Forum Thermomix

News => News about Thermomix => Topic started by: Nay-nay on July 20, 2009, 02:45:29 pm

Title: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: Nay-nay on July 20, 2009, 02:45:29 pm
Just got this info passed onto me from my GL - thought it would be of intrest.Energy Efficiency
What makes the Thermomix so energy efficient?
There are many energy saving advantages in using a Thermomix, we have a
machine displayed at the Hydro Tasmania to promote these unique benefits.
The advanced heating system of the TM31 combines considerable
advantages to minimize energy consumption:
• The localised heating element in the base of the Thermomix bowl ensures
that heat energy is delivered directly into the food.
• As heating is in direct contact with the food, there is better energy efficiency
and low thermal losses.
• “Thickfilm Technology” generates an even heat distribution with adaptable
power density.
• The low thermal mass of the heating system enables quick reaction and
prevents overcooking after heating stops.
• Processing and cooking times for most food are reduced thus saving both
time and energy.
• Heating is accurately monitored and controlled throughout the entire cooking
• Constant stirring of the contents of the bowl during cooking distributes heat
efficiently and evenly and reduces the likelihood of burning.
• The extended heating element at the bottom of the mixing bowl allows
efficient preparation of small quantities of food.
Keeping everyday costs down!
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: Thermomixer on July 20, 2009, 03:22:25 pm
Thanks for posting this.  At the risk of being accused of having some extra-marital relationship with my machine, I just LOVE the way it can steam in the Varoma while cooking other things below.

It can cut down on the amount of energy used roasting a chook - how much heat is used heating the oven, compared with steaming the chook while making a stock, cooking rice for tomorrow's fried rice, etc and then just grilling it to get some colour on it?

Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: Shayla on July 20, 2009, 06:09:26 pm
have you tried using a good cajun spice to give the chicken some colour whilst steaming it - although it still won't get crispy skin....??
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: spanner on July 21, 2009, 01:29:32 am
Do yuo have any actual figure for the energy consumption?

I have a number of freinds who might be interested but they are on solar power and are interested in facts and figures.


Thermally yours

Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: ~Narelle~ on July 21, 2009, 02:02:33 am
You can steam a chook in a TMX????  WOW, continues to blow my mind. 

I know some ppl who are on solar too but are not interested due to energy consumption, some figures would be great.
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: JaneeZee on July 21, 2009, 02:01:13 pm
I have some information but I am not certain that I am supposed to make it public!!!! (need masked emoticon now!).  I think I can tell you that to heat 1 litre of water from 20 degrees C to 100 degrees C uses 0.1kWh. Tomato soup using 700g of tomatoes & 500g of water takes 13mins 8 seconds & uses 0.264kWh.

Another way it has been described to me is that is uses about the same amount of energy per minute as a fridge does when the TM is cooking & stirring, yet a fridge goes 24/ other words it uses very little energy.

Hope that helps (& doesn't get me into trouble!!)
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: Thermomixer on July 21, 2009, 03:37:28 pm
Thanks JZ - have you seen what happens to the electricity meter when somebody plugs in an elctric frypan???

My father threw one out when we were given one as a present.

Hope you don't get into trouble - hope they realise that it is a selling point  :-)) :-\ :'( :( >:( :o ??? ???
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: Ceejay on July 22, 2009, 07:57:50 am
Oh good to know... so I can now cook twice as much as I did before without too much of an increase in costs..  :P
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: Nay-nay on July 22, 2009, 09:41:00 am
Do yuo have any actual figure for the energy consumption?

I have a number of freinds who might be interested but they are on solar power and are interested in facts and figures.


Thermally yours

I was told it was up to 500W for cold preparations and 1000W for heat. And stove tops use 1500W - 2000W.
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: Nay-nay on July 22, 2009, 09:45:01 am
Oppps! Sorry :-[ I just got told by my GL ....
This was apparently the draft and not the final copy.
I will post up the final copy when it comes through.
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: bron on July 23, 2009, 01:05:25 am
That cant be right!
All I know is that when I have my THX on the go, it uses less electricity than my ceramic hob (vitro). I have my washing machine going tumble dryer, water emersion heater and then my husband puts a frying pan on the hob (just one ring), and the electrics blow, and I smugly turn it off and use my THX and everything works perfectly! It uses less than the kettle too!
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: wombleydoo on July 23, 2009, 05:19:40 am
Has anyone on QLD taken advantage of the Climate Smart scheme?

