Forum Thermomix

Thermomix Recipes for TM5 and TM31 => Cakes => Topic started by: Thermomixer on December 03, 2009, 02:39:23 am

Title: Windblown sponge - reeve
Post by: Thermomixer on December 03, 2009, 02:39:23 am
Reeve has posted the recipe from UK Thermomix here:( link not working so here is the recipe)


3 lge eggs (60g in-the shell weight each), whites and yolks separated
180g water
280g sugar
240g self-raising flour

250g double cream
1/2 tsp almond essence (not artificial flavouring)
1 tblspn icing sugar
1 lge handful toasted flaked almonds plus a few extra to sprinkle on top

1) Insert the butterfly whisk.  Add the egg whites & whisk 2-1/2 minutes/speed 3. Tip egg whites out into another large bowl
    and set aside.
2) Insert butterfly whisk add the egg yolks and water then whisk 2-1/2 mins/speed 3.
3) Continue to whisk at speed 2 and gradually add the sugar at speed 2 until blended in, then gradually add the flour until  
    blended in. Tip - inserting a jam funnel into the hole in the tM lid will help keep your TM and working area clean and tidy
    while you add the sugar and flour.
4) Add 1/4 of the whites to the yolk mixture and mix in at speed 2 to loosen the mixture. Add  remaining whites & fold in gently
    at speed 2 - 2.5.
5) Bake in ungreased pans at 160oC, no fan. Layer pans 9" x 12" (we call them slice trays in Aust) cook 20-30
    minutes. Turn pans upside down immediately after removing from the oven and cool on rack in pans. Remove from pans 1 hr
    and leave until completely cool.  (I am presuming they mean you use 2 trays here)
6) Insert clean butterfly whisk into clean TM bowl.  Whip cream, almond essence & icing sugar at  speed 2 until soft peaks.
    Remove whisk.  Stir in most of the toasted almonds.  Cover the cake with the almond cream (& fill if you made layers) then
    sprinkle with a few reserved toasted flaked almonds to decorate.

members' comments

cathy79 - I've never made a sponge before and had only eaten the very occasional bought sponge so can't compare this recipe to other recipes. However, it was delicious!  The texture had a very slight meringue chewy to it and it baked, rose and cut beautifully.  After hearing that sponges are difficult, I was very impressed with this recipe as it stood the test. I cut it in three, whipped cream between layers, then whipped cream on top and Quirky Jo's Frozen Berry Nougat - fantastic! 

I had a feeling that someone might ask the size of the tin or how long I cooked it for.
I used a round spring-form tin - one of the two that I have which are slightly different sizes and I can't remember which one.
And for cooking time - ummmm I have to turn everything half way through, so I think I cooked it for a total of about 40 minutes, turning a few times.  The times in the recipe were confusing, so I cooked it until it was done (springy on the top, clean toothpick in the middle). Sorry I can't be more helpful than that.
Title: Re: Windblown sponge - reeve
Post by: Nay-nay on December 03, 2009, 03:11:17 am
I had an adoptive Nona Julie when I was young and always wish I knew her sponge recipe - That cake was the biggest highest cake ever seen!! :)
Title: Re: Windblown sponge - reeve
Post by: Thermomixer on December 03, 2009, 03:25:24 am
Might have to try it.  Maybe reeve is making it now for his GLW (good lady wife)?
Title: Re: Windblown sponge - reeve
Post by: achookwoman on December 05, 2009, 07:38:43 am
Thermomixer, have just looked at Windblown cake recipe.   What a beauty ! I have been going to convert a recipe for Lemon Feather Cake but need to convert and then test.   As it is similar to this cake but made with potato flour I will get on and do it.   It also is very light and good for those who can't tolerate gluten .   A good afternoon tea cake for the ladies.
Title: Re: Windblown sponge - reeve
Post by: cookie1 on December 05, 2009, 08:46:05 am
Chookie, you are a very busy lady, and we are all benefitting. Thank you.
Title: Re: Windblown sponge - reeve
Post by: andiesenji on December 05, 2009, 09:41:58 pm
Reeve has posted the recipe from UK Thermomix here:;topic=2375.0;attach=422 (;topic=2375.0;attach=422)

The link does not open for me - I get a blank page. 
Title: Re: Windblown sponge - reeve
Post by: andiesenji on December 06, 2009, 02:50:13 am
Looks lovely, thank you so much!
Title: Re: Windblown sponge - reeve
Post by: cathy79 on December 31, 2010, 01:04:32 am
I've never made a sponge before, and had only eaten the very occasional bought sponge, so can't compare this recipe to other recipes.

However, it was delicious!  The texture had a very slight meringue chewy to it and it baked, rose and cut beautifully.  After hearing that sponges are difficult, I was very impressed with this recipe as it stood the test.

I cut it in three, whipped cream between layers, then whipped cream on top and Quirky Jo's Frozen Berry Nougat - fantastic! My MIL has requested it for her birthday in February, so that's a good sign!
Title: Re: Windblown sponge - reeve
Post by: Cornish Cream on December 31, 2010, 09:25:31 am
Could you tell me what size cake tin you used Cathy?
Title: Re: Windblown sponge - reeve
Post by: cathy79 on January 01, 2011, 01:04:30 am
I had a feeling that someone might ask that, or how long I cooked it for.

I used a round spring-form tin - one of the two that I have which are slightly different sizes, and I can't remember which one.

And for cooking time - ummmm I have to turn everything half way through, so I think I cooked it for a total of about 40 minutes, turning a few times.  The times in the recipe were confusing, so I cooked it until it was done (spingy on the top, clean toothpick in the middle).

Sorry I can't be more helpful than that.
Title: Re: Windblown sponge - reeve
Post by: Cornish Cream on January 01, 2011, 10:21:49 am
Thanks Cathy. ;D