I've been doing this for about 6 months now, since I saw the tip on line somewhere. I had to try it out as soon as I saw it and have been doing it ever since. Works so well with strawberries, blueberries, grapes, cherry toms to name a few. Anything that you basically don't peel to eat, though I tried apples once but you can only fit about 3 in the basket so I didn't bother with doing them again. Plums would probably be good too but I think raspberries would be too delicate. It's supposed to wash off the wax and give them a better clean than doing it by hand.
fruit of choice (don't overfill the basket)
1 litre water (no more)
about 2 tsp white vinegar
Place water and vinegar into TM bowl. Place fruit into the internal steamer basket and set in place.
Wash 2 mins/speed 7. You don't need to put the MC in place (though I haven't tested it in the TM31) and it's quite fascinating to watch the force of the water washing over the fruit. (I know, little things and all that!

Once done, rinse the fruit under running water then drain for a min or so before transferring to a clean tea towel and dabbing dry. I leave for about 10 mins or so until dry then I return the fruit to their little punnets. I find them the best way to store them as they allow air to circulate.
My strawberries were shiny and the little green leaves were standing up, the blueberries were shiny.
I found they lasted longer than when not washed.
If you have a punnet of strawberries or blueberries in your fridge, give it a try and see what you think.