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Welcoming Center, Management and General Chat => Chit Chat => Topic started by: I Love Bimby! on February 25, 2010, 12:31:46 pm

Title: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on February 25, 2010, 12:31:46 pm
Usually I try not to make desserts because I don't have anyone else here to eat it all for me.... so I need some help please.

I'm having a guest for dinner (ok a nice guy ;) :-[) and I'll cook up a roast lamb for the main part of the meal but need some help in choosing a scrumptious dessert that will go nicely afterwards (and to be honest I want it to impress - can't believe I'm admitting to this in public  :o).

I could make the fool proof self saucing chocolate pudding, or those strawberry tarts from last years calendar (the valentines day ones).... or there's Jo's divine looking lime & kiwifruit tart with pistachio pastry...  ??? ??? HELP please.... ?
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: cookie1 on February 25, 2010, 12:34:33 pm
Do you want it all prepared before hand? Or would you be happy with something like strawberry foam, or perhaps this isn't quite impressive enough!!
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: judydawn on February 25, 2010, 12:46:35 pm
The cat's out of the bag now ILB  ;D ;D ;D  I've just made the German cherry crumble cheesecake and it looks really nice.  Can't tell you what it tastes like until after my guests leave on Saturday though and that is probably too late.  Those who have tried it really liked it though.  The kiwi tart is Julies recipe - any of her dessert photos looks really good.  Isi's apple crumble looks good but may not impress enough.  Whipping him up an instant ice-cream if it is hot will certainly impress.  I'm sure you will choose something nice in the end and have a lovely day.  I'm sooo excited for you  :-* :-* 
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: meganjane on February 25, 2010, 12:50:20 pm
I'm not a dessert fan, but will always eat fresh fruit with Mars Bar Dip ( Just cut up strawberries, pineapple, peaches, nectarines, bananas (toss in lemon juice) and any other fruit in season and arrange artfully on a platter. Place a bowl of this in the middle and use wooden skewers.
This is a shared dessert, so can be romantic. We also love to put marshmallows on the platter....mmmmm.....
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: judydawn on February 25, 2010, 12:54:19 pm
ILB, just saw MJ's Mars Bar dip - that would be a romantic dessert and so quick & easy to prepare with a platter of fresh fruit.
Bron's Banoffee Pie is a good one but takes a while to make.

You just got in before me MJ - we are on the same wave length.
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: achookwoman on February 25, 2010, 12:58:25 pm
It has to be something chocolate.   
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on February 25, 2010, 01:08:37 pm
Do you want it all prepared before hand? Or would you be happy with something like strawberry foam, or perhaps this isn't quite impressive enough!!

My first thought was not impressive enough, but in a chocolate basket which I could make before hand and some fresh strawberries to serve it with might be nice and light afterwards and certainly impressive with the texture.

just had a thought, raspberry and mint might be a refreshing alternative too.... hmmmm  :P
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on February 25, 2010, 01:10:17 pm
The cat's out of the bag now ILB  ;D ;D ;D  I've just made the German cherry crumble cheesecake and it looks really nice.  Can't tell you what it tastes like until after my guests leave on Saturday though and that is probably too late.  Those who have tried it really liked it though.  The kiwi tart is Julies recipe - any of her dessert photos looks really good.  Isi's apple crumble looks good but may not impress enough.  Whipping him up an instant ice-cream if it is hot will certainly impress.  I'm sure you will choose something nice in the end and have a lovely day.  I'm sooo excited for you  :-* :-* 

Im blushing now JD! But I have to learn to ask for help! And I need it. Oh too many choices!   I could do little individual kiwi tarts....
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on February 25, 2010, 01:15:01 pm
I'm not a dessert fan, but will always eat fresh fruit with Mars Bar Dip ( Just cut up strawberries, pineapple, peaches, nectarines, bananas (toss in lemon juice) and any other fruit in season and arrange artfully on a platter. Place a bowl of this in the middle and use wooden skewers.
This is a shared dessert, so can be romantic. We also love to put marshmallows on the platter....mmmmm.....

