Forum Thermomix

Welcoming Center, Management and General Chat => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: HellyBelly on December 04, 2009, 09:13:33 am

Title: My husband is terrible...
Post by: HellyBelly on December 04, 2009, 09:13:33 am
... at keeping secrets! We were on the phone today having a random conversation about tennis, and he suddenly blurts out, "I ordered you a Thermomix this morning for Christmas!" Poor guy, he's never been able to keep a surprise secret as long as I've known him!

My name is Helen, I live in Kalgoorlie, WA, and I'm totally excited to be a getting a TM soon!!! Anyone know how many days it takes to arrive?
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Meagan on December 04, 2009, 09:16:59 am
Welcome to the forum and Merry Christmas!! ;D ;D ;D What a lovely DH  :-* it is 3 - 5 working days in Perth not sure about Kal??
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: HellyBelly on December 04, 2009, 09:25:02 am
Hi Meagan - it's usually pretty safe to tack on an extra few days if something's coming here ;)

And YES - what a great gift for Christmas - because now I have something to make all my cookie dough in! My old blender has started making very sad noises in the last few days, so his timing is great. :)
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: gertbysea on December 04, 2009, 09:27:59 am
Hi HellyBelly. Welcome to you and how wonderful is that husband of yours.

Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: judydawn on December 04, 2009, 10:08:40 am
Hi Helen, what a lucky girl you are :D :D  I could never keep secrets either when I was younger and always bought something, gave it to them immediately then had to go out and get something else.  Don't know how many times I did that before Christmas Day even arrived but it worked out a rather expensive habit.  Thankfully I grew out of it.  Welcome to the forum, get ready for your TMX by doing lots of reading from this site - you will find it very interesting and it will be hard to drag yourself away at times.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: HellyBelly on December 04, 2009, 10:35:59 am
thanks Gretchen and Judy. Is it just me or is this forum full of aussies? :D Yeah, I am very thankful for what I am about to recieve (sounds like saying grace) DH is very sweet. Mind you, he'll probably reap most of the benefits!

I've been hearing about how badly done the cookbook is - is this true? A lot of people say that they just go off forum recipes now. That's slightly a bummer - what about the other cookbooks, like the Raw one?
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: cathy79 on December 04, 2009, 10:44:18 am
Hi HellyBelly
Congrats on the fantastic Christmas present.  Everyone has a different opinion on the cookbook(s), like most things in life.  It depends on what foods you like, your style of cooking, any allergies you might have........

Personally, I love the forum and haven't bought any additional cookbooks.  I find the forum is lots of peoples tried and true recipes, and the reviews are a really, really big guide.  And it's free, as long as you don't consider the time cruising - but it's my down time so doesn't count.

So I'd stick with the forum recipes.  And once you're confident to start converting your old favourites, you'll be laughing!
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Nay-nay on December 04, 2009, 11:51:23 am
Welcome Hellybelly - yep there's alot of Aussies around here. As Cathy said it's personal choice and lifestyle but I think the EDC (everyday cookbook that comes with TMX) is a great starting point - it has 200 basic recipes that have been updated recently. But at the same time this forum is fantastic for a quick reference or help with any recipe. In fact if you want a recipe you just ask and virtually seconds later you have people falling over themselves from all over the world to help you out. Hope to hear about your conversion recipes.  ;)
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: judydawn on December 04, 2009, 12:03:04 pm
You obviously heard correct Helen.  You need the basic cookbook that comes with the machine but you will be kept busy for a long time if you print out some recipes from the forum.  As Cathy said, they are tried and true and often have reviews.  I love to convert my own recipes too so am never short of something new to try.  Having said that, I still have quite a few cookbooks but often wonder why I buy them as I have so many recipes in my 'to do' file I really don't need anymore books. Have always been addicted to cookbooks though.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: cookie1 on December 04, 2009, 12:14:48 pm
Welcome Helen. I think you are our first Kal person. What a lovely Christmas gift, made even better by the fact that you can now anticipate it as well.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Thermomixer on December 04, 2009, 12:27:47 pm
Welcome Hellybelly - looks like there is still gold in Kalgoorlie - in the form of your DH  :-* :-* :-*

