Forum Thermomix

Questions Doubts and Requests => Questions? Technical Issues? The Survival Guide => Topic started by: marmee on June 28, 2009, 05:27:24 am

Title: The Thermomix scales
Post by: marmee on June 28, 2009, 05:27:24 am
Are the accurate?

Can you convert a recipe that says to add 250g of something to 250g on the TMX scales?  They just don't seem accurate to me????
Title: Re: The Thermomix scales
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on June 28, 2009, 05:35:58 am
Is the cord pulled right out Marmee?  Sometimes if it is tucked in a little it will effect the accuracy of your scales.  Are the little feet nice and clean?  They get a bit gunky sometimes and I seem to remember this can also make a difference.  Try and weigh a few things with a given weight to check - a packet of pasta, a bag of flour etc.  I've found mine to be quite accurate so far.  I have learnt to pour slowly though - otherwise by the time the scales have caught up I've put too much in.

Chelsea  :)
Title: Re: The Thermomix scales
Post by: marmee on June 28, 2009, 09:27:07 am
:D Oh - so true about the pouring.  I have learned that too  :)

Yeah - the feet are clean, I checked that one.  Will go and look at the cord.  I *thought* I pulled it out far enough, but you never know.....

Thanks   :-*
Title: Re: The Thermomix scales
Post by: bron on June 29, 2009, 10:55:06 pm
My demonstrator taught me a way to check the scales.......the MC weighs 25 grams (always) if yours doesn't, you don't have it sitting squarely, its feet are dirty, or the cord is not pulled out properly. Try that!
Title: Re: The Thermomix scales
Post by: marmee on June 30, 2009, 01:09:21 am
Nice one  :)  Thank you
Title: Re: The Thermomix scales
Post by: Maggie on June 30, 2009, 03:17:25 am
I was having the same problem  ??? The scales seemed to be 10 - 20g out when I checked weights with my kitchen scales.

After pulling the cord all the way out I tried them last night and problem was solved. Thanks guys  :-* :-*
Title: Re: The Thermomix scales
Post by: CarolineW on July 02, 2009, 10:02:57 pm
The most common problems were covered here already.  However, 2 others to add to the list for future reference are:

Is it on a tiled work surface?  That can throw it off because the feet may not be all at exactly the same level (had to move mine because of this).

Is your work surface level and stable? (again, discovered via rickety kitchen table originally used for TM)
Title: Re: The Thermomix scales
Post by: cottchick on December 13, 2010, 04:32:15 am
I made an entire chocolate walnut brownie yesterday with the foot sitting on the power cord :( I was so confused as to why I was putting in what seemed like 400g butter when the scales were saying 200g....anyway I wasn't smart enough to click and it wasn't until I began a white sauce for macaroni cheese that I realised what had happened.
Title: Re: The Thermomix scales
Post by: containergirl on December 13, 2010, 04:40:11 am
Love the measuring cup trick.  Thanks Bron
Title: Re: The Thermomix scales
Post by: virgo9 on December 13, 2010, 06:14:34 am
My demonstrator taught me a way to check the scales.......the MC weighs 25 grams (always) if yours doesn't, you don't have it sitting squarely, its feet are dirty, or the cord is not pulled out properly. Try that!

I'll have to remember that, Bron. Sure beats double checking on the kitchen scales. Ta!!!