Forum Thermomix

Welcoming Center, Management and General Chat => Chit Chat => Topic started by: JJThermie on April 03, 2018, 04:49:09 pm

Title: Using a North American (Canadian) TM-5 in Australia?
Post by: JJThermie on April 03, 2018, 04:49:09 pm
Hi all,

My family are from Australia, however we have been living in Canada for the past 2 years. We purchased a Thermomix here from Quebec.

We are shortly moving back to Australia, and hope to take the Thermomix with us.

I contacted a company in Australia who sells transformers, who advised that a transformer can deal with the voltage difference, but if the machine is 60Hz it may run a little slower on Aus 50Hz supply.

I have also contacted Thermomix Australia, who 'aren't able to comment on overseas machines', which I completely understand and respect. Thermomix Canada have been hugely helpful, and are looking into it for me. I thought I might ask here as well in case anyone has personal experience.

We purchased the TM5-4 in Canada based upon the specifications in the instruction manual, available here

The manual on page 12 states the TM5 power supply is 50/60Hz. I have just noticed, however, that the bottom of the Thermomix itself states only 60Hz.

Is anyone possibly able to confirm whether the TM5-4 in Canada is 50/60Hz, or only 60Hz?

Or else, has anyone had experience with using a North American Thermomix in Australia?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, as we would really prefer not to have to sell and purchase again in Aus.

Many thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Using a North American (Canadian) TM-5 in Australia?
Post by: judydawn on April 03, 2018, 10:47:14 pm
It is a predicament for you JJThermie, hopefully someone can help you with your problem. I would suggest you contact Vorwerk direct though as they may be able to give an answer your question.  Good luck in your search for answers.
Title: Re: Using a North American (Canadian) TM-5 in Australia?
Post by: cookie1 on April 04, 2018, 12:08:20 pm
Sorry I certainly can’t help on this one. When you get back to Australia it may help to contact an electrician.
You could perhaps ask Helene at this email.
Her blog is super kitchen machine and she lives in Canada.
Title: Re: Using a North American (Canadian) TM-5 in Australia?
Post by: JJThermie on April 13, 2018, 04:33:39 pm
Thank you very much for your help, Judy and cookie1.

Unfortunately, I am yet to get a clear answer. I will be sure to post here when I do, however, I may end up selling here in Canada just to be safe.

If anyone else finds themselves in the same situation, the guidance I received from Thermomix Canada is as follows:

"We suggest not use a transformer because the machine has a maximum power consumption of 1400W. It is likely that the transformer / machine could be damaged, even using a transformer with more capacity than 1,400 W. We highly recommend to contact a local electrical technician to get a 110-volt outlet dedicated to the Thermomix. The machine can works on 50/60Hz, the difference of efficiency is slightly small and does not affect the functionality of the machine."

I have contacted some electricians in Australia, and will post their response here when I hear back.

Thank you again for your help.
Title: Re: Using a North American (Canadian) TM-5 in Australia?
Post by: cookie1 on April 16, 2018, 12:26:36 pm
Thanks for letting us know how things are going JJThermie.
Title: Re: Using a North American (Canadian) TM-5 in Australia?
Post by: epicurus on May 08, 2018, 07:10:06 am
I am a qualified electrician living in Perth, Western Australia.

A dedicated 110 volt outlet still needs a step down transformer installed.

You will need an Australian Standards certified transformer.

You would need to install a 240 volt power point and speak to the State Electrical Authorities about the regulations using a 110 volt power point.

The transformers displayed on the following webpage is what the industry uses.

240 volt to 110 volt 50Hz step down transformer.


There are plenty of cheap transformers on Ebay. Beware many are non-compliant to the Australian Standards and a electrical safety hazard. Many people have been caught the hard way - house fires and the insurance companies will not cover the damage. Talk to your insurance company and don't listen to unqualified people posting electrical advice online. If anyone tries to sell you a step down transformer ask for a copy of the Australian Standards certification document. The transformer should also be labelled. Also talk to Consumer Affairs in your State. They may have guidelines.

Be aware if the Thermomix requires repairs, Thermomix Australia will not touch it.

Frankly; long term you would be better off selling the machine and purchasing one in Australia. No long term issues to worry about.
Title: Re: Using a North American (Canadian) TM-5 in Australia?
Post by: cookie1 on May 08, 2018, 11:56:46 am
Thanks for the knowledgeable reply Epicurus.
Title: Re: Using a North American (Canadian) TM-5 in Australia?
Post by: Wee George on September 25, 2020, 09:10:20 am
I know this is an old post/thread however I think it may be a little interesting.   In 1981 we received a TM as a wedding gift.  Like the orange one in the image here. (    In 1982 we came to the states for a year and left our TM in storage in the UK. By 1984 we missed using it so much and explored all the transformer/step down options and didn't really care for the options.    So we had the TM sent to Vorwerk in Germany and they replaced all the electrics so that we could use it here.    Oh we ran that thing in to the ground.   It died in the late 90's   
Now happy with the TM5 but seriously considering the TM6
Title: Re: Using a North American (Canadian) TM-5 in Australia?
Post by: cookie1 on September 25, 2020, 12:54:43 pm
Wee George thank you for that information. I’m sure it will be helpful to anyone with a similar problem. Thanks again for sharing.
Title: Re: Using a North American (Canadian) TM-5 in Australia?
Post by: judydawn on September 25, 2020, 11:27:21 pm
Welcome to the forum Wee George and thank you for sharing this information. The Thermomix just keeps on keeping on.