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Messages - Nikkit
« on: August 03, 2015, 04:11:26 am »
Cookie and Troupie, thank you so very much - again! You ladies are wonderful!  Yes we had a great day with you all here, a small class, but it was good to have you as our guinea pigs with the few changes that we made. We hope that the seating arrangements were more better-er (? ! ) easier/more comfortable? And the recipe print outs better too. We had a ball in Melb with our Mum's. We ate and drank and shopped and repeated all that for 4 days! (Have just seen my credit card I hide that from hubby  ) The Alyce Alexandra Cooking School was fab. We learned heaps and it was so good to sit "on the other side" and see how it all runs. (Hence we came home and made a few changes) If anyone is in Melb - go to one of her classes, well worth it. And that trick jug....thank goodness we have the RCD switch thingy - or Nerissa and I may have been fried! Thanks Troupie for dropping it off, one of the pins ended up being broken inside - so not even araldite would fix it Thanks again ladies for all the lovely comments and your support. It means a lot
« on: June 12, 2015, 04:19:30 am »
Time goes by a bit quick here with one thing or another! I need to visit in here a bit more!! Thank you again Cookie and Katj for coming up. Always so good to see you both  We did have fun, and glad that you enjoyed the day again. We will do a repeat next Saturday. My family and Nerissa's were devastated there was no left over pudding! It is pretty good!
« on: May 06, 2015, 03:46:06 am »
Thanks Troupie.  I had personally tested the chillis before I put them in - don't worry!  They are out of my garden and a bit hit and miss in the heat department And yes - we did have a lot to talk about this time! I do hope everyone went home thinking about "dead food, live food". We thoroughly enjoy cooking for people and chatting, (and chatting) and showing some how to get more out of our thermy's. Nerissa and I do have fun and bounce off each other pretty well and we hope that it comes through when we are up front! Thanks for coming Troupie - always good to see you and thank you for the lovely post
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:47:32 am »
Morning All! Not too sure why I don't get in here more often...I miss you!! Cookie - once again, thank you for the update and the photos. Our food did look pretty good And "the clever ladies" bit  Thank you thank you!! Believe me - some days we aren't very clever - not everything works out the way we think it will! We had a lot of fun yesterday and plan on doing it again next Saturday, so if anyone wants to come to a curry class, we are on again! Hope this is allowed... We are doing a promo - BAFGAD - bring a friend, get a discount. So if anyone has a friend who has not been to one of our classes before then you both get a discount. Have a fantabulous weekend all, and thanks Cookie, Troupie and Katj for supporting us - always good to see you
« on: March 26, 2015, 12:58:23 am »
« on: March 25, 2015, 01:41:38 am »
Cookie, we love you to bits when you put up such glowing reviews of our classes and food! Thank you xx Nerissa and I just want to help people use their Thermomix. We have an amazing machine that can do so much, and we just want to use it! We are all busy, have so much on in one way or another and our main idea is to just get good healthy (and some not so good and healthy!) easy food on the table without too much fuss. We also don't want to have to search high and low for special ingredients. So I must admit we don't do anything "out there", we keep it fairly simple, but tasty. Plus we have fun, and if we can't have a laugh while I'm glugging and sploshing in ingredients and Nerissa is meticulously weighing everything - then what is the whole point?! Cookie - I should have pointed my spotty horse out to you - he was up in the paddock, you couldn't really miss him! The other horse is a bay (brown!) no spots. It was an "intimate" class! So much so, that Nerissa and I could sit and eat with everyone, which did make it really nice. It meant that we could chat and listen to you all... that bit is always good - instead of us talking all the time! I am not too sure why we didn't get more guests for this class, but maybe Tuesdays are not the day. Nerissa and I are having a planning day next week, and we will be changing our days from class to class. A couple of ideas in the wind are a "curries from all over", "winter warmers" and more. And Cookie - thank you for such a generous offer for people to come with you if they are interested from south of the river. Car pooling is a good idea! We forgot to take photos too - must remember at the next class. Thanks again Cookie.