There are a lot of good recipes in the cookbook.  But always chop and cook for less than it says and adjust.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Very Happy Jan on December 04, 2009, 02:19:04 pm
Welcome Hellybelly. What a lovely Dh you have. Hope you enjoy your TMX and this forum
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: CreamPuff63 on December 04, 2009, 03:25:54 pm
Yes, your DH is terribl.....y nice.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: faffa_70 on December 04, 2009, 10:46:40 pm
LOL I love it! Welcome to the forum. You will love your DH for ever more!!! My DH was just about as nice, he heard about the TMX and came home and told me that he thought we needed one  ;D ;D
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: HellyBelly on December 10, 2009, 01:35:43 am
Thanks for the lovely welcome everyone! This seems like such a nice place to hang out. I spent hours last night looking through all my existing recipe books for ones I could try converting to make in the TM. Still no sign of it.... I'm hanging out!
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Sundari on December 10, 2009, 01:50:34 am
Welcome I'm sure you will love your new xmas gift  ;D
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Amanda on December 10, 2009, 07:23:17 am
Welcome, HllyBelly!  What a gem of a husband!
I'm sure that you will find lots of recipes here on the forum to get you started.
The book that comes with the machine (even the updated one) is less than reliable in some recipes and brilliant in others!
As Thermomixer says - always process and cook for less time than the recipe in the book says, then check.  You can always chop and cook more, but you can't undo it! ;D
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: AmandaN on December 10, 2009, 11:20:43 pm
Lucky you HellyBelly!

As TM is not sold in BigW, I am extremely unlikely to get one for Christmas (cost factor aside!).  My Santa only shops at BigW....the closest shop to us! 

Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: cookie1 on December 11, 2009, 02:42:02 am
That sounds a little like my DH too. Mine shops on Christmas eve about 4 or later. He does it every year. I have got used to it.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: trudy on December 11, 2009, 08:17:23 am
Welcome Helen,

Hope you don't have to wait any more than the 3-4 days the others seem to think it takes.  You must really be excited .

Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: HellyBelly on December 11, 2009, 10:14:22 am
well, it arrived last night, and I've already made chai lattes, breakfast (porridge and fruit sauce), a batch of roasted tomato pasta sauce, and two batches on gingerbread... lol!!!

Don't worry, my hubby doesn't normally have such clear direction as to what to get me. It's only because the other blender is about dead that he thought of it at all! So he's claiming it's my birthday present too so he doesn't have to think of one of them too!
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: meganjane on December 11, 2009, 03:20:43 pm
Well, you've done extremely well! What a fantastic hubby! Mine just grumbles about spending money.

I love your avatar!

I actually like the recipe books. I tend to use about three recipes when I cook, so I still do that, but use the instructions from the EDC book or whichever one I'm using (I have pretty well all of them) and then make my own adjustments as necessary and notate them in the cook book.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: faffa_70 on December 12, 2009, 08:27:56 am
I think my biggest tip now as a consultant to new customers is don't be afraid to write in your cook books - it is a must!! They won't stay pristine and clean as you will use them so many times ;) Might just have to see if that is in tips etc as that encourages people to be tweaking for their own tastes right from the start and hopefully be aware and have more successes from the start as well!
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Shallys DH on December 12, 2009, 10:46:24 am
See... We try our best you know!

Shally says "I'm very trying..."  :-\

Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: HellyBelly on December 12, 2009, 02:07:35 pm
Shally's DH - LOL. I know, you're all very trying... I mean, trying your best!!! :)

faffa - yeah, i think I just have a thing about spoiling the "pristine" book - but, having said that, I've already spilt food on mine today, so it's already no longer "virgin" (eeek!)

