Forum Thermomix

Thermomix Recipes for TM5 and TM31 => Special Diets => Topic started by: VieveMS on January 05, 2013, 08:05:57 am

Title: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: VieveMS on January 05, 2013, 08:05:57 am
In an attempt to lose some weight and improve my overall health, I've decided that this month I am going to eat Paleo to see if it is right for me.  The principles of Paleo are to eat what our ancestors ate: i.e. no processed foods, grains, legumes, refined sugars and dairy.  I started on 1 Jan and am finding it pretty easy so far.  My plan is to follow the guidelines as closely as possible for a month or two and then perhaps introduce some dairy back into my diet (I cannot live forever without icecream and cheese!).  

Incidentally, for those of you familiar with the Eat Right For Your Bloodtype Diet - the principles are very similar to the diet recommended for "O" bloodtypes.

Anyway, I've created this thread to reference Paleo friendly recipes so I (and others) have a quick reference.  I've included some recipes that suggest serving the dish on a bed of rice or pasta - you can either ignore this or try some Mock Rice ( using cauliflower instead.

Spiced Chicken and Sweet Potato (
Chicken Breasts in Tomato Sauce with Mushrooms (
Butter Chicken & Tikka Paste (  NB: replace cream with coconut cream.
Lime & Mint Chicken Skewers (
Lemon Coriander Chicken (
Easiest Ever Coconut Chicken Curry (
Chicken Breast with Capers, Anchovies and Sundried Tomato (
LC Sesame Chicken Patties.  NB: replace shoyu with tamari.

Thermomix Roast Beef ( NB: Replace wine with stock.
Sun Dried Tomato Meatballs with Creamy Pesto (

Indian Lamb Curry (
Italian Lamb Casserole (
FFS Lamb Pesto Crusto with Gusto (Review (;topicseen))
LC Lamb Ragu (Review (  NB: Replace wine with stock.

Seafood and Fish
Mussels with Mint (
Tahitian Fish Ceviche (   NB: replace soy sauce with tamari.
Vegetable Omelette with Tuna (
QFITT Sesame Crusted Salmon with Wasabi Mayonnaise
LC Spicy Seafood Soup
LC Thai Prawn & Lemongrass Soup

Raw Cucumber Mint Soup (
Spicy Coconut Zucchini (

Salads and Sides
High Protein Salad (
Fennel & Cucumber Salad (

Sauces and Condiments
Megan's Tomato Passata (

Desserts (best to have in moderation!)
Banana & Raspberry Icecream (
QFITT Tropical Sorbet (Review (

Juices, Smoothies and Drinks
QFITT Beetroot Smoothie (Review (

I'll add more links to recipes as I come across them.

Acronym Definitions:
FFS = For Food Sake by Tenina Holder
QFITT = Quick Fix in the Thermomix by Alyce Alexandria
LC = Low Carb Mini Series by Alyce Alexandria
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on January 05, 2013, 09:01:24 am
Hi there,

I recently had to go on the Paleo dietfor health reasons.  It wasn't as hard as I thought. Be sure to drink LOTS of water and at least 3 tablespoons of good fats each day in the first weeks as your body adjusts.