« on: March 18, 2015, 03:32:08 am »
Ah Gert, I send you love, hugs and a wish that you remember all the wonderful and not so wonderful times with Ted, eventually with a smile. Even though I don't "know" you, I feel as though I know you - and Ted, and so bugger it, I am going to go pop the cork on a bottle of bubbles and "cheers to Ted on his final flight out - via Bangkok"
After all, it is 5 o'clock somewhere...
« on: March 15, 2015, 06:26:56 am »
Thanks Cookie Sydney... well I might just add it to our "TO DO" list djinni  And yes there is a bit of chocolate at the next class, and we are both looking forward to it! Cheers
« on: March 11, 2015, 10:28:36 pm »
Thanks Denise  Our dessert turned out better yesterday, we have pics on fb. I take them with my good camera and being just a little "challenged" in the techy bits - I can't post them here due to their size or something. (No idea why small dessert stacks take up so many pixels...and I was led to believe calories and kilowhatsits were bad!  ) Anyway, we had a fun couple of days, met new people and now we are rolling on to our Easter class. Thank you all for your kind words and good lucks! Have a fab day everyone! xx
« on: March 10, 2015, 09:52:41 pm »
Morning all! Thanks for putting up the photos Cookie...all our food does look pretty darned good - If I do say so myself!  Nerissa and I did manage to get 1 chicken piece each that was left over, and even though I make that marinade a lot - it was YUM! We had such a fun day yesterday, and no doubt will do again today. And the Easter class, it will be all about chocolate. And I can't wait for it either! We had so much fun testing recipes for it. Have a great day!
« on: March 09, 2015, 11:03:01 am »
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:21:40 pm »
And don't forget measuring and sploshing Cookie! Which we did a bit more of today and our next class is planned. I think we might have another enjoyable day
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:00:10 am »
Oops, hit the wrong button! And yes that is me with the check t-towel... Nerissa next to me and my Mum in the back ground. We nearly didn't have all that was planned for the class. Our prep day turned a bit custard like, (and we didn't have custard on the menu!) nothing went to plan and Nerissa forgot the "puppy" cutter for the bikkies. We ran out of time to make them, so I took ingredients home to make them and went to get started and lo and behold - not one Thermomix in my kitchen!! You know the feeling when your belly sinks way down low and you just have no idea what to do next! My dear hubby said "anything I can do?" "Get me a beer to start with please" ... Thanks to my gorgeous friend down the road, I used hers, had the kids rolling and cutting dough and bikkies were finally done and dusted that night! So glad to meet new faces and put names to faces from the forum. Thank you so much for coming ladies  And thanks for the kind words and great feedback, we appreciate it! Planning today for the next couple of classes and also for next term, so keep an eye on our fb page for updates. Have a fantabulous day everyone!
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:51:04 am »
Hi Lovely Ladies! Wow! Thank you all so much for the awesome feedback about our class. What a fun day we had. 2 days really as we had another class the next day. Will try and answer qu's as I read back through all your posts (apologies for the delay...has been a crazy week!) Berry Sweet farm is on Neaves Road, Bullsbrook. They have frozen blue's, strawbs and raspb's for $10/kilo. Stocked up yesterday, but they had sold out of fresh strawbs, so heading over there thismorning to get some. They are open 7 days a week. Well worth getting "not Nanna's" berries - and all grown local in WA. Yes the class was held in Nerissa's Mum's house and I know we were pretty friendly in there, but a nice spot to do it. My Mum was the kitchen "fairy" (!!!) (Not what I called her when she forgot to put egg mix in one lot of the steamed frittatas!!) No Judy - no knife! Floss (not minty) was used to cut the scrolls, and I did use the back of the knife if things got a bit stuck
« on: January 21, 2015, 08:50:53 am »
There'll be 4 forum members there as of today! And we've been inundated with bookings and our first class is booked out ! So we're putting on a second class the next day. Absolutely amazed, thrilled, excited and really looking forward to meeting all you special special lovely people! Jeninwa, there'll be more don't worry. Have a fantabulous day everyone!!!  (Not half excited am I!!?)