MJ - thank you! My husband and I went through a brief phase where we made emoticons, for some reason. There's actually a longer version where he gets blended into "ribena", but it was just a shade too big to upload here! We are disturbing folk. ;)
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: ThermomixBlogger on December 14, 2009, 02:24:33 am
Hi there HellyBelly and a big wave to you from Canada!  :)

You are right, this IS a great place to hang out,   8) 8) 8) and it is so very true that people will fall over themselves to help you. It happened to me and I am so indebted to these folks for supporting my early attempts at Thermomixing and at blogging too.

Anyway, just a 'note' about making notes in the cookbooks. I use the little sticky notes we have here for office use, called "Post It Notes". Not sure if you have them in Oz or not, but I keep these on hand and also a PENCIL, and am constantly making notes to tweak as I cook. The sticky notes are great cuz you can stick lots of them on one page if needed, and also remove them when you get a better idea and want to scrap the old ideas out. I use the large size (3in.x3in) and ... since Thermomix... I buy them in bulk, ha ha!  :-))

I bet you will find that this lovely machine takes you in all kinds of new culinary directions. Old recipes may take a back seat for a while. ;)  And oh yes, you can give your DH a squeeze from all the gals on the forum who are envious. He sure sounds like a keeper!

(Thermomix Blogger)
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Thermomixer on December 14, 2009, 02:29:23 am

Anyway, just a 'note' about making notes in the cookbooks. I use the little sticky notes we have here for office use, called "Post It Notes". Not sure if you have them in Oz or not,

LOL- we're backward, but we do have Post-it Notes - even in WA & Queensland  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

My EDC book is the only book I have ever scribbled in !!! - it was hard, but it would be bulging with Post-it notes.

I got a new edition lately and started to compare the recipes and started to make notes.  Don't think I'll be getting it autographed  ;)
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: cookie1 on December 14, 2009, 06:06:49 am
Mmmmmm. 'Thems dangerous words Thermomixer.' It may have to be spatulas at dawn! ;D ;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: I Love Bimby! on December 14, 2009, 06:10:01 am
LOL - hope your not planning a holiday north or west too soon Thermomixer...  :D

I NEVER used to write in my cookbooks. Now my non TMX cookbooks have conversions scribbled in them  :-))
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: cookie1 on December 14, 2009, 06:15:54 am
I'm afraid mine have scribble all over them. I do like the idea of post its though as sometimes things change and then I have to white out the scribble notes. I may have to use post its until I'm sure of the TMX ones.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Thermomixer on December 14, 2009, 06:49:19 am
Mmmmmm. 'Thems dangerous words Thermomixer.' It may have to be spatulas at dawn! ;D ;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D ;D

Think I will use my Thermomix spatula for that - hand little section to protect blows from another spatula.

BTW - you are three hours behind !!  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: judydawn on December 14, 2009, 11:14:30 am
I now use TB's suggestion of post its.  My EDC is disgusting with all my notations and spills but my latest purchase, the Festive Flavour already has 5 post its in place - not my hints, I haven't even done anything from it yet, but other peoples ideas.  In a perfect world I would like a recipe book that has no need for post its or scribbles   :-)) :-)) :-))
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: I Love Bimby! on December 14, 2009, 12:01:07 pm
Maybe a netbook JD that you can have all your recipes loaded onto and have it sitting on the kitchen bench.

After all the disussions on the Menu Planning thread I had to go and look it up - never knew there was such a thing, but were are behind in the country.... LOL
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Thermomixer on December 14, 2009, 12:13:41 pm
Maybe Thermomix will supply us all with one when we purchase their coobook in DVD format  ;D ;D
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: I Love Bimby! on December 14, 2009, 12:28:11 pm
Maybe Thermomix will supply us all with one when we purchase their coobook in DVD format  ;D ;D

ROFLMAO!!!!!  :D :D :D :D You are too funny!!!
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: cookie1 on December 15, 2009, 09:04:44 am

BTW - you are three hours behind !!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

..and we'll never catch up!
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: andiesenji on December 15, 2009, 09:40:24 pm
Maybe Thermomix will supply us all with one when we purchase their coobook in DVD format  ;D ;D

I would like to request that they make them available for the Kindle!   I'm a big fan of the Kindle, and have purchased a few cookbooks and love that I can make "notes"  and bookmark pages when I want to make alterations to a recipe.

Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: gertbysea on December 16, 2009, 12:19:58 am
Maybe Thermomix will supply us all with one when we purchase their coobook in DVD format  ;D ;D

I would like to request that they make them available for the Kindle!   I'm a big fan of the Kindle, and have purchased a few cookbooks and love that I can make "notes"  and bookmark pages when I want to make alterations to a recipe.

I have been thnking about a Kindle. Is it worth it andiesenji?

DVD cookbooks would be great.


Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: andiesenji on December 16, 2009, 01:32:50 am
Maybe Thermomix will supply us all with one when we purchase their coobook in DVD format  ;D ;D

I would like to request that they make them available for the Kindle!   I'm a big fan of the Kindle, and have purchased a few cookbooks and love that I can make "notes"  and bookmark pages when I want to make alterations to a recipe.

I have been thnking about a Kindle. Is it worth it andiesenji?

DVD cookbooks would be great.


I love it.   I got the original, which I still have and is the one I take when I have appointments, and upgraded to the Kindle II last spring.
The books are always archived with Amazon and downloading takes less than a minute for most books.  I recently downloaded a bunch of books that I had mistakenly deleted and it took about 8 minutes to download 28 books. 
A couple of months ago I got a notice that Whispernet is now available in Australia and the Kindle could be sent there. 

It's great for me because I do read a great deal and like to read  book series one after another.   Near the end of summer I read all of the Alexander McCall Smith  books that started with:  The Number One Ladies Detective Agency. 

One great thing is being to read a sample of a book, prior to purchase.  I can usually tell within the first few pages if I am going to enjoy and story so get the free samples and download the book if I like it.   Can't do that with regular books.
Our local library has hours that are rarely handy for me.  Because of cutbacks they have reduced staff and hours. 
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: gertbysea on December 16, 2009, 02:16:34 am
Thanks for that. You may know that books are very expensive in Australia due to government restrictions regarding publishing. A lot of controversy on that one. Makes me cross.  I would use the Kindle mainly for travel as I carry a very small bag filled with books and not much else.  I will look into it further.

Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Thermomixer on December 16, 2009, 02:59:34 am
I would use the Kindle mainly for travel as I carry a very small bag filled with books and not much else.  I will look into it further.

OMG - wish MrsT would do that - I had to buy her an extra case last time when I insisted we could get all into 2 suitcases.  ....and nearly had excess baggage!!  All mine was in a carry-on sized bag  :-)) :-))

Do you wear clothes while away ?  :o :o :o  ;D ;D ;D ;D  Hope you pack your toothbrush.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: gertbysea on December 16, 2009, 04:23:21 am
I would use the Kindle mainly for travel as I carry a very small bag filled with books and not much else.  I will look into it further.

OMG - wish MrsT would do that - I had to buy her an extra case last time when I insisted we could get all into 2 suitcases.  ....and nearly had excess baggage!!  All mine was in a carry-on sized bag  :-)) :-))

Do you wear clothes while away ?  :o :o :o  ;D ;D ;D ;D  Hope you pack your toothbrush.

These days I only do beach , books and food holidays. Usually to Thailand. One swimsuit, one sarong, one skirt,3 tops, undies deodorant and a toothbrush++++ plus at least 10 books. What more do I need?  Carry my bag on board pretending it is very light. If I can't go at least business class I ain't going. Give me QF1 to Bangkok every time. Spoiled I am.

Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: cookie1 on December 16, 2009, 06:42:30 am
Oh Gretchen, business class, how wonderful. We went up to Singapore business class last year.  We usually travel sewerage class. I'm like you with the books. I nonchalantly stroll on to the plane with a bag on my shoulder, little do they know it is full of books and weighs half a ton. Especially when you can buy them so much cheaper than here.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: judydawn on December 16, 2009, 06:48:07 am
Good on you Gretchen, it is the only way to go if you can afford it.  I've only ever flown once in business class to America with my DD1 and she used the frequent flyer points she had - I loved it.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: gertbysea on December 16, 2009, 07:25:02 am
Good on you Gretchen, it is the only way to go if you can afford it.  I've only ever flown once in business class to America with my DD1 and she used the frequent flyer points she had - I loved it.
Oh Gretchen, business class, how wonderful. We went up to Singapore business class last year.  We usually travel sewerage class. I'm like you with the books. I nonchalantly stroll on to the plane with a bag on my shoulder, little do they know it is full of books and weighs half a ton. Especially when you can buy them so much cheaper than here.

I have been very lucky in the travel stakes for the past 45 years and have only ever travelled First or Business. Mind you, there are no first class flights out of Cairns and very few Business class so we have to go to Sydney to get a good flight out of Australia. Unfortunately that means we often have to travel in economy to get to the start of a journey. Sad eh?  Don't dispair girls. I was smart enough to marry an Aussie who was in the airline industry for well over 50 years. He didn't have any money and still doesn't but he did have the good connections.

I can see a good reason to buy a Kindle can't you cookie1? If you ever get on that ship Judy you will have a good library.

Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: judydawn on December 16, 2009, 07:39:32 am
In the 7 cruises I've done throughout my lifetime Gretchen, I have never entered the library.  I don't mind a good book but can always find something else to do other than read. When I'm older and perhaps housebound, maybe then but with my luck, I'll probably have very poor vision by then  :D :D :D
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: cookie1 on December 16, 2009, 08:21:29 am
Yes indeed Gretchen. With Christmas coming up-start dropping hints.
That was a good move marrying into 'the airline industry' as it were. Maybe next time round ha ha ha ha.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: gertbysea on December 16, 2009, 08:40:51 am
In the 7 cruises I've done throughout my lifetime Gretchen, I have never entered the library.  I don't mind a good book but can always find something else to do other than read. When I'm older and perhaps housebound, maybe then but with my luck, I'll probably have very poor vision by then  :D :D :D

I guess I would be propping up the bar!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Thermomixer on December 16, 2009, 12:52:49 pm
Had the best email with Senility jokes that goes along these lines - might have to start a jokes thread.

Good on you Gretchen.  I get lots of Frequent Flyer points as I have bills that I can pay with credit cards and so only fly when I have amassed enough points to go Business.  Used to be First when i travelled alone  :( - but now with 2 it takes a lot of points.  No trips for a year or so until I get a lot more points after this year.

MrsT has a friend who married a pilot - lots of flights for her.  Luxury.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: andiesenji on December 16, 2009, 05:24:50 pm
Well, I am one of the individuals who is "not fond" of flying - at least on commercial flights.   I went on one cruise, didn't care for it, too "managed" - although one of my friends keeps trying to get me on one of the long cruises on a cargo ship that also carries passengers - maximum number 30!  She has great fun but she likes that sort of thing.  She is my age but at just about every port will go dancing with the young officers.  Not my thing at all!
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: cookie1 on December 17, 2009, 11:52:21 am
I guess we're different yet again. I love flying but DH hates it so we go everywhere with our caravan on behind us. I love those sorts of holidays too as we meet so many lovely people. The next trip will have Termite coming with us. He's opnly been to Monkey Mia with us so far.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: andiesenji on December 17, 2009, 06:28:45 pm
I guess we're different yet again. I love flying but DH hates it so we go everywhere with our caravan on behind us. I love those sorts of holidays too as we meet so many lovely people. The next trip will have Termite coming with us. He's opnly been to Monkey Mia with us so far.

