Man Magnet Mushrooms
1 or 2 Portobello / Swiss Brown mushrooms, cut into c. 6 cm thick slices
1 Tbsp (15 ml) sesame oil
2 Tbsps (30 ml) tamari or soy sauce
1 Tbsp (15ml) liquid smoke
a little of your favourite sweetener: maple syrup, agave syrup or rice syrup (optional)
Heat your oven to 175 C (fan forced).
Mix the oil, tamari/soy sauce, liquid smoke and natural sweetener in a snap lock bag or bowl.
Add the mushrooms to the marinade and give them a good, but gentle, shake (if you are using a bowl, every few minutes, flip them to make sure the liquid covers all the slices). Leave to marinate for c. 10 minutes – or longer if you have time, shaking and flipping regularly.
Place the slices on a parchment paper-lined baking tray and heat for c. 30 minutes, turning after 15 minutes.
I do not claim to be the inventor of this recipe, I got it from a blog but, studpidly, did not note down the originator. My apologies to the wonderful person who developed this. I am grateful for your efforts!