Perhaps this is it MJ! Chocolate, easy to prepare, romantic, not too heavy or fattening (though mars bars and cream   ??? :-)) - it's got fruit so has to be healthy right!!?? ) LOL.

Thanks everyone for your help!  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: meganjane on February 25, 2010, 01:17:09 pm
Oh, it's definitely healthy!! Lots of fruit....and very romantic ;)
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: judydawn on February 25, 2010, 02:15:14 pm
Looks like you have made your choice ILB - an excellent one too.  Good on you MJ.
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: baf65 on February 25, 2010, 02:43:38 pm
my fave easy dessert is

chop on speed 4 a cup or so of hazelnutes and a bar of dark good chocolate, chop till coarsely grated
set aside

1 tub of marscapone cheese (250g i think is the size)
300g of greek yoghurt
couple of tablespoons of brown sugar
maple syrup

whisk on speed 4 with the butterfly in place for 4mins, add more maple syrup if required

**I also add some liqueur - amaretto or cointrea**

put in dish (or separate glasses) to chill for a few hours

when ready to serve, put the hazelnut/choc mix on the top and then also top with fruit - I use fresh strawberries or even frozen raspberries - also sprinkled with some liquer

very simple and very decadent!!
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Katya on February 25, 2010, 02:56:35 pm
I did my first ever TMX Creme Brulee last Sunday with some raspberries on the bottom.   We had some friends round and they were VERY impressed - one said it was the best Creme Brulee he'd ever eaten  ;)
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: judydawn on February 26, 2010, 12:34:47 am
Thanks to you ILB, we are now getting some great ideas coming out of the woodwork for favourite desserts.  It is always a problem choosing what to do in this household when entertaining as you do like to do something a little special. I'm not like JulieO - ALL her desserts are special and she does them for her family, not just for guests.

Baf65, what would you call your dessert - it sounds really nice without having to spend a lot of time making it.

Katya, which recipe did you use for the creme brulee? I have an old EDC and I had made a note on it about a revised recipe being put on the forum but also with the comment that some found the original recipe better than the revised one.

I want to start a special folder for dinner party recipes in general. Came across one whole menu put out by Thermomix which is here if you have missed it. (
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: cookie1 on February 26, 2010, 01:49:21 am
Whatever you make ILB will be wonderful I am sure. Just relax and have a lovely evening.
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on February 26, 2010, 03:10:48 am
Ohhhhh how lovely.  Have a wonderful evening ILB!!!  :D
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: achookwoman on February 26, 2010, 07:46:42 am
When did you say this was happening ?  What time?  Think we might all drop in ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on February 26, 2010, 08:06:38 am
Lol.... um.... NO!!! Ha ha.

Thanks all for your advice. I'm not sure if it'll be this weekend or next.... I'll let you know after the event  ;) :-))

I love Katya's Creme Burlee idea too... and I haven't made them before, so it might just be a good excuse.... plus I'll have to make another batch as a trial  ;)
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Thermomixer on February 26, 2010, 08:26:44 am
Might pay to drop hints and ask if he has preferences for dessert.

You wouldn't win me with anything chcocolate (but then your not trying to win me over !)

After the lamb it may pay to go with something lighter or citrus - lemon meringue ?,  limoncello sorbet, george C's lemon sabayon?
Paul's Key Lime pie?

Good Luck  :-* :-* :-*  ;D
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on February 26, 2010, 08:34:33 am
oh decisions, decisions....  :-))

Thanks Thermomixer  :-*  I'll sus him out I think. I know he enjoys icecream, so could always try the salted maple icecream that someone mentioned would "walk over glass" for....

Funny how before tmx days my range of desserts would be pretty simple.... ha, and now so many gorgeous options....
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: jojo on February 26, 2010, 08:44:02 am

I made the Passion fruit Berry Dacquoise from the Thermomix site on NYE. Incredibly yummy and very impressive. We used fresh raspberries and put it all together a few hours before which meant the cream nicely melded into the meringue.

See (

Good luck!!


Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on February 26, 2010, 10:48:24 am
Thanks JoJo, that looks good too, but I'm just not a big cream person  :-\

Well have established he likes chocolate desserts, custard desserts and also tarts... so that narrows it down to ummm about a dozen options... lol

Anyone made a chocolate creme brulee?
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Katya on February 26, 2010, 10:58:25 am

Katya, which recipe did you use for the creme brulee? I have an old EDC and I had made a note on it about a revised recipe being put on the forum but also with the comment that some found the original recipe better than the revised one.

Judy - I used the recipe from the UK Fast & Easy book although the raspberries were my idea.  It certainly was fast and VERY easy....
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Caroline J on February 26, 2010, 05:34:28 pm
I have had marriage proposals as a result of the EDC sticky date pudding....
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: JulieO on February 27, 2010, 01:41:12 am
ILB, does it have to be made in the TM?  I have a few nice desserts that can be made ahead of time.  If you see anything here, I'd be happy to post the recipes or send you a PM.

This is a chocolate mousse that is nice and light and can look more special depending on what you serve it in.  A nice cup or a chocolate mould look especially good.


Or a Caramel & Banana tart,


And a Spring Berry tart, which was nice and refreshing


Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: judydawn on February 27, 2010, 01:55:38 am
JulieO - you are the Queen of desserts for sure.  How inviting they all look.
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on February 27, 2010, 02:58:12 am
Oh JulieO, those desserts look divine! Just served lunch but would rather your desserts  ;D  And I would LOVE the recipes for all of them please  :-)) :-* :-*

I'm pretty much solely dependant on my tmx and oven as I don't have any of the "old" applicances.

Caroline J - the sticky date is divine isn't it?! With the warm weather we have at the moment I'd better leave that one till winter.
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: gertbysea on February 27, 2010, 02:59:15 am
Julie-o Stop it right now. You are putting us to shame. I don't even eat deserts yet I wanna bite :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Thermomixer on February 27, 2010, 03:15:14 am
Wow JulieO - ILB might hire you for the night so she can concentrate on the small (or not so small) talk. 

Great work - actually, just put one in the mail since they're make ahead  ;) ;)

I have had marriage proposals as a result of the EDC sticky date pudding....

LOL - not sure if DH would now appreciate or hate the TMX with suitors after you and the TMX  :D :D :D
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: JulieO on February 27, 2010, 03:39:57 am
Thankyou everyonel  ;D

ILB, they were all done in the 'old' way,  do you still want me to post the recipes?   :)
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: JulieO on February 27, 2010, 04:23:46 am
I'll post them anyway, as the 2 tarts especially should be converted easily enough.  The mousse is a tricky one as I've tried the EDC one and wasn't impressed, so don't know whether it was the dodgy recipe or because using a mixer is better. 

I really need to revisit some of my tried and true recipes I'm sure there's more that could be easily converted.  :D

125g dark chocolate
4 eggs, separated
1 tblsp brandy (I used 1 tsp)
1 cup cream

Chop chocolate roughly, put into top of double saucepan, stir over hot water until melted.  Remove from heat, cool slightly, gradually add brandy and egg yolks.  Beat until mixture is smooth and thick.

Whip cream.  Do not over whip, or the cream will be difficult to fold in.  Cream should be just nicely thickened.  Fold into the chocolate mixture.

Beat egg whites until soft peaks form.  Again, do not over beat the whites or they will not fold so easily into the chocolate mixture.

Fold half the whites into chocolate mixture, then fold in the remaining half.  (It's much easier to incorporate whites when you fold them into the mixture in two portions than if you add them all at once).

Spoon mixture into 4 individual dishes or one large dish.  Refrigerate until firm. 

To serve, top with whipped cream and grated chocolate. (Use a veg peeler to grate chocolate, it gives nice, chunky pieces).


For the tart below, make up to where you put the banana on the top. Cover and chill in the fridge.  Just before serving cut the bananas and place on top. The sauce can be reheated gently again to drizzle on the top.

