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Questions Doubts and Requests => Questions? Technical Issues? The Survival Guide => Topic started by: TQTB on July 12, 2012, 09:58:47 am

Title: Can I prepare Apple & Berry Coconut Crumble ahead of time?
Post by: TQTB on July 12, 2012, 09:58:47 am
Hi everyone
Just wanted to know.... I've been invited to a BBQ and I'm in charge of dessert!  I've got a lovely recipe for apple & berry crumble...nsteam apples & berries then make the crumble for on top.  Could I make it up ahead of time?
Also can you make the custard ahead of time and heat in a pot at friends house??
Or do I just take my TM with and do it all there??
Thanks  ???
Title: Re: Can I prepare Apple & Berry Coconut Crumble ahead of time?
Post by: achookwoman on July 12, 2012, 10:11:46 am
The crumble will be fine made ahead and then reheated.  However the custard would need to be reheated and beaten to bring it back to a smooth custard.   I usually add a little milk or cream when reheating custard.
Title: Re: Can I prepare Apple & Berry Coconut Crumble ahead of time?
Post by: EmeraldSue on July 12, 2012, 12:32:49 pm
What I have done before, is make up the crumble topping and store in an airtight container. Make up the apple and berry mix and place in the cooking dish.  Take both with you, along with the custard. When you get to lunch, put the apple and berry mix in the oven to cook. Wait until it has cooked for half the suggested time, then add the crumble topping. The crumble stays crisper if it's added halfway through the cooking time.