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Messages - JenniCB

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Hey Debbiebillg, my 2 1/2 year old says "I see, I see?" too!! I'm always having to take off the jug to show her what's inside...LOL!! My kids just love it. Every time I make something they want to know if Thermie did it....and I say...."of course!!!"

Introduce Yourself / Love my new friend Thermie
« on: December 05, 2010, 10:45:08 am »
Hi All,

Have had Thermie for about a month now and have been lurking on the forum since. I have to say....I absolutely love both!!!!!! I love making sorbet, icecream, beef strog, fast chicken curry, hommus and more. I tried the tip tonight on using the TM to peel garlic....absolute genius!! I reckon it was worth buying just for that!! LOL!!

Saw a discussion in my lurking about what people named their TM and what gender it was. I saw loads say theirs was female because only females can multi task and accomplish that much. But my "Thermie" is male. I want to know I have a man at work in my kitchen cooking food for me like I've never cooked before!!

Thanks for all that I've learnt from here already.

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