Forum Thermomix

Welcoming Center, Management and General Chat => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Patzee on July 15, 2009, 04:22:30 pm

Title: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Patzee on July 15, 2009, 04:22:30 pm
Hi all, received my new TM31 a couple of days ago.  Have been stuffing/feeding my family real well over the past few nights.  Made bread a couple of times, white sauce (real smooth and creamy), sticky date pudding (beautiful), pasta dish (too much chilli and pasta) and tried out a beautiful Morocan dish I found on this site.  The meals weren't perfect but I think I can improve next time.  Can anyone tell me how to make a smoothy out of a whole orange.  Made it twice but very pulpy. 
Anyway really enjoying my machine and hope to get a lot more proficient at using it and converting recipes as well.
Love this site, so helpful!  Thanks everyone,

Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: brazen20au on July 15, 2009, 10:16:07 pm
welcome patsy!

i have't made an orange smoothie myself but i wonder if you are whizzing it long enough? (at least 1 minute, up to 2?)
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Hannah on July 15, 2009, 11:35:19 pm
Hi Patsy

There is a recipe for orange juice here (which I haven't actually tried!):

I make smoothies daily but have never had just orange and have never not peeled my oranges. I always start off with a tray of icecubes, a splash of yoghurt, a banana and an orange and then usually a thick slice of pineapple or an apple (about 4 pieces of fruit in total). It makes 2 huge smoothies - one for me and one for my son.

It was especially nice in the summer to have fresh peach & raspberries or blueberries with the banana and orange but definitely not cheap!
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Thermomixer on July 16, 2009, 12:59:00 am
You can try putting the oranges and ice cubes in and blitz them on 9 or 10 for a minute and then strain them through the baket and put back and add yoghurt or whatever.
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Patzee on July 16, 2009, 03:28:44 pm
Thanks for all your suggestions.  I think my problem was that I was just blitzing the orange on it's own (peeled).  Have now realised I need to add a bit of water/liquid and icecubes.  And maybe strain through the basket.  Looking forward to more experimenting and adapting some of my favour receipes to the 'Thermomix' way!  Have three weeks holidays now so going to have fun.  :D :D
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Thermomixer on July 16, 2009, 03:38:42 pm

  Have three weeks holidays now so going to have fun.  :D :D

Have a great time - be prepared - buy lots of freezer bags, or invite lots of friends - you have my email address  ;) ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Patzee on July 16, 2009, 04:49:33 pm
Thanxs Thermomixer!  Having a friend come over for the  weekend tomorrow.  Any suggestions on what I could cook to impress her.  I have only had my machine for four days so not that confident with it yet.    ???
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Shayla on July 16, 2009, 08:21:35 pm
You could try the Asian Fish fillets or the Salmon stuffed with salmon mousse and mango sauce - both recipes really quick and easy and the salmon especially is very impressive. Sorbet never fails to impress. for the salmon recipe.
Shayla in Cape Town
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Patzee on July 18, 2009, 09:37:04 am
Thanks Shayla for the advice.  Didnt have time to look at your reply before she came.  Ended up cooking Minestrone and  fruit icecream made from bananas and strawberries.  Both were yum!!  Even enjoyed the soup myself.  Dont usually enjoy my own cooking, but went back for seconds!  I'll definately try the samon recipe for myself.  I think some of the recipes in the book that came with the machine definitely need tweeking (?) to your own personal tastes.  Also have to remember not to overprocess the onions for frying!!   ;)
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Ceejay on July 18, 2009, 12:18:31 pm
Glad it turned out well P!

I hear you on the over blitzing... oh and another tip.. don't throw the onion and garlic in, blitz and lift the lid while looking in the bowl!!  Talk about teary!!  :-[  *Shhhh I didn't really do that.. honest!*
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: brazen20au on July 18, 2009, 12:39:25 pm
the chopping instruction in the everyday book will basically mince and destroy everything. i learnt from someone (i forget who lol maybe it was one of the converted recipes) to start at speed 4 for chopping, gradually turning up to speed 5 if needed. and don't ever walk away, jsut do it for seconds at a time.  that is except for something like garlic where you want it to be superfine - speed 6 is perfect then :)
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Shayla on July 18, 2009, 01:23:44 pm
I agree about the over processing. I have found that you need to listen and soon learn exactly when something is ready. Even the custard and bechemel sauce have a different sound when they start to thicken. Just learn to trust your own ears rather than the instructions.

Shayla - it is a sunny winters day in Cape Town - heaven on earth
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Patzee on July 18, 2009, 04:40:42 pm
Yeah I think I'll learn from my mistakes.  Like cut vegies smaller to speed up cooking time for minestrone. Made spaghetti bologne tonight, very nice.  Forgot to add herbs though.  Trying to perfect bread making.  My consultant made the best focaccia!   Everything I've made so far hasnt been as nice as what I taste at the demostrations.  But suppose practice makes perfect! ;)
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Thermomixer on July 18, 2009, 11:09:37 pm

  Everything I've made so far hasnt been as nice as what I taste at the demostrations.  But suppose practice makes perfect! ;)

