Author Topic: Magic Bean Cake  (Read 69545 times)

Offline zebraa

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Magic Bean Cake
« on: July 10, 2012, 02:54:39 pm »
Has anyone been making this? It is absolutely and utterly fabulous. Can't recommend it highly enough. Does need to be cooked for longer then 30 mins though I find.

420 g kidney beans  canned drained
1 tablespoon water or coffee
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
70 g unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon GF baking powder
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
125 g Butter OR oil
5  eggs
180 g sugar

Kidney beans in my cake
In your TM puree the beans, water/coffee, I egg and vanilla until smooth. SP 7. Set aside.
Beat the butter and sugar SP 5 30 seconds
Add the remaining eggs & beat for 20 seconds SP 4.
Add bean mixture SP 4 5 seconds.
Add the cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt and blend SP 4 10 seconds.
Pour batter into greased ring tin pan and bake MOD oven for 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

Members' comments

Nikkit - Oh yes this one is awesome!
I made it for the kids on a Scout camp and it was the first cake to go. Also made it for Miss 10's group of Cubs for after their 10km hike and there was none left either. They all came back for seconds (and that was after they had all had 2 sausage in buns!) All the Mum's wanted the recipe as they loved it too - even one said "I hate kidney beans, but this is fantastic".
I tend to blend the kidney beans a bit then chuck everything else in and blend and scrape it down a couple of times. Is even quicker.

zebraa - it is easy to double too to make two cakes. You can do it with other beans - and one person I know has removed cocoa and done lemon and coconut instead with borlotti beans - that worked out well too apparently. I seriously love this no fail cake!
re: vanilla - sometimes I put it all in, sometimes 1/2, sometimes none. All good.
I make this all the time now (well in cooler months). I use olive oil and I blitz up the beans with the sugar at the start then just whizz everything together till smooth. I often do a double batch (it just fits) as in winter I find the cake keeps for 3 days.
For my husbands 40th I made 3 of these - halved them and put jam and cream in them, piled them on top of each other and covered with ganache. It was rather over the top!

Merlin - This cake is always in my repertoire of GF cakes- I have made it lots of times now and it always comes out amazingly well- so moist. In fact I'll often take it to parties and it gets gobbled up very quickly.

CC - Made this today. It's a very moist cake, DH didn't even realize what the "secret" ingredient was and said it was very nice.

Uni - I didn't have unsweetened cocoa powder so used drinking hot chocolate powder, added 1 tspn coffee, used 4 bean mix.
I beat the butter and sugar first then the beans. Frank said, this is nice love, I think so too  ;D  When you eat this cake it doesn't feel like youre eating a cake, it's hard to explain but it doesn't make you feel fat  :-)) I've had 3  pieces.
I made this again using lima beans and my DD said it was the best chocolate ever, she doesn't like it when I make it with chick peas or kidney beans.

GF - Also used 1/2 and 1/2 drinking choc and dark cocoa - used instant coffee in water . . . Had 1 tin of kidney beans in the cupboard . . how lucky was that!  Used a friand pan and will have them for dessert . . Must admit I wasn't interested in trying this until all the rave reviews came in . . . it is an awesome recipe and one that will be repeated in this house!! Many thanks for this one!!
It made 9 friands - they seem to rise quite a bit and I thought I'd just trim them to give them an even base to sit on . .  but when I took them out of the oven and they cooled a little (in the pan) they sank and levelled out on their own . . It was interesting though that just one didn't seem to cook right through and had a really gooey (lovely though!) centre. . . but the others were fine.

GF - This really is an amazing recipe.  Took mini cupcakes to a meeting tonight and all gone and people asking for the recipe!!

Cuilidh - very easy.  I used 3/4 tbs of vanilla and that was fine, I was a bit wary of using the full tbs.  Unfortunately I didn't have coffee so used water - I think coffee would have given it a bit more depth of taste, but it tasted good just with the water.

Deniser - Awesome!  Told my DH and visiting male friend afterwards that they had just eaten cake made with kidney beans and they said they would never have believed it.  My (pregnant)  DIL is gluten free and I wanted to try it out before taking one to her on the next visit.  Found a little dish that just fitted in the hole in the middle - filled it with berries (thawed) and dusted with icing sugar.  

Emme - Made this cake yesterday and my visitors would not believe it had beans in it.  Will be certainly making this again.  Thanks for the recipe.  I used coffee essence in it because I wanted to empty the bottle. A great cake.

cooking-good-looking - Would this work in a springform tin?

Uni -  have made it in a springform tin, just a tiny bit of leaking , place it on a biscuits tray and in a well heated oven.

