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Questions? Technical Issues? The Survival Guide / Re: Noodle Pudding
« on: December 30, 2008, 01:19:51 am »
Thanks, my education has improved.  You and your wife are wonderful doing all that baking/cooking.  It must give you a wonderful feeling being able to do that. Congratulations. ;D

Questions? Technical Issues? The Survival Guide / Re: Noodle Pudding
« on: December 29, 2008, 08:39:14 am »
The noodle pudding looks interesting. What exactly is it?- I've never seen anything like it before.  Most importantly, does it taste nice?

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: December 29, 2008, 08:35:43 am »
I had my brother and SIL here for lunch today before they headed back to Canberra. SIL was interested in the thermomix, so we whizzed up a strawberry sorbet (nearly as good as yesterdays mango one) and some cheese balls, using the Christmas recipe and then made her a quick coffee in it.  There may well be another buyer coming up.  She was impressed with the beetroot dip I made the other night too. I think she especially liked the easy clean up as she HATES washing up.
Today is a good day for sorbets here as it's pretty warm.  Such an easy cooling down sweets-and not too bad on the waist line if you reduce the sugar quantity by a fair bit.

Starters and Snacks / Beetroot, Parmesan and Cashew dip
« on: December 28, 2008, 06:26:27 am »
Beetroot, Parmesan and Cashew Dip:
450g can baby beets
150g packet salted, roasted cashews
1 cup grated parmnesan cheese (done in Thermomix)
1 clove garlic
1 tablespoon lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste
Biscuits and vegetable crudites to serve

Drain the beetroot, reserving 1 tablespoon of juice.
Process cashews until fine by putting into bowl and using turbo until they are done.
Add the drained beetroot,garlic and grated parmesan.  Speed 4 or 5 until it is all blended. (approx 5-10 seconds)
Add lemon juice and reserved beetroot juice, reverse speed for 4 for 5 seconds.

This should be kept in the fridge and is best made the day before so that the flavours can develop. It is suitable to freeze.

Hints/tips from members

Pippa - I made this with roasted fresh beetroot (3 beetroots made a half recipe).  It needed a little bit of oil to make it smoother as I didn't want a chunky dip.  I also used approx. 1/4 tsp citric acid instead of lemon juice as I didn't have any lemons.  It was delicious.

Cornish Cream - As we don't have canned beetroot in the UK I used a Tesco pack (250g) of cooked beetroot in natural juice.

chrissa - Altered to suit what I found in the pantry. Sliced beetroot, Parmesan, walnuts, a little sea salt, lemon juice, garlic.

Greyhoundmum - defrosted and tasted just as nice second time around.

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: December 28, 2008, 06:15:57 am »
I made my first sorbet today.  That probably seems pretty stupid seeing I saw it done at the demo when I received the machine, but I really haven't been at all interested in trying until now.  We are so sick of leftovers and rich food and it seems as if summer has arrived here in Perth at last so I decided to make a mango sorbet.  I reduced the amount of sugar in the book by about half, and now I wonder why  we waited so long.  It was really light and summery and just what we all needed.

When it cools down a bit this afternoon I'm going to try making one of my favourite chocolate cake recipes in it to see how I go.

CHRISTMAS / Re: URGENT - Brandy Cream/Custard from the Christmas class
« on: December 24, 2008, 07:07:52 am »
75g sugar
200g cream
200g milk
3 eggs
40g brandy

Place the sugar into the bowl and mill for 15 secs on speed 9.
Insert butterfly.  Add remaining ingredients and cook for 10 minutes at 80 degrees on speed 4.
Mixture should coat the back of a wooden spoon and will thicken on standing.

Merry Christmas

Drinks / Re: Hot Chocolate
« on: December 22, 2008, 02:05:49 am »
Great idea Amanda, thanks.  My Dad always used to say 'we can choose our friends but not our relations.'

I'm sure that after a glass of wine or bubbly, I won't care too much about how nasty she is.  I am determined to simply say, "It's Christmas, let's try and be nice and not say nasty things, just for today." (May need more than one glass of that bubbly!!!)

 ::) ::)

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: December 21, 2008, 08:54:45 am »
Thermomix has had a rest today, I've only made milk shakes for the family. I am seriously wondering how I managed without  this machine.  I haven't done a lot of varoma cooking yet, but find it so good for so many things.

Welcome / Re: 200 members and still growing strong.
« on: December 21, 2008, 08:46:46 am »
It certainly is a 'valuable tool'. I have learned so much from this forum and found some wonderful recipes. It is hard to believe I was member number 90 and I joined just over a month ago and now membership is past 200. I have given this forum name to a couple of people from other forums who own Thermomixes. Hopefully they find it as helpful as I do. ;D ;D

CHRISTMAS / Re: Cheat’s Christmas Puddings
« on: December 20, 2008, 06:26:34 am »
This I will definitely be making.  Our next door neighbours brought in heaps of christmas cakes and fruit mince pies and little plum puddings for us.  The wife works at the manufacturers of these and they thought we may like them.  As we're not really into bought cakes etc I will be able to make these puddings from some of the cake.  Thanks.

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: December 20, 2008, 06:20:06 am »
Today I've made some orange biscuits and am about to make some pastry to make fruit mince pies.

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: December 19, 2008, 08:27:25 am »
The chocolate brownies were ever so delicious.  Very rich, but still nice.  They had the usual brownie type top, (hard to cut without cracking it into lots of pieces), but the centre is so smooth and rich.  Would make a lovely sweet as well, with cream or icecream, or even both.

CHRISTMAS / Re: Iced Christmas Pudding
« on: December 19, 2008, 08:24:37 am »
I think I will have to make this-especially if it has a soft texture as I love soft icecream. It looks nice and easy too. Thanks for another recipe to try.

CHRISTMAS / Re: Christmas Berries in Champagne Sabayon
« on: December 18, 2008, 03:49:57 am »

Chit Chat / Re: What are you cooking today?
« on: December 18, 2008, 03:48:54 am »
I've just made the Chocolate Brownies from the Gluten free book.  The raw mixture was oh so nice. Hopefully the baked version will be just as good.
I've also used the thermomix to speed up the making of some mini plum puddings.  It made the job so much quicker. Usually the crumbling of the cake and melting chocolate is time consuming.  Not this year, I was really speedy.  Might even do another batch to take out tonight-everyone will think I've spent ages making them! ;)

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