We have one of the wireless energy monitors (dh bought one just before the scheme started, which is annoying coz it cost over $200! He's a sparky though, so tax deductible LOL). It shows how much an hour it costs to run your household appliances etc. When we first got it, we turned off every single thing to get a 0 reading and then turned things on one by one to work out how much per hour each thing cost to run. We figured how much money we waste leaving everything on standby. It was a really interesting exercise.

Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: judydawn on July 23, 2009, 06:18:31 am
So, what does the TMX cost to run Cathy? Interesting little monitor you've got there - would certainly be an interesting exercise to know just what all these applicances cost to leave on standby.  Some friends had a very high electricity bill a while back and DW blamed DH for not turning the lights off when he left the room - DH reminded DW that the spa was electric :D :D :D
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: spanner on July 24, 2009, 05:32:05 am
- DH reminded DW that the spa was electric

Thats was a risky manuvoure!!!  I have learnt to never "remind" dear wife about ANYTHING WHICH CONTRADICTS HER OPINION.

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: brazen20au on July 24, 2009, 05:34:04 am
we have a rule in our house - I am always right. and when I am wrong I am right anyway.  :D
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: judydawn on July 24, 2009, 06:22:57 am
I am usually 99% right (although that seems to be sliding the older I get :( :() and DH surprises us all by being right the rest of the time ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: wombleydoo on July 25, 2009, 03:51:54 am
Judy, I'll get back to you with the costs. I'll try and remember to do it on Mon when I'm home alone and I'll run it in several scenarios and make a note of what it costs.
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: judydawn on July 25, 2009, 04:16:11 am
Cathy don't put yourself out, I thought you may have already done the sums for your own info.  You can find better things to do with your time when you have the house to yourself than run in and out to the meter doing costings for me :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: wombleydoo on July 26, 2009, 02:06:58 am
I haven't actually got around to it. It's not hard to do. Turn it on, look at what the numbers change to on the monitor LOL.
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: ThermomixBlogger on October 08, 2009, 10:12:18 pm
Thanks for this info Nay-nay... but I have a couple of questions.. Forgive me, I'm new to the forum and I don't know... what is a "GL"? You refer to your "GL" in the beginning of this post... and I'm just wondering... Is this secret forum language? Or maybe... secret Aussie language???

Also, I am trying to get more info about the energy efficient aspects of the Thermomix so I can pass this on to my blog readers in Canada who are most interested in all things "green". I wanted to verify what you said about Hydro Tasmania's display. Do you know this for certain? Have you seen it, or do you work at the hydro office by chance? I would like to say that Hydro Tasmania uses TM as an example, but I need to be sure... I went to the Hydro Tasmania website but there is nothing there about this, so it must be a display in the office itself and/or I want to be sure this isn't just a 'rumour'.

Any more info you can provide about this would be helpful... if you have time... ;)

Or, if anyone else has any first-hand examples beyond the usual, of how 'green' the TM is, I'd love to hear from you.

Many thanks to all!

Cheers from Victoria, Canada,
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: Sundari on October 08, 2009, 11:55:08 pm
The TM uses 500w max for motor and up to 1000w for heating. I had 2 clients use their meters to test this while I demo'd and the max it got to was 1100w when cooking the risotto. Obviously you won't be using the motor at speed 10 while cooking at 100degrees so it will generally use a lot less than the max 1500w total.
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: ThermomixBlogger on October 09, 2009, 12:58:50 am
Thank you Sundari - this is helpful.

You have clients with meters :o   Wow, you Aussies as so very advanced! Here, we have fire and sticks, oh yes, I heard some talk about a thing called "the wheel" the other day while washing my hair down at the riverbank...

But seriously,  ;)   I suppose the next task at hand is to compare these numbers against the ones used by other (similar?) appliances. I will try to find how much a toaster oven uses, and an electric frying pan, and a regular oven and... and... and...

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question. If you have clients with meters you must very busy and all joking aside,  I do appreciate your response.

Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: judydawn on October 09, 2009, 01:05:23 am
Thanks for this info Nay-nay... but I have a couple of questions.. Forgive me, I'm new to the forum and I don't know... what is a "GL"? You refer to your "GL" in the beginning of this post... and I'm just wondering... Is this secret forum language? Or maybe... secret Aussie language???