1 sheet shortcrust pastry, thawed (I made my own Vanilla Shortcrust pastry)
300g fresh, reduced-fat ricotta
110g pkt goat's cheese
60g (1/3 cup) icing sugar mixture
40g butter
55g (¼ cup, firmly packed) brown sugar
60ml (¼ cup) thickened cream
3 small bananas, peeled, thinly sliced diagonally
45g (¼ cup) dry roasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped

After rolling out pastry, line a 11 x 34cm tart tin with removable base.  Don't trim the top as it will shrink during baking, you can cut off excess after.  Prick all over the base with a fork and place in the freezer for 5 mins to rest.

Bake for approx 15 mins or until crisp and golden.  Remove from the oven and carefully trim off excess pastry.  Remove from the tin and remove the base.  Place on a serving plate and set aside to cool.

Meanwhile, use an electric mixer to beat the ricotta, goats cheese and icing sugar until smooth. 

In a small saucepan, place butter, brown sugar and cream.  Cook over low heat, stirring for about 5 mins or until melted and combined.  Set aside to cool slightly.

Spoon the ricotta mixture into the pastry case and use the back of a spoon to smooth the surface.  Layer the banana slices, overlapping slightly, over the top.  Drizzle the caramel sauce over the top.  Sprinkle with the nuts and serve immediately with a little more of the sauce if desired.


1 cup (150g) plain flour
2 tblsp caster sugar, plus 1/3 cup (75g) extra
90g cold, unsalted butter, chopped
2 – 3 tblsp iced water
1 ¾ cups (350g) low fat ricotta
¼ cup (60ml) light cream
2 eggs
grated rind of 1 orange
250g punnet strawberries, hulled
125g punnet blueberries

Process flour, 2 tblsp caster sugar and butter in a food processor until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.  With motor running, gradually add iced water, until a ball forms.  Turn out onto a floured surface and knead lightly until smooth.  Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 30 mins.

Preheat oven 180c or 160c fan forced.  Lightly grease a 23cm pie or flan dish.  Pat dough into a flat disc on a lightly floured surface and roll out to 3mm thick.  Use to line prepared dish and trim edges.  Chill for 15 mins. 

Line pastry shell with baking paper and fill with weights.  Bake for 15 mins.  Remove weights and bake for another 10 mins.

Meanwhile, use an electric mixer to beat ricotta, cream, extra sugar, eggs and orange rind until just smooth.  Pour into pastry shell and bake for 30 mins, until set.  Remove from oven and cool.  Chill until cold.

Just before serving, arrange fruit over tart.

Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: cookie1 on February 27, 2010, 10:19:08 am
Julie they are beautiful. How I love desserts. :P   I'm coming over your way in September I will call in and have a serve of each please! :P :P

I am only joking.
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on February 27, 2010, 10:31:26 am
Julie, They all look divine!!!  :-* :-* Thank you for the recipes!

This really isn't making my decision any easier.... I've now purchased ingredients for 3 different things.... guess I'll just see which one I cook up (if I don't change my mind again)  :-))
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Katya on February 27, 2010, 11:03:55 am
What about a trio of desserts ?  Loads of work but v. high wow factor  :D
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: quirkycooking on February 27, 2010, 01:15:10 pm
Here's my foolproof recipe for chocolate mousse made in the TMX - it's so yummy, and it's very low fat - has no dairy (although you wouldn't know it!)  I converted it from one at (  I think chocolate mousse is always a winner - it's light, but rich, and if you add a couple of strawberries it's just right!!  :)

I love your idea of mousse in a pretty teacup, JulieO - gorgeous!!!  :-*
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: meganjane on February 28, 2010, 10:31:05 am
Wow, all those desserts sound (and look!) gorgeous!

Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: judydawn on February 28, 2010, 10:43:21 am
We have some very talented ladies on this forum with their beautiful desserts - photos as nice as any you would find in a cook book. It's not a matter of what to do for dessert but which one to do these days.
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Thermomixer on March 01, 2010, 07:55:21 am
Chocolate mousse teamed with Rare Muscat - just a little glass  ;) sounds like a winner.