Chelsea  :)
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: courton on January 05, 2013, 09:06:50 am
The big question is did you lose weight Chelsea?
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: VieveMS on January 05, 2013, 09:20:27 am
Thanks for the feedback Chelsea.  I am drinking lots of water and hopefully am eating enough good fats (just wish avocado's would come down in price a bit).  Did Paleo give you the health benefits you were looking for?
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: goldfish on January 05, 2013, 09:33:55 am
Thanks for this thread vieve... Very interesting!
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on January 05, 2013, 10:53:21 am
Yes I did lose weight courton but unfortunately I was already very slim (through illness) and didn't need to. When I increased my good fat intake the weight loss thankfully slowed.  Yes paleo did work for me V. I had a nasty drug-resistant infection through my body and needed to starve the bacteria. :'(
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: judydawn on January 05, 2013, 11:01:40 am
I hope all is well now Chelsea, I've missed your postings on the forum.
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: Frozzie on January 05, 2013, 02:37:04 pm
Oh chelsea hope your ok now.. Ive been considering paleo but am still unsure but keeps popping up around me .. For the moment seriously considering.. I really need to do something.. Want to finally lose all the weight ive put on over the years and from what i hear you can eat whatever you want thats on the list ie not portioned controlled like some.. I did the blood type diet when pregnant with ds.. Worked well and made me feel great however put it all back on as became too controlled and i love variety..thx for the post.. Will be a good reference for those wanting to follow it..😊
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: Bonsai on January 06, 2013, 01:00:29 pm
Ummm, didn't our ancestors have a life span of about 40 years and have to run around to catch all their protein ( no supermarket processed chooks then!), which of course increased their calorie requirements. Not so sure what is wrong with low GI carbs either - the use of grains in our diets actually improved standards of living and health for people as they were no longer forced to be nomadic.

Having large amounts of processed carbs in a diet isn't helpful as we aren't burning heaps of energy hunting and gathering our food any more, but I don't think you can toss out the quinoa with the bath water (to coin a phrase).

This diet may appeal to some but I can't really see any logic in it.
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: Frozzie on January 06, 2013, 01:11:37 pm
I think the idea is organic if you can afford it and grain and dairy free if ive understood.. But you can use coconut flours znd milks etc.. Nut milks.. Im thinking its pretty much what quirky jo does..dairy makes me ill so thzts out anyway but my biggest challenge will be grain.. Love bread and pasta ...!!
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: Frozzie on January 06, 2013, 01:31:21 pm
I can see logic in it just dont know i have the motivation.. If you look at alot of recipes they are what alot of pol would eqt anyway just no carbs and as for dairy i hardly tiuch it ad often use vegeable or nut subs... Meat veg eggs and nuts is the regime...I was actually surprised at how normal it looked.. Ther are some ppl that are a bit ott but i think vaguely following could be good.. The problem with grains especially wheat is its in everything and alot wr dont know or realise plus its modified to yield better crops etc and in turn beywen modification and over consumption.. Kills the whole concept of everything in moderation.. As a result allergies start appearing and intolerances etc so ppl look for alternatives as you usually figure out whats making you ill like i did with dairy.... Dont think grains are bad just as a society we are consumong way too much of them and there is no balance.. There is no one thing you must eat alot of like in many diets like dukan or protein rich diets this seems to be just sensible balanced eating minus the ingredients thzt have been over consumed or years.. If you havent already done so check out labels and see how many of them have wheat or derivitives of wheat.. Amazing.. And as for dairy you dont get alot of choice.. Everything is cows with very few goats and even less sheep.. I used to get sheeps yoghurt easily in France but here i can only find it in the organic shops in one tub and its about $20 wth.. Talk about lack of choice and expensive and a push towards everything cow dairy.again over consumption. Balance is key so again i get where the paleo lifestyle is coming from but like anything each to their own.. To me its not dissimilar to alot of recipes quirky jo posts which are incredibly popular not to mention healthy and tasty... Blurb over..
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: goldfish on January 06, 2013, 09:29:02 pm
Couldn't agree more, Frozzie - great blurb! Well said!  :)
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on January 07, 2013, 08:56:22 am
I hope all is well now Chelsea, I've missed your postings on the forum.
Thanks JD. Yes on the mend now thankfully and hoping to be about on the forum a bit more. We had to cancel our big trip to Ethiopia due to my illness so I will have the summer holidays thermomixing instead.  :)
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: judydawn on January 07, 2013, 10:18:04 am
What a shame Chelsea - next year now perhaps?