GL means group leader Helene.
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: Nay-nay on October 09, 2009, 01:13:07 am
Thanks for this info Nay-nay... but I have a couple of questions.. Forgive me, I'm new to the forum and I don't know... what is a "GL"? You refer to your "GL" in the beginning of this post... and I'm just wondering... Is this secret forum language? Or maybe... secret Aussie language???
I got the info from my GL (Group Leader) to put in a folder that consultants take to their cooking demo's with press releases etc included in it. My GL later said NOT to print it out as it was a draft and would send another through and I've not not heard anything else about it. I am not from Tasmania but Sunny Queensland so can not say I have 'seen' it at Hydro Tasmania. But I can tell you our consultant's manual says:
Under heating System Heading
"Fast heating system with low power consumption 1000W"
Under Connected Load
"Maximum capscity consumption 1500W"
Under Environmental Benefits
"The reluctance motor and advance heating system in the TM bowl work together to minimise the time required to cook foods. heat is controlled at a constant temperature and with the sealed lid there is less energy escape."
"The TM31 consumes only the amount of energy that is needed to reach and keep the preset temperature level. An stovetop, for example, keeps on supplying energy even when the water is already at boiling point unless you reduce the setting manually. The TM31 detects when the preset value is reached and reduces the heating power automatically thus saving energy."
Using only one pot also reduces requirement for multiple pots and pans on the stove."
"Using fresh natural ingredients means purchasing less pre-packaged foods reducing unnecessary waste."
"Using less pots and pans also means less dishes! Saves time and saves water! The TM uses around 600ml of water to 'wash itself' and then with a quick rinse it's done!"
TMX uses about 500W for cold preparations and 1000W for heat whereas a normal stove top is 1500-2000W
Maybe someone from Tassie could confirm the Hydro Tasmania claim???I'm pretty sure we have a few.
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: gertbysea on October 09, 2009, 01:20:15 am
Has anyone on QLD taken advantage of the Climate Smart scheme?

We have one of the wireless energy monitors (dh bought one just before the scheme started, which is annoying coz it cost over $200! He's a sparky though, so tax deductible LOL). It shows how much an hour it costs to run your household appliances etc. When we first got it, we turned off every single thing to get a 0 reading and then turned things on one by one to work out how much per hour each thing cost to run. We figured how much money we waste leaving everything on standby. It was a really interesting exercise.

We also did this some time ago and itis quite scary. I had to put the monitor out of sight when it got to over $500 in usage for one quarter. Now I only put it back in the kitchen to prove a point.  It is hard to separate the TMX usage as we have to have the pool pump on at least 7 hours a day. I say for the amount of time it is on it is much more efficient than the microwave.

Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: ThermomixBlogger on October 09, 2009, 03:02:08 am
Oh my Nay-nay! Thank you so very much for your very thorough response. Truly, I am full of humble gratitude  :-[  for the time you took to type in all that info. I will look over all these numbers again later because at this very moment I am at the computer with soup bowl in hand, eating the leftover Curried Pumpkin soup from my Thermomix experiment the other night. On a chilly fall evening, this soup really warms me up, but still, not as much as all the heartwarming responses from you sun-baked lot in Ozzieland. Thanks so much to everyone, I am touched by your generosity of spirit.

I will be even more touched though, when Gretchen invites me to come for a swim in her POOL ( :o ). My goodness Gretchen, you really must be quite the movie star 8) up there in Cairns. Here, we don't have pool pumps unless we are rich and famous. Do you know what I have? I have a garden hose! That is the extent of my refreshing back yard... a green hose with water in it!  I am so very, very, jealous.

Thanks all,
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: gertbysea on October 09, 2009, 03:18:19 am
And an automatic watering system. Nah don't be envious. It all cost a motza to run but we had to move from Sydney to Cairns because we were asset rich and money poor. We live on a pension and just manage to keep us  fed  and watered with in a  decent bottle of wine for the moment. Our power bill is astro but then again you must pay a lot for your heating.

It is more common than not to have a pool in Cairns  because we cannot swim in the ocean for much of the year due to stingers and irukandji which are deadly jellyfish like critters.  We try to cut down on airconditioning and sometimes have to jump out of bed to get in the pool at 0200 because we can't sleep, grabbing a beer from the pool fridge on the way. Ok you can be jealous now.

