
I love this pudding simply because it does not need baking in the oven!
Here at home we all like sweet rice so this is a perfect combination!
Name of Recipe:Delicious Rice Pudding
Number of People:....
Ingredients:200 g sugar
80 g of short-grain rice
3 eggs
800 g of milk
A pinch of cinnamon.
Lemon peel (without the white)
Liquid Caramel Preparation:Spray the sugar for 15 sec, level 5-7-9.
Add the lemon peel and spray for 30 sec, level 3-5-7.
Add the rice and return to spray 1 min 30 sec, level 3-5-9 (noisy.

Add milk, eggs and a little ground cinnamon and schedule 17 min - 100º - level 4 ½
Place liquid caramel in individual bowls or a puddingform and introduce this mixture.
Place in Refrigerator - minimum 2 hours!
Hope you enjoy it!
members' commentsJD - Mine doesn't look nice and firm like yours isi and when I turned it out of the form 6 hours later it still wasn't firm. It was the consistency of a thickish custard but it sort of flopped on the plate. It is delicious though so I wondered if it perhaps needed more rice. With this consistency, if I wanted to serve this one up to visitors, I would have to pour the pudding into stemmed glasses and put the caramel on the top which would be fine but nothing like your picture.
The caramel was really nice - I used 3/4 of the can - and it complimented the rice pudding nicely. I think I will use 150g sugar next time as it could perhaps have been a tad sweeter. Thank you for posting it isi, I will certainly do it again.
Katya - Judy - I think chocdoc is right. Here we use a special short-grain rice, sometimes known as "pudding" rice. I think normal long-grain rice isn't starchy enough.
Pudding rice differs from long-grain rice as much as arborio does. As Isi says, you can always increase the quantities of rice or egg to get the texture but I would encourage you to try and find the proper rice as it produces much better results.
ISI - maybe you should amend your recipe to specify short-grain rice ??
JD - No, that's not it chocdoc/Katya - I did use short-grain rice.
I've converted mine to ice-cream. Mixed it with the rest of the caramel and half filled sprayed silicon muffin trays. Have just popped them out and put them into a plastic bag and will leave them now until teatime. Caramel ice-cream - the mixture tasted nice.
I thought of using gelatine isi. I don't think the caramel made any difference as it is 2 separate layers. I had one of the blocks of 'ice-cream' for dessert tonight, just put one of the blocks into the microwave for 20 seconds to soften it (it was rock hard). It was nice but not as ice-creamy as the chocolate version I did with your light coffee cream dessert. I will certainly make it as is to serve to visitors in a stemmed glass with the caramel on top - I am a fan of any dessert in a glass. They always look nice.
Thermomixer - It may be an idea to add an extra egg, maybe even add the eggs after about 10 minutes of cooking with the milk and then turn the temp down to 90 deg and cook another 10 minutes ? But adding an egg will certainly help it set better with softer texture.
JulieO - Have just made this and put it into the fridge at 2pm to set.
I followed Thermomixer's instructions regarding adding an extra egg and cooking first before adding the eggs.
I made a caramel sauce that you use when making creme caramels and put into the base of a bundt tin. Will be interesting to see how it all works out and whether the pudding will come out of the tin cleanly. It seemed that it would set, but I won't know until either tonight or tomorrow. I did cook with the MC on a slant to allow condensation to evaporate.
Had a little taste of what was left in the bowl and it tastes pretty nice if a little sweet. I added 160g of sugar, meaning to add 150g, but added it a bit too quick and couldn't be bothered scooping any out, but will wait until I've had some properly to see if the amount needs to be reduced or not.
Update - *sigh. I've got to say first off this tastes great. Mine didn't keep it's shape either, but my choice of mould was probably the wrong thing. I loved the hint of lemon in it. I used the zest of one lemon and it was perfect. I think if I'd had small moulds I would have had more success but regardless it tastes great. I would like to do as Judy suggests, putting into nice glasses and allowing to set, then just before serving, pour over a little of the caramel sauce with maybe just a tiny swirl of whipped fresh cream.
Thanks Isi, for another great little dessert.
Trudy - Hi Isi,
Well I just wanted to let you know that this morning I made your pudding and we have just eaten it. I first made the liquid caramel and while that was cooling I made the pudding. I poured a little liquid caramel into the base of a tupperware mould and placed the pudding mixture on top. This sat in the fridge all day before being turned out. It came out beautifully. The eggs that I used were the extra large size, so don't know if this was what made the difference or the fact that it had been in the fridge for quite awhile.
Thanks, Trudy.
Thermomixer - Thanks Trudy
Beat me to the punch.
I made tonight using arborio rice and an extra egg in case.
Just because I never follow the recipe. I ground the sugar and rice, then added the milk and cooked for 12 minutes before blending again on speed 9 for 1 minute to make sure the rice was broken up.
Then added the egg and cinnamon & cooked at 80 degrees for another 5 mins
I used caramel that I had made and lined the bowls - but used smaller bowls of various sizes.
It actually turned out fairly firm in texture. So maybe the arborio rice would be best ?
So you can rest easy Isi - it may be our rice.
Alan - OK I made this today with a couple of small modifications.
I used 780g of milk rather than 800. And because I could not be bothered to make some liquid caramel I used some maple syrup. My wife has told me that I have to make this more often.