Just looking at your name Chelsea, (Thermie Groupie) and perhaps groupies is a better word for us than belonging to a cult which is being bandied around by some non-thermomix owners.
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on January 08, 2013, 03:40:44 am
Enthusiasts???  :)
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: Delightful Den on January 09, 2013, 01:19:48 pm
Just  added this one ( VieveMS

I have to say I don't think the paleo people have it right.  Our paleolithic ancestors would have eaten small amounts of whole grains  ad legumes when they were available for gathering.
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on January 10, 2013, 05:11:37 am
There are many reasons for going on the Paleo diet and it is the cure to some gut problems. Personally I don't think there is problem with grain and there is evidence that ancient cultures did eat grain.  I think the problem is the modern day lack of preparation of grain.  Most grain should to be soaked or sprouted before being cooked and this is often overlooked. Porridge oats are not often soaked overnight, wheat isn't sprouted and dried before being ground into wholegrain flour etc.  Eating paleo is probably preferable to eating grain in the refined form (white flour etc).
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: jo_nz on January 10, 2013, 05:21:40 am
I looked at the Paleo diet a year or so ago, and found it very interesting, and it has certainly made me rethink how my diet is made up.  I think I/we have just become so used to an excess of grains: cereals for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, pasta or rice for dinner. 
It was also enlightening to find that I don't NEED loads of carbs to feel full - I didn't realise protein could do that.
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: Delightful Den on January 10, 2013, 06:07:08 am
I agree the amount of grains we eat today is higher than needed and the types of grains and how they are prepared is also an issue.

I find that as an endurance athlete a high protein diet just doesn't work for me. When I eat low carb medium to high protein I am hungry about an hour after eating. At the advice of a sports dietician I have started eating a lot more carbs in the form of whole grains, rice, pasta, sweet potatoes and potatoes. Since doing this my late afternoon evening cravings for sugar have decreased and I have more energy.

I guess what I am saying is that everyone's dietary needs are different depending on activity level and genetics.
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: cookie1 on January 10, 2013, 07:49:40 am
Great to see you back Chelsea. I've missed you and am pleased you are feeling better. It would have been disappointing to miss out on the trip.
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: Chelsea (Thermie Groupie) on January 10, 2013, 08:13:10 am
Thanks Cookie.  It is lovely to be on the mend now.  After a very rough six months I don't think I will ever take my health for granted again. :)
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: cecilia on March 10, 2013, 02:09:09 pm
Hi all.

Here are some more Paleo Thermie recipes.  Enjoy!

Title: Re: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: Bambi on June 21, 2013, 04:50:53 am
Subbing in here for some recipes :)
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: aggiebaby on October 28, 2013, 03:28:00 pm
OMG!  I'm so happy to see a Paleo section!!!  I'm a newbie thermomixer who is also paleo-ish... This is so exciting!!
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: cazmatic on January 23, 2014, 12:13:16 am
Hi look forward to reading through this post! I've been paleo for a month and will be continuing :)
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: kmw on January 26, 2014, 09:23:15 am
The recipes links are great thanks. Seems we are heading different eating plan due to my husband health & I'm just trying to find recipes that taste good.
Title: Re: Paleo Friendly Recipes - No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, etc.
Post by: meganjane on March 02, 2014, 11:09:42 am
Great to see you back Chelsea and getting better. What a shame you had to cancel your trip to Ethiopia! Did you have a special reason to go there?

DD you're correct in that a high protein diet isn't the answer. We still need carbs in our diet, as they provide the glucose we need to burn for energy, growth and cellular functioning. However, it is the correct sorts of carbs we need, whole and unprocessed, prepared correctly.

As for the Paleo diet, it's okay, but instead of reducing grains, as Chelsea says, it's the way we eat grains in today's world that isn't good for our gut health. There's too much reliance on wheat alone and it isn't prepared properly with quick rising breads that don't allow for gluten development, hence the increase in gluten intolerance.

I think some of the basic principles of Paleo diet are good, but I disagree with removing entire food groups. Legumes and nuts are full of fabulous phytonutrients. Legumes must be soaked with some sort of acid or whey to help them break down. I don't believe it's necessary to 'activate' nuts. The theory that phytic acid binds with minerals has no scientific proof. The nuts themselves contain enough minerals to counteract any that may be lost.

Wholefoods, good preparation and clean eating is the best option for good health.