Kimmyh - cant believe how moist, easy and yummy this is. I too was put off by the beans but thanks to all your great reviews I am glad I gave it a try. Definitely a keeper thanks.

KarenH - Friends (and fellow TMX owners) came over today and brought this cake with them.  It was absolutely delicious!  Although I have not cooked it myself yet, I can vouch for the delicious taste and velvety-smooth texture.  Will definitely be trying this one myself!

matmob - I love making this then telling people afterwards what was in it. Got rave comments from my Coeliac friend.

Amy - I made the mixture for this today and cooked it as cupcakes. Unfortunately they sunk in the middle, but mum and SD really liked them because they were fudgy and moist (probably because they were undercooked) I'll definitely be making these again.

KerrynN - made this recipe as cupcakes. Cooked for 25 mins, used water, cacao instead of cocoa and only half tbsp of vanilla. Made 12 cupcakes and a small star cake. Very moist. Family loves them but I found them a tiny bit too rich, which could be the cacao and reduced vanilla. Will definitely make again though and tweak those two things. Thanks for the recipe.

Aussie Brenda - made using three bean mix.  It is fantastic, we couldn't believe the flavour and texture.  Thanks.   After doing step one I just put all the ingredients in the bowl and processed for 30 sec up to speed 7. Turned out great. One ring tin and a very small loaf tin.

faffa 70 - I have made this twice this week. Once as is in the recipe and the second time I made it with white beans, macadamia oil and replaced the cocoa with coconut - divine. The cake came out quite brown still as I used rapadura sugar. Also cooked it in a loaf tin took 55 mins in my oven. This will be a regular in my house I think. I think you would be able to use grape seed oil (or other mild oils) if you didn't have macadamia oil.

ahoney - I make this cake all the time but use coconut oil so it's dairy free and rapadura (a bit less than the recipes asks for in sugar), sometimes I add frozen berries too and make an icing out dates cocoa and coconut cream with a little rice malt syrup. It's always a hit!  Only wind repercussions I've noticed or heard of were from a friend who was breast feeding and her baby got very windy.

Prinny - I made this with quite a few changes as I was baking for someone that has many food intolerances.
I substituted the cocoa for coconut, the butter for nutlex and the sugar for a sweetener.
It turned out light and fluffy and I am very happy with the result. I am making another one now as I taste tested the original cake to many times........oops  

chrissa - OMG.  I've just made this for the first time.  Why did I wait so long. It's so light and so much like a naughty chocolate cake.
It made a small ring tin and three large rectangle friands.

medusa - I made this on weekend and didn't have enough cocoa powder so I added Nutella and made the into brownies. Very delish.

JuliaC83 - I make this cake once a week and it's always gone before I have a chance to ice it. House of boys = entire cake gone in 10 minutes whilst still warm.

Bedlam - This cake is amazing. I have bought the ebook because of it. My 3 year old FC is so fussy but loves his sweets. Comforting to know he is getting protein and fibre with every mouthful. Will definitely make again. Thanks to everyone one for reviewing because I wouldn't have tried it without them.
Update - My family won't eat this. Makes me annoyed because you really wouldn't know. They are suspicious anytime I make a choc cake now. My 4 yr old loves it though.

Denzelmum - made this for the crowd with many positive reactions. I didn't grease very well so some part stuck on the tin. Apart from that everyone enjoyed it.

GF - I've made this cake quite often and it's always extremely popular!  Denzelmum, the last one I made I had the same problem but just cut up the cake into single serve portions and put them on a plate - no-one was any the wiser!

Thermesa - Made this today with Borlotti beans, all the vanilla, lemon juice and Memoc seeds (instead of coconut/cocoa). Yummmm.
Had to freeze it so I didn't eat it all today. DS5 loved it too. Don't want to ice it because its too yum on its own.

zebra - Freezes beautifully - I make cupcakes and keep them in the freezer for school lunchboxes. Lasts for 5 days in the fridge too. A good icing for it DF I got from 'wholefood Simply' is 2 TB Coconut oil, 2 TB Tahini, 2 Tb honey and whizz up. Delish. DF, Nut F, GF

Katiej - I've made this cake twice now and it's really delicious. It makes a nice moist cake, which is not overly rich. It's been enjoyed by people who eat gluten free and those who don't. Will definitely make again.

Jamberie - I love this one too. I regularly make it as cupcakes to rave reviews.

arcadia - I made this as cupcakes with choc icing and it is the first gone in my bake up.  I made everyone try and guess the secret ingredient, no one did and where totally shocked when I told them, but all will happily have it again even the fussy choc loving 5 yr old.