When I was still showing my basenjis, I had a large motorhome and drove thousands of miles, rather like a snail, taking my home with me.
I usually did all the driving, unless someone was traveling with me that I trusted to drive the "great behemoth" safely.  As many of my friends also motorhomed to these events, we would form a little compound at the show grounds, usually requesting adjacent parking when such was reserved and not first-come-first-served.   We would have communal meals, cookouts and so on.  Lots of fun, good companionship and often help with the dogs...  I rarely traveled with less than four, usually more.   In the '70s, when my kids were still at home, I was limited to a station wagon and later a van and mostly short trips, two dogs at most because in those days I had great danes.  With two of those, and two teens, I was severely limited in space. 
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Thermomixer on December 17, 2009, 10:16:31 pm
Think there should be enough material for a film with 2 dogs, 2 teenagers and travel to dog shows  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: andiesenji on December 18, 2009, 11:16:47 pm
Think there should be enough material for a film with 2 dogs, 2 teenagers and travel to dog shows  ;D ;D ;D

Other exhibitors used to look at all the stuff I had in my set up and wonder how I had managed to get it all in a station wagon.
(it was a very large one, a Chrysler 9-passenger, and it did have a roof rack, but still it was not as roomy as the van which replaced it.)
The kids like the van because it had a small generator and a small TV so they could watch it while I was showing the dogs. 
I actually was in one movie.  If you ever saw the film "The Black Marble" I am in the background in three shots, holding two great danes on leashes and a basenji puppy in one arm.  No credit though. 
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Thermomixer on December 19, 2009, 06:08:08 am

Other exhibitors used to look at all the stuff I had in my set up and wonder how I had managed to get it all in a station wagon.
(it was a very large one, a Chrysler 9-passenger, and it did have a roof rack, but still it was not as roomy as the van which replaced it.)

Being organised -which you obviously are !!  :-*
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: AmandaN on December 27, 2009, 09:16:34 am
Lucky you HellyBelly!

As TM is not sold in BigW, I am extremely unlikely to get one for Christmas (cost factor aside!).  My Santa only shops at BigW....the closest shop to us! 

Ok...quoting myself here.....(from page 2)

Guess who is getting a thermomix for her birthday? 

So this belongs in "My husband is terrible..."!  He has it ordered and we'll be getting it in the New Year!  I'm kinda nervous about it as I want to really make sure that I use it well to justify it!

So there you go.....he didn't shop at BigW only this year!
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Thermomixer on December 27, 2009, 12:00:16 pm
HAPPY THERMOMIXING BIRTHDAY to you Amanda  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: wapred on December 27, 2009, 03:12:31 pm
What a cracker of husband you have!!!!!  Mine only took a week to come....  Fantastic machine still getting use to mine.. Had plenty of hits on the sweet side which is really good for those hips, still trying to work out those nutritious eveing meals..  Haven't ventured with the 'Varoma' yet don't feel confident enough... Happy cooking!!!!!  The best things is no pans to wash bliss!!!
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: cookie1 on December 28, 2009, 04:49:54 am
What a wonderful husband Nellista. Don't worry, once you start using it you won't be able to stop and it will be worth every cent. I really appreciated mine this Christmas as I was comfortable using it and it was exactly like a 2nd pair of hands in the kitchen.
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: AmandaN on January 11, 2010, 05:44:11 am
(I changed my username)

My TMX is being delivered tonight!  I don't know what to make first!!! 
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Nay-nay on January 11, 2010, 09:20:51 am
It will probably be custard!  ;) Just so you're comfortable using your machine your consultant will get you to make custard so you've pressed all the buttons before they've left. Have fun!!
Title: Re: My husband is terrible...
Post by: Bernie on January 17, 2010, 04:28:52 am
What an awesome 'secret' to let slip Hel!!  How exciting.

I'm down in the sunny south west - Bunbury :) and learning some tricks with my  new 'baby'..  Number one - DO put the seal in when you are making iced coffee!!!  LOL  :-))

Keep cool today!  :o

Health & happiness,

Bernie  :)