Author Topic: Big decision - to buy or not to buy  (Read 27348 times)

Offline Katya

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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2009, 06:04:48 pm »
I've had my TMX for about 2 months now and it has become part of the family.  I am so pleased that I bought it as it does make cooking so much easier - less chopping, less kitchen utensils being used and more time to do other things while the TMX whirrs away.  It's revolutionised my bread making as I only ever did it for special occasions and now it's a regular occurrence and I am experimenting with different mixes.

I feel that it is an addition in the kitchen as I still use my oven and my hob when I think it appropriate.  I can't ever see myself getting to the point where everything is done in the TMX - I actually do enjoy stirring and working more intimately (if you know what I mean!) with the ingredients sometimes. 

I have stopped using most of my kitchen gadgets but do still use my kitchen scales as I find it easier to weigh onto them rather than using the TMX scales but that's just a personal preference.

I haven't regretted the decision to buy it for one moment - in fact I rejoice in the day I saw my first TMX and found out how versatile it is.


Offline Hannah

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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2009, 11:28:55 pm »
If you are like me (and probably many of the others on this forum), once you see it in action the decision is made for you - you want it! You just have to work out how to pay for it!

I wouldn't say that mine has saved me time - yes you can do other things while it is whirring away, but suddenly you are doing more things - eg. making pasta/tomato/sweet chilli sauce, curry pastes, butter, yoghurt, washing detergents instead of buying them. You spend time looking for new recipes, reading forums, googling.

But for me it has created an enthusiasm to spend time in my kitchen (not felt in a very long time) and the rewards have been money saved, a 24 year old son who also loves it but most importantly, food that just tastes so fresh and alive.  :P (Is that a lip smacking smiley?!?)

The negative: Weight gain (despite Cyndi saying that nutrient rich food will satisfy you quicker and you will eat less! How can that be when it tastes so good?  ;D)
Barb from Aldgate, South Australia

Offline CreamPuff63

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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2009, 02:29:47 pm »
With the purchasing plan in Australia - i went with the credit card payments. I think it was $100 more in the overall scheme of things, but at least you were able to have access to your TM straight away. You can also earn credit card points.  You should always try to get rid of your debits first, and I alway pay our credit card off at the end of the month every month - recommend never spending more than you can afford. If I didn't take this option I would recommend saving up the money first.
Non Consultant from Perth, Western Australia

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Offline faffa_70

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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2009, 02:57:23 pm »
It is a $50.00 admin fee here in Australia for the 3 month payment plan on your credit card  :)
Kathryn - Perth WA :)
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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2009, 02:11:25 am »
Hi Wonder,

I used to love cooking then life 'got in the way'! ... and i have not really cooked for about 5 years now as I work during the day and Mrs Spanner has the access to the cooking implements as she is working at home with the two kids .... 2 year old boy and 5 year old girl.

I have had my ( oh ....ok,ok..... OUR ) TMX for about ...hmmm .... lets see how long .....

Hang on just need to count my, two .....  ummm .....three....

FOUR days!    :o

In that time I have rediscovered my enthusiasm for cooking .... by the way I am a bloke.

When dear Mrs Spanner came home and said "oh its about 2 grand" I kind of went ballistic saying "no way in god/dess's good green (yet in drought) Earth are we paying that much for a (.......  dare I say this?) ..... damn blender!!!!  "

I went on to the Net to prove how crap this machine was and how the whole demo  thing is a con!

Needless to say I could not find one single negative comment other than peoples comment about price.

Once I found this site and had a chat and also a few other sites I go on and asked the question about TMX all i got was good responses .... and this is from people who have NO FINACIAL BENEFIT from saying such good things.

DISCLOSURE ALERT  ....  I have in the last few days ....yes yes I know I have only had the machine for four days  .......  I have signed up to be a demonstrator and help people buy the thermomix. Just to let you know as well I am not a natural sales person as I work in mental health and Mrs Spanner is an Occupational Therapist.

To let you know how it has affected our lives in the short four days since we got it:

It arrived home from thepost office at 5.15 pm. By 5.25 Baby Boy spanner (2yrs old) was pretending to cook popcorn.
by 5.35 it was set up washed and ready to cook ! ... what was I going to cook????  Oh damn .... my brother in law ( Mr pooh pooh any thing) came by .... hmmmm what to cook .... risotto!!  Mr Pooh Pooh said hmmmm .... its good .  VERY HIGH PRAISE!!!

then made sorbet ......  Mr PP said wow! .... yum!  so quick!!!

Next morning made our breakfast smoothies, more sorbet for kiddies, soup for Mrs spanner and a whole bunch of stuff for her and kids through the day whilst I go off to the salt mine.

That night we had a birthday party to go to and I took the TMX and made jugs and jugs  and JUGS of frozen daiquiri (sp?) and other blended drinks and then made hot chocolate for the kiddies.

