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Topics - MummyAmanda

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Just 'slightly' obsessed already:D
« on: July 27, 2011, 02:29:35 am »
Hi everyone :D So it was kind of inevitable I join this forum,  I was starting to lose friends pretty fast because I wouldn't shut up about the 't' word:D so hello 'friendly audience' with whom I can comment and chat to my hearts content without offense... Well hopefully:D So I'm a mum of 1 (daughter, nearly 2), living in Melbourne (it's SUNNY today!), and I've had my TMX for a few days now... It feels like it must be a month because I've cooked so many things... Had a few 'whoops' moments but generally had success with most things:D Looking forward to converting some of our favorite things, which if successful will happily share... See you round:D

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