MJ - I make this regularly. I don't use macadamia oil, is that in the recipe? I use butter. I reduced the sugar, too.
I've made a caramel one with butter beans, rapadura and coconut flour which is also divine. It's an amazing cake.
MJ's caramel magic bean cake recipe

kmw - The cake was a success with no one picking it had beans in it ... Definitely will make it again & good to have a GF option



« Last Edit: July 26, 2014, 01:32:09 pm by judydawn »

Offline Cornish Cream

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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2012, 03:01:31 pm »
Thanks for your recommendation Zebra.I saw this on the RC recently and thought it worth a try  :)
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Offline Cuilidh

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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2012, 09:42:05 pm »
Is it really 1 tbs of vanilla extract?
Marina from Melbourne and Guildford
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Offline Nikkit

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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2012, 12:30:16 am »
Oh yes this one is awesome!
I made it for the kids on a Scout camp and it was the first cake to go. (and the best one they reckon! ... but it would be when everything else came in a packet wouldn't it!) And also made it for Miss 10's group of Cubs for after their 10km hike and there was none left either. They all came back for seconds (and that was after they had all had 2 sausage in buns!) All the Mum's wanted the recipe as they loved it too - even one said "I hate kidney beans, but this is fantastic".
I tend to blend the kidney beans a bit then chuck everything else in and blend and scrape it down a couple of times. Is even quicker.

Offline zebraa

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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2012, 12:34:14 am »
It is easy to double too to make two cakes. You can do it with other beans - and one person I know has removed cocoa and done lemon and coconut instead with bortelli (?) beans - that worked out well too apparantly.

I seriously love this no fail cake!

re: vanilla - sometimes I put it all in, sometimes 1/2, sometimes none. All good.

Offline Merlin

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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2012, 01:33:59 am »
This cake is always in my repertoire of GF cakes- I have made it lots of times now and it always comes out amazingly well- so moist. In fact I'll often take it to parties and it gets gobbled up very quickly.
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Offline Cuilidh

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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2012, 09:59:26 pm »
How long will this cake keep?  I've got a couple of birthdays coming up a week on Thursday, but can only bake the cake on the previous Sunday - will it keep in the fridge or cake tin till then (that is assuming, of course, that I can stop myself from tasting it on a daily basis to make sure it is still OK).

I am also assuming that you use the red kidney beans, none of the other "kidney" beans?
Marina from Melbourne and Guildford
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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2012, 10:37:25 pm »
I'm thinking of making this for a work morning tea but would like to check the baking powder that you use, is all baking powder gluten free or do I need to buy a special one?

Offline Merlin

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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2012, 10:40:24 pm »
Yes, red kidney beans . I don't know how many days it will last as it always goes within a dayor two in our house. I think it would keep well for at least 3 days in an airtight cake container. Also, you definitely need to check on the tin of baking powder if it's gluten free as not all of them are. The Wards brand (the blue tin) definitely is OK.
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Offline Cuilidh

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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2012, 12:14:19 am »
Re. the baking powder.  Does it NEED to be GF, or is this the option to make the cake GF, i.e. does it make any difference to the finished cake whether your baking powder is GF or not?
Marina from Melbourne and Guildford
I can resist everything except temptation - Oscar Wilde.

Offline zebraa

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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2012, 01:46:09 pm »
Makes no difference to the cake

Offline Cornish Cream

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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2012, 08:35:00 pm »
Made this today.It's a very moist cake,DH didn't even realize what the "secret" ingredient was and said it was very nice. ;)
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Offline goldfish

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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2012, 09:24:04 pm »
Given all the rave reviews this is now printed out and on the to do list - probably this weekend!  thanks for the recipe!!

Offline Merlin

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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2012, 02:16:55 am »
The baking powder definitely needs to be GF if you are a Coeliac like me or if you are cooking for someone gluten intolerant. As this is a gluten free cake , the baking powder has been specified as GF. Obviously it doesn't make any difference to the final result of the cake if you use gluten containing or gluten free baking powder if you don't have anyone with a gluten intolerance to cater for.
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Offline EmeraldSue

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Re: Magic Bean Cake
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2012, 02:29:23 am »
I will have to give this a go. I have posted a recioe for gluten free Fudgy Chocolate cake and Chocolate Raspberry brownies that use chickpeas, so must give kidney beans a try. These types of cakes are easy, moist and delicious - no one can pick the taste of the beans in the final cake, and it's fun getting people to try and guess the "secret" ingredient.
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