PS - hope he is not buying a TMX and lurking on the forum :D
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: cookie1 on March 01, 2010, 09:07:53 am
He will have to bake ILB dinner then from all the lovely recipes. ;D
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on March 01, 2010, 10:08:05 am
We have some very talented ladies on this forum with their beautiful desserts - photos as nice as any you would find in a cook book. It's not a matter of what to do for dessert but which one to do these days.

That is the problem JD.

Well I ended up making.... drum roll....   :-)) LOL.... Chocolate Mousse out of My Way Of Cooking. Having never made mousse before it was so easy! Made it that morning then served it nice tea cups (probably a bit girly for him but he didn't say anything) with mixed raspberries, strawberries and blueberries on top.  :P

Next time will be a Rhubarb Tart like he had a home (he's not Aussie) - that's when he gets the recipe to me though.

Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on March 01, 2010, 10:10:17 am
Chocolate mousse teamed with Rare Muscat - just a little glass  ;) sounds like a winner.

PS - hope he is not buying a TMX and lurking on the forum :D

Now there's an idea I didn't think of Thermomixer. But we were enjoying a couple of bottles of the 2000 Patricia Merlot too much anyway  8).

Made the mousse with a tablespoon of Kahula, but next time might try Frangelico instead  ??? Or a nice muscat or very old tokay....
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on March 01, 2010, 10:11:52 am
He will have to bake ILB dinner then from all the lovely recipes. ;D

LOL cookie. He asks a few questions about it each time anyway. Don't see him rushing out for one just yet....

PS - hope he is not buying a TMX and lurking on the forum :D

I think we're safe there for the moment  ;)
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on March 01, 2010, 10:35:57 am
Next time will be a Rhubarb Tart like he had a home (he's not Aussie) - that's when he gets the recipe to me though.

Next time. . . . .  Sounds promising!!!  ;D
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: judydawn on March 01, 2010, 10:41:55 am
I'm staying right out of this one  :-X :-X
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on March 01, 2010, 10:46:36 am
LOL **BLUSHING**   :-X :-X
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on March 01, 2010, 10:53:09 am
hehehe  :)
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: cookie1 on March 01, 2010, 11:37:08 am
Glad it went well. We're all like your Mum looking over your shoulder. ;)
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: meganjane on March 02, 2010, 03:34:32 am
So glad it was a hit ILB and very happy for you that there'll be a next time! ;)
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Thermomixer on March 02, 2010, 08:19:58 am
Good luck with the rhubarb - if he is from Scotland then their rhubarb is so much sweeter than ours - you may need to add lots of whipped cream to cut through the tartness of our rhubarb.  ;)

Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on March 02, 2010, 09:34:11 am
Thanks everyone. It wasn't a first date, just a first meal.

Yes Cookie, it does feel like lots of Mums looking over my shoulder (LOL) on and a Dad too.... ha ha.

Thanks for the heads up Thermomixer on the rhubarb. He's Irish, so guessing their Rhubarbs sweeter too?
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Rogizoja on March 02, 2010, 11:09:54 am
Thisstring is getting better than a TV soap! Can't wait for the next thrilling episode.
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on March 02, 2010, 11:20:00 am
It is very exciting! I am a shocking romantic though!!! ;D
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: achookwoman on March 02, 2010, 11:20:58 am
I guessed he was from GB.   They force their Rhubarb by placing large pots over the plants and the warmth encourages new shoots.   These are tender,  and as Thermomixer says, not as tart as ours.  I usually add some artificial sweetener as it usually requires LOTS of sugar.    I would also pull the strings off.  Stephanie Alexander has a lovely tart in her new book, Kitchen Garden Companion.   I have made it and so have others that I know,  I made it with rhubarb and raspberries,  although the recipe calls for strawberries.  The only problem was that the pastry that she recommends is very short (too much butter for my taste).  Page 562 if you are interested.

Just remember I love this tart,  and could bring the Rhubarb and stay for  ;D ;D ;D dinner.
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on March 02, 2010, 11:24:42 am
That doesn't sound very romantic Chookie.  Two's company and all that!  ;D
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on March 02, 2010, 11:48:29 am
Oh dear, now I'm starting to get very embarrased...  :-[ :-[  "normal me" wouldn't have posted such a thing, but I needed help deciding on a dessert

Just remember I love this tart,  and could bring the Rhubarb and stay for  ;D ;D ;D dinner.

