
Here at home we have a glass jar from IKEA where you live is always something sweet to accompany the nice cup of tea, the coffee or simply to devour the kids (only the kids of course)
I like making cookies, cupcakes or even a place Madalenes there! Always something that can endure for a while!
Among my recipes election are these mini mini mini Croissant whose validity has never been able to test ...
Anyone who has proved them will understand why !!!!!!!!!
It may sound a little strange mass but only tell you that the end result is heavenly!
Recipe Name:
Mini Mini Mini ...
Makes 64 Croissant
Ingredients: 200 grams of butter or margarine
200 grams of Philadelphia Cheese (homemade of course)
http://www.forumthermomix.com/index.php?topic=3513.msg42986#new300 grams of flour
50 grams White Sugar
50 grams brown sugar
50 grams of Dried Fruit (Hazelnut, Almond, Walnut)
Preparation: Butter / Cheese / Flour - all inside the Thermomix and program level 3 - 4 minutes!
The mass is sooooo soft.
Remove the dough from the Thermomix with the help of the spatula!
Form a ball - Wrap up and Leave to rest in the Fridge for at least 2 hours
Mix the dried fruit (previously finely milled in Thermomix) with the Sugar and divide into 4 equal pieces
Divide the dough into 4 equal parts.
Take ONE and place the other 3 in the cold!!
Put 1/4 of the mixture of Sugar/Fruit on the bench - put the dough on top and form a circle with about 26cm!
Hope I made myself understood (the sugar/fruit mixture works as flour to stretch the dough on top


After the circle is done divide it into 16 shares i (do not be alarmed because it is small anyway!) Lol

Now just wrap each triangle from the widest part until the tip end and place in pan with the tip end down!

Now do the same with the rest of the ingredients!
Bake in preheated oven at 180 º for 14 to 16 minuts until they are golden brown (notice the initial photo)!

Allow to cool over a grid and after very cold store in boxes or well insulated glasses!
Endure at least 4 weeks will - if someone leaves them hidden this happen of course ....

Puhhhhh this was tiring - I think I'll take a Cafe with a Mini Mini .....

Hope you enjoy the Idea - they really are special and veeery nice
members' commentsJulieO - I made the dough for these one night and got it out of the fridge about 30 mins before trying to roll it out next morning.
I'm afraid I didn't have much success with this part but I feel it's more to do with our weather at the moment (30C) and a little humid. Anyway it wouldn't roll out for me, kept sticking to the rolling pin even when I dusted with a bit of flour. It was almost like there wasn't enough flour in it so to save the day, instead I pulled off little pieces, rolled into balls and then rolled in the nuts and baked that way, perfect size for popping in your mouth with a coffee. I think I'd like to try again when we finally get cooler weather. Hoping others have better success than I did.
Tebasile - I was cheating and used Pleno organics puff pastry waiting in the fridge to be used. Thank you Isi.
Nay-nay - Ok - so I'm rolling these babies up and they actually look like the photos and I'm thinking I'm soooo master Chef but now I've cooked them they are a little doughy in centre. I am supposing they have to be very crispy, hard to last 4 weeks. I think I'll put them back in on a very low heat so they don't burn??
I turned off oven and just left them in there on cooling rack and they did crisp up but not the wonderful colour of Isi's. I think maybe I didn't roll them thin enough either. They are very tasty!! Julie I found you really need to roll straight away even as Isi said putting the rest of the mix back into fridge while you roll the rest. I had intentions of leaving in over night but couldn't wait and got it out after a couple hours and had the trouble you described but then left it a couple more hours and it was good to work with. I did mine in the cool of the night about 8.30 pm and was very happy with how they rolled up. Will definitely try again - Thanks Isi. If I left them at high heat any longer the underneath of them would have burnt - I think maybe they were to thick - I didn't roll them thin enough.
cookie1 - I made this yesterday and put it in the fridge over night. It was really firm to roll out today.I rolled it between two pieces of baking paper. I used hazelnuts ground up fairly fine and raw sugar on mine. They are very moorish, one is definitely not enough. I actually rolled them in the nut mix after I had rolled them into the croissant shape as well as having it under the dough being rolled out.
rainbow - Thank you Isi, these are beautiful. I prepared the dough last night and made them this morning for our Sunday morning coffee/hot chocolate and they are the best.
KL in the mix - my dough was very firm straight out of the fridge too. Rolled it between baking paper which I must say, is a brilliant idea!!! Was a bit of a workout though... I think I even raised a sweat!!! Sprinkled the sugar/nut dust on both sides prior to rolling. Goodness they were yummy!!! Still have half the dough left in the fridge which I froze for next time. Made a second batch with the frozen dough but put some grated dark chocolate sprinkled over too. Yum. Just as good as the first batch... maybe even a little tastier.
versaceyoyo - I must admit it was hard work rolling the dough as it was very firm, however, I got there and I am so pleased with how they turned out - another wonderful 'Isipe' (short for Isi-recipe!). They really are good - I have shared them with a few people now and they are a universal hit!
ILB - Isi, I made these for our cooking class recently and they were a huge hit!! Thank you.
rubyslippers - I love these. Very tasty. Thank you isi!
CP - delicious! (and now I know what she means by mini mini mini - they are just a mouthful). Will definitely make these again.
cookie - We love them. They freeze well too.
DJ - Very delicious, had too many for breakfast.... Oops.