Next morning I had training for my TMX and dear Mrs spanner was not well ( not alcohol induced) and I was running late. I thought ..... hmm how could I show my "LURVE" for my beautiful partner???  I made red lentil curry soup. This would normally be not even in my mind by  ... oh lets say 20 thousand light years  BUT ..... i put everything in , set the temp, set the time..... set the speed ( on reverse so it stayed whole) and kissed dear Partner and said the soups on .... just turn it off and put in the Thermoserver when done and it will still be hot for you at lunch.

i got the raunchiest thankyou text message whilst I was at the Thermomix training ...... i nearly fainted with anticipation.   :o 8) :P ;D

this was all BEFORE I had done any training and just followed the recipe in the cook books you get.

I can not recommend the machine highly enough.

The other thing I really REALLY like about the TMX is that it is all one pot cooking and it really works .... much to my disgust at being proved wrong!  I am a man after all and don't like to be prooven wrong!

A quote I heard once ....   " once the quality stays the price is forgotten" . 

All I can say is this : I feel like I have paid less than it is truly worth.  .....   

...............   oh and my lurve life has never been better  ;) . I now know the meaning of happy wife happy life ...   hahahaha  :D

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Offline judydawn

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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2009, 02:35:41 am »
Well Wonder, with your demo booked for tonight (make sure DH is there) you should now be fully convinced that you really need a TMX in your kitchen.  If the above wrap from Spanner doesn't seal it for you, nothing will. Enjoy tonight :D :D
Judy from North Haven, South Australia

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Offline brazen20au

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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2009, 04:12:45 am »
haha i best not let MY dh read that post ;)
Karen in Canberra :)
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Offline Wonder

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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2009, 05:20:41 am »
All I can say is WOW - what a response. Definitely don't think I'll let my DH see that one, might give him some ideas and he'll buy before we even have the demo!!!

The demo is tonight so chances are by this time tomorrow I'll have a new TMX!!  One question on the demo, should I be making anything for the guests - nibbles etc or is there no need with the food he'll be preparing.  I've got leftovers from Christmas in July on Saturday so could just put those out I guess??

Thanks again for all the responses.

Offline Ceejay

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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2009, 05:49:54 am »
You don't need to make anything!  Everyone will be catered for with the TMX demo.

Enjoy!!  ;D
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Offline brazen20au

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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2009, 05:52:51 am »
you'll be stuffed with what he cooks ;) enjoy!
Karen in Canberra :)
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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2009, 11:48:10 pm »
Dear Wonder,

My husband was the one who started in on the Thermomix. He saw it in the Wall Street Journal. Now, we are in the US, so there was no way to see it in action. We went looking for information everywhere we could and I was convinced that it was just a big blender.

I had purchased an excellent blender a few years back, and I have a whole host of lovely, great name kitchen appliances. So, I just was not sure I wanted to add another "thing". Finally the hubbie bit the bullet and ordered me one from Canada. I have had it now for 2 months.

First, I use it everyday. At least once a day and some days a lot more. It is a great machine.

Second, I moved out the mixer and the blender and only use the food processor for actual grating.

Third, I make things I never liked to make before-- like Bavarians and risotto. Things that need a lot of stirring while heating...

Fourth, I have changed what I buy at the store. I pass up so any things now because I know that I can make them myself. Juice, for example. I would much rather buy fresh oranges and make fresh juice than buy the refrigerated or frozen or jarred stuff.

I think you get the idea. I do not regret his decision. Even the husband uses it.

If you like to cook or like to eat good food, you will like this machine. If you see nothing wrong with overpriced, microwaved food from a box, you will not.
Aunt Annie

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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #26 on: July 28, 2009, 01:30:19 am »
Hi Wonder ......   How did the demonstration go??

Cant wait to hear from you.


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Offline faffa_70

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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #27 on: July 28, 2009, 04:53:57 pm »
Hi Wonder ......   How did the demonstration go??

Cant wait to hear from you.


Ditto from me ... waiting in anticipation....
Kathryn - Perth WA :)
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Offline CarolineW

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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #28 on: July 28, 2009, 05:06:56 pm »
And me  ;D  Just came to visit this thread to see what happened last night.

Incidentally, didn't bother posting before as everyone had already said the things I had to say  ;D  But just one more comment on the 'why isn't it sold in the stores' - because it would double the price at the very least, with the retail mark up.  And most big stores have to be paid to provide shelf space for a product.  Add to that the fact that very few people would really 'get' what it could do without a demo (as already mentioned), and I think we can all see pretty clearly why it isn't sold in the stores.  Pity, but there we go.  Practicalities need to rule.

Looking forward to hearing how the demo went.
As my picture shows, I've suddenly become younger :-)  DD was of the opinion that her picture should be here, not mine!

Offline Wonder

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Re: Big decision - to buy or not to buy
« Reply #29 on: July 29, 2009, 01:57:26 am »
Well as I expected I bought one, just need to wait until it's delivered now.   ;D ;D ;D

The kids are very excited, I woke in a cold sweat at 2am wondering what I had done and DH hasn't really said much at all. 

Thanks for all the replies and I'll be looking forward to trying out some of the many recipes from this site. 

If anyone has tips for the beginner TMX family all help is appreciated.

Thanks again.