Oh you're welcome Chookie!  :P LOL. Most of the time I have DD with me anyway  :-))  Will have to look up that cookbook  ;)

I also read recently about Rhubarb that is grown in the dark and only picked by candle light. It is supposed to be especially sweet and now it's becoming a protected name and can only be marketed as such if it is grown in designated areas, much like french wines.

I think you might all be reading too much into this. He doesn't come across as very romantic anyway, very nice though. I enjoy cooking and trying to impress through cooking (as many of us on here do!  ;D ).

I just had a thought... 2 of XH's mates darling wives have TMX's and are probably reading this... HI Bron and Tiesh *waves*  :-* :-*

Anyway after 18 months since becoming single it's a bit of fun and nice to enjoy some company. 
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: cookie1 on March 02, 2010, 11:54:43 am
Why shouldn't you?  We are just incredible romantics as someone said. Sticky beaks too!!  It's nice to be able to relax over dinner with someone, a pleasant change for you. Keep the BB flowing. :D
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on March 02, 2010, 11:59:46 am
Thanks Cookie  :-*  I'm a romantic too and perhaps a little impatient one at that  :D :D

We all become like family and care about each other (like postings for missing members), enjoy all the ups and excitment (whether recipes or Caroline's new bub) and are there to support each others disappoinments and frustrations (PC's  >:( ).

I appreciate it all  :-* And the fact that at the end of the day I can come here for some sanity and a good belly chuckle too  ;) :-*
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: judydawn on March 02, 2010, 12:57:51 pm
ILB you would be a great catch for some lucky man and as you have probably gathered, we are all happy for you - thanks for sharing your exciting weekend with us.  Once you click that send button, we are all onto it before you even have a chance to think 'will I delete it'.  You are right, we are one big, happy family & feel we can share personal details with everyone.  Just go with the flow and enjoy  :-* :-*
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on March 02, 2010, 01:01:24 pm
LOL, thanks JD  :-* I have thought about going back and deleting some postings, but everyone's read it now anyway  :-)) :D :D
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Very Happy Jan on March 02, 2010, 02:21:51 pm
There won't be one single person on this forum that doesn't wish you well ILB. We may be sticky beaks but hearts are in the right place and if you wanted your space you could have it. Glad the dinner went well  :-* :-*
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: achookwoman on March 03, 2010, 02:23:47 am
Jan, you are so right.  ILB is so good natured,  we have joined in on the excitement of having some one different for dinner.
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on March 03, 2010, 10:48:40 am
Thank you. And if I didn't feel this comfortable with you lot, I would never had said anything.  ;D ;) :-* :-*

He lives about 3 hours away so generally see him about every second weekend (give or take an weekend here or there). Which is actually quiet nice as I appreciate having my space and some one on one time with DD too (when working full time that's a bit hard at times). So everyone's happy  ;D :D :D
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on March 03, 2010, 10:56:22 am
We are all just happy that you are happy ILB!  It sounds like you have had a very tough couple of years and it is lovely that you have found a good friend. You must still expect some terrible teasing and sticky-beaking though!! Although we can arrange to do that via PM's if you would prefer ;)!!!
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on March 03, 2010, 12:16:44 pm
If anything Chelsea i've learnt to grow thicker skin so a bit of teasing won't worry me - just lucky that you can't see my face glowing red when you do!!  :D :D :-))

And the forum wouldn't be like family without stick beaking  :D :D ;)
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: JaneeZee on March 07, 2010, 01:08:43 pm
Well I really enjoyed reading that thread ILB. ;)

FYI I like the chocolate mousse replacing the orange juice with Cointreau...............
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: I Love Bimby! on March 07, 2010, 01:10:23 pm
Thanks JaneeZee, it seems to keep a few people interested anyway -  ;) :D :D LOL.
Title: Re: A dessert to impress???
Post by: Thermomixer on March 08, 2010, 11:20:18 pm
Welcome back JZ - yes a bit of the old grog never went astray  ;)