True, practice makes perfect.  Don't get disheartened - hope the family is supportive, easy to give up if they complain that it's NOT like the stuff from the shop.
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: judydawn on July 19, 2009, 01:28:31 am
Patzee, have you tried some of the recipes on the forum?  I was disappointed with certain recipes from the ECB (apart from sweets) when I first got my TMX and it wasn't until I joined the forum that my cooking suddenly improved and I got the passion for it as well.  If you like the sound of a recipe, ask us if we have tried it and you will get answers and tweaking ideas back faster than you can say boo ;) ;) Definitely don't overprocess things - blitzing times can sometimes be over the top but you will soon learn the times to suit you when chopping onions etc. Less is best - you can always do it a bit longer but too late once it has turned to mush.
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Patzee on July 19, 2009, 02:37:55 am
Gee thanks for your support guys, will definitely start using the forum receipes.  Husbands quite supportive, not very fussy at all really, so thats good.  Also a very big sweets eater.  Not good for his health though!  I have two grown sons still living at home who love their meat - not really into my soups big time.  So have to start trying the meat dishes on the forum. 
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: judydawn on July 19, 2009, 02:48:17 am
It's a pity when people won't eat soup - makes it hard to rustle up a quick meal without soup on the menu.  I have a step-DIL who once told me she was allergic to soup!  Took DH to explain to me that it mean she hates soup ??? Consequently none of her family gets to try whether they like soup or not. 
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Patzee on July 19, 2009, 03:16:27 am
I think they've been spoilt.  Mainly like their nanna's chicken soup recipe, but that's time consuming!  Consequently my DH and I eat most of the soup that I have been making.  I am determined to win them over tho with all the lovely recipes on this forum!  Printer's been running hot over the past week.  I'm making up a file for all my TM recipes.
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: faffa_70 on July 19, 2009, 04:14:22 pm
Patzee, if you want to win them over with a soup then I recommend you try the Goulash Soup that Judy posted. My boys will eat soup (thank god) but this was a true winner. They all raved about it. It's a very hearty soup with meat that you can see and taste. Highly recommended from this family of boys lol
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Patzee on July 19, 2009, 05:25:54 pm
Thanks Kathryn, I will seek the Goulash soup recipe out and try it on them.  Got meat, so thats good!  I have four boys ranging from 18 to 27 so I can sympathise with you.  Forever eating.  I must keep cooking..........    :D
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Ceejay on July 20, 2009, 12:11:31 pm
Scary thought Patzee!! :o

I have 3 boys 14, 3 & 2.. and they are eating machines.. hate to think in 10 years time!  :o  My eldest will still be coming home for meals I'm sure by then!  :P
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: faffa_70 on July 20, 2009, 01:21:21 pm
Ceejay, if you think they eat now....god help you in 10 years time!!!  :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D I feel like I shop just about every single day as my lot just don't stop....thank god they all know how to use the TMX!  :D
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Ceejay on July 21, 2009, 01:36:47 pm
Ceejay, if you think they eat now....god help you in 10 years time!!!  :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D I feel like I shop just about every single day as my lot just don't stop....thank god they all know how to use the TMX!  :D

Now I am worried!!  My "nearly" 4yo DS tells me he is hungry at least 50 times a day and he eats quite well!!!  The 2yo just does what his older brother does... and as for the 14yo, since he can actually cook, I swear he lives in the kitchen!  :-))  My DD at 7 eats well but at least she doesn't seem to have hollow legs! LOL

I think I will just teach the younger 2 boys to cook even earlier than I taught the eldest!  ;)
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: faffa_70 on July 22, 2009, 04:23:18 pm
I think I will just teach the younger 2 boys to cook even earlier than I taught the eldest!  ;)[/color]

YUP that is the way to go...I get the what is there to eat, or what can I eat and my standard reply now is...What can YOU make lol...I am glad I don't have one of those fridges that beep when they are open for a period of time as mine would never shut up. The latest fad in my house is dip or hummus and can you say no to such a healthy snack :-)) :-))
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: bron on July 23, 2009, 12:39:59 am
Hey Patsy! Try some recipes from here, the Honey soy Chicken wings, meat balls in Varoma, the stuffed chicken fillets, I also salt bake a pork loin in the varoma which my kids love!
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Patzee on July 23, 2009, 04:25:45 am
Thanks Amanda, will definitely try the recipes you recommended.  I think I have raised four very fussy boys!!  I'll start with the stuffed chicken fillets as I have them in refrigerator right now.  I'll let you know. 

Love this site, so much help!!    :-*
Title: answer this topic
Post by: MargaretAnderson on November 25, 2010, 11:47:11 am
I think this topic was discussed loads of time before at this forum
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Zan on November 25, 2010, 12:16:51 pm
Hey Patsy! Try some recipes from here, the Honey soy Chicken wings, meat balls in Varoma, the stuffed chicken fillets, I also salt bake a pork loin in the varoma which my kids love!
I'd love to hear more about the salt baked pork loin? times etc?
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: judydawn on November 25, 2010, 12:36:50 pm
Zan, I've done Bron's salt baked pork loin and it was lovely.  Read our conversation here ( although I obviously didn't get back to that thread and report on the meal itself.  Will check to see if I posted it elsewhere as it certainly turned out cheaply in the end because we got so many meals out of it.  It was a tad salty but don't know how you would avoid that when it is literally covered in salt!

Found my review in What are you Cooking - I would have followed the times Bron stated.

Bron's steam pork loin turned out beautifully - I ended up cooking the lot and I reckon we ate just over half of it between the 2 of us. We are meat and gravy people so I made some gravy and also served it with a dollop of apple sauce, made some cheese sauce in the TMX whilst the meat was resting to pour over the cauli and broccoli and with the weber roasted vegies, it was a delicious meal.  DH was suitably impressed Bron.
Title: Re: Trials and tribulations with new TM31
Post by: Zan on November 25, 2010, 10:48:15 pm
Thanks Judy! (once again) another for the menu list, lol.