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Topics - Monicat

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Why hello!
« on: February 12, 2013, 11:22:13 am »
Hi everyone, my name is Monica, I am a stay at home mum of four.  DD is 5 and has just started full time school, DS is 3 and my boy girl twins just turned one  ;D. Life is loud crazy and lots of fun (most of the time!) at our place.

I have had my tmx for a couple of years now I think?  It's hard to remember life pre TMX really .  I use it almost every day, but I have never really had good results cooking meat in the tmx so I will be looking for some pointers there.  But I love it for everything else. It was definitely great for quick meals when the babies were smaller, I could put dinner on then sit down while it cooked and feed the babies, then fed the rest of us!

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