy :-) on January 30, 2013, 11:48:00 am
I see Erica Rawlings has suddenly become a 'guest'.  I wonder if she unsubscribed from the forum or whether she had the same problem as Mama Fergie a little while back?

It will probably be harder to find out because we didn't know her as well as we know MF :-\
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: deedub on January 31, 2013, 01:11:35 am
That's weird cause it worked really well for me. I made the ice cream with the top and fill rather than evaporated milk. Do you think that makes a difference?

I used condensed milk bugsie - but I did forget the pinch of salt. I'll try again next time, this recipe is too good to give up on! And i don't really mind waiting for it to soften anyway.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: Bugsie on January 31, 2013, 06:02:47 am
Still curious if the icing sugar makes any difference, seeing it is optional, is it just for extra sweetness????
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on January 31, 2013, 11:08:34 am
Yes. I don't add any extra sweetness as I think it is plenty sweet enough.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: BeezeeBee on December 25, 2013, 10:22:49 am
Vanilla icecream at the bottom :P


Good texture. Creamy, not too hard after churning in the icecream maker. But too sweet, even without the extra sugar.

Will reduce the condensed milk next time.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on December 25, 2013, 12:35:28 pm
I use this icecream recipe so much. It is one of DH's favourites. I made the vanilla icecream for my icecream cake for Christmas.

This is it before we put some raspberries and pistachios on to decorate it.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: BeezeeBee on December 25, 2013, 12:58:59 pm
Cookie, is that from 1 recipe? Churned in icecream machine and frozen into springform?

I've never made an icecream cake before.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on December 26, 2013, 11:11:28 am
Yes. I made this icecream with a slurp of vanilla and then churned it. I put it into a bowl and quickly mixed in toasted pistachios, chopped marshmallows, and chopped glacé fruit, and about 300g frozen, slightly thawed raspberries squashed.
I put it into the tin and froze it.
After freezing you could decorate it with cream and put back into the freezer. I didn't as it was just for us.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: BeezeeBee on December 26, 2013, 12:40:50 pm
How do you unmould, Cookie?
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on December 27, 2013, 05:18:45 am
I lined the base of the tin with baking paper. Then when it was time to in mould it I put it in a sink of hot water for a tiny bit. Then ran a knife around the edges to loosen it. I put a plate over the top and turned it upside down onto the plate. If it doesn't work the first time do it again.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: goldfish on April 24, 2014, 02:06:43 pm
Bumping....trying this one this weekend ..... :)
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on April 24, 2014, 02:35:20 pm
I make this frequently. I just add different flavourings. It's featured on forumthermomix Facebook today too.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: mab19 on April 25, 2014, 06:44:53 am
I made this today for the first time.  OMG how delicious.  :P :P :P

I made Pam H's version using the malt biscuits and with crumbled chocolate flake bars in it.  I'm sure the GCs will love it.
Title: Re: Easy (40 second) egg free vanilla icecream
Post by: cookie1 on January 06, 2015, 04:10:50 am
We needed icecream quickly so I decided to use this recipe. I added about 20g cocoa, a good teaspoon of vanilla powder, and 2 teaspoons of Kahlua. The unfrozen icecream tasted lovely.