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Chit Chat / Re: Anything goes for Uni
« Last post by mab19 on Today at 09:16:44 am »
Hi Obbie, it's nice to see you popping back in again.
Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« Last post by mab19 on Today at 09:15:28 am »
Because it has been such a windy day I decided to strip the spare single bed and washed a pair of woollen blankets, a woollen underlay and the sheets.  Everything dried nicely and is now back on the bed.
Chit Chat / Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?
« Last post by mab19 on Today at 09:12:00 am »
Fish and Chips for a cheat's dinner tonight.  I managed to eat a little bit of the battered fish but had no luck with the chips.
Chit Chat / Re: What are you been cooking today
« Last post by judydawn on January 17, 2025, 10:21:47 pm »
Another batch of blueberry muffins for DF, he loves them. I can almost make them with my eyes closed now.
« Last post by judydawn on January 17, 2025, 10:19:00 pm »
I hope so Chookie. Had no idea how to follow the instructions to put it together but I treated it like a jigsaw puzzle and if a part fitted then that’s where it must go! Not a good idea to start this process at 10 pm though.
Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« Last post by judydawn on January 17, 2025, 10:16:35 pm »
I hope we can catch up too Chookie, have not yet decided where and when our next cruise will happen. I’ll give you a ring on Sunday night.
Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« Last post by K Atie on January 17, 2025, 10:08:03 pm »
Chookie my DH always wanted to do the Ghan . But we can never be organised to do a year ahead . I’d agree with the airport it’s very organised but most things seem to be done on your phone . But there are ways around making it easy too . Crutching last day ! Another warm week coming . DD will go home today .
Chit Chat / Re: Anything goes for Uni
« Last post by achookwoman on January 17, 2025, 08:28:51 pm »
Obbie, popping in again !  All good here.
Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« Last post by achookwoman on January 17, 2025, 08:27:44 pm »
Thanks . I keep a small box with small jars of jam in the car. If someone looks a bit sad or does me a good deed I give them a pot. It’s nice to brighten up someone’s day.
Yesterday I booked a trip on the Ghan with a couple of side trips with Outback Spirit. My biggest worry was the Airport. Ral was very good at navigating this. DD has offered to fly with me to Adelaide. Judy, hope we might catch up. Late July. ( coldest and wettest time in Ballarat ).
Chit Chat / Re: What are you been cooking today
« Last post by achookwoman on January 17, 2025, 08:16:28 pm »
More sweet Chilly sauce. I have 2 recipes. One tomato based and one that has sultanas in it. I like the look and milder taste of the tomato one , but the other one sure has a kick.
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