I guess you would not need to use your hose much in the winter as it would be buried under the snow! Do you ski?

Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: cookie1 on October 09, 2009, 08:04:38 am
Gretchen I had to chuckle at your getting up at 2 am and going into the pool. We tended to do the same before we shifted. (no longer have a pool). If anyone had decided to rob us at 2am they would have seen the terrifying sight of naked people in the pool and then the same wandering back to bed. What a frightening sight it would have been.
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: judydawn on October 09, 2009, 08:10:46 am
Oh Cookie1, you devil you.  Have to confess to doing it myself once - only way to go if you get the chance. ;D ;D ;D :-)) :-)) :-)) :P :P :P
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: cookie1 on October 09, 2009, 08:23:23 am
Pretty safe at 2am. DH said if anyone saw they would run a mile.
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: Thermomixer on October 09, 2009, 09:12:45 am
One of our clients (into their 50's) washes their dogs (Great Dane size) in the nuddy in their backyard.  She said the neighbours' teenage son looked over the fence one day -  :o :o :o :o :o - he won't do that again for a while she thinks  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: gertbysea on October 09, 2009, 10:40:22 am
Pretty safe at 2am. DH said if anyone saw they would run a mile.

Except one NYE night I went out to collect some party detritus about 3 am. Of course I was in the nuddie. I was bending over collecting cans and whatever clutching them to my boobs or where they used to be many years ago, when I looked up and saw my brand new next door neighbour Phil still in the pool. Yup you can picture it. Neither of us spoke of it EVER!

Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: MollyGrubbles on October 09, 2009, 02:17:16 pm

When I was housesitting for a friend once, they had a backyard pool shielded by lots of foliage, so I felt safe going for a skinny dip in the middle of the day one day.  Less than 5 minutes after I got out & dressed, the pool man turned up to clean it.   :o

In our house now, we have a pool in the front yard.  Plus our suburb is all high set houses, so you wont catch me skinny dipp'n any more  :D
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: judydawn on October 10, 2009, 12:16:28 am
Everyone's secrets coming out  ;D ;D ;D - mainly us oldies from what I can see :P :P :P
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: MollyGrubbles on October 10, 2009, 02:43:58 am
Hey speak for yourself there JD !

I'm still a spring chicken ....  (OK, OK, maybe a summer one by now... ;) )

Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: cookie1 on October 10, 2009, 09:43:03 am
I'm sure you've all heard the comment about the lady who had nothing on in her pool. The child remarked that he didn't know what she had on but it sure needed ironing!
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: judydawn on October 10, 2009, 11:51:27 am
I lead a sheltered life ;) ;) and hadn't heard this one Cookie1  ;D ;D
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: cookie1 on October 11, 2009, 05:42:34 am
I'm glad, though it is a very old one!
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: brazen20au on October 11, 2009, 11:04:24 am
ohhh i'm jealous, have never lived anywhere with a pool!

did go skinny dipping in the 'pond' at summer camp a few times though, amazing sensation to float and watch all those stars not blocked by any lights of civilisation...
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: Nay-nay on September 04, 2010, 10:52:43 am
Also, I am trying to get more info about the energy efficient aspects of the Thermomix so I can pass this on to my blog readers in Canada who are most interested in all things "green". I wanted to verify what you said about Hydro Tasmania's display. Do you know this for certain? Have you seen it, or do you work at the hydro office by chance? I would like to say that Hydro Tasmania uses TM as an example, but I need to be sure... I went to the Hydro Tasmania website but there is nothing there about this, so it must be a display in the office itself and/or I want to be sure this isn't just a 'rumour'.
Cheers from Victoria, Canada,
I wanted to update and verify this for you TMB - This information is now contained in our official folder. So yes not rumour anymore - There is a TMX displayed at the HydroTasmania to promote the unique benefits of cooking with TMX.
Title: Re: TMX - Energy Efficient - Keeping everyday costs down.
Post by: ozrockit on September 04, 2010, 11:52:10 am
hating to change the subject from hijacked skinning dipping topic but to answer the consumption question we are told TM uses on full temp and top speed 1000W or in Kalgoorlie 22 Cents..