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Messages - judydawn

Pages: 1 ... 2654 2655 [2656] 2657 2658 ... 2679
Thanks Karen, DD will be pleased I have found that out for her.   :-* :-*

Questions? Technical Issues? The Survival Guide / Hollandaise Sauce
« on: May 07, 2009, 10:17:04 am »
Has anyone made this one, page 59 Everyday cookbook (not the new one).  DD wants to make it for me when she has us to her place for brunch on Mothers' Day.  Does it need tweaking or OK as is?

Desserts / Re: Coconut Macaroonies
« on: May 07, 2009, 07:08:21 am »
I now know the answer to my previous question.  Had the weber on so put the remaining dozen or so macaroonies in there on a tray for 8 minutes and when they cooled down, they had become nice and crisp again.  Which is great because I have DD coming to see me for her birthday today and if it didn't work I was going to have to make a fresh batch of something to serve for afternoon tea. Will have to buy a tin to store them in for next time  - we use all plastic here for storage and I don't own a tin of any description.

And did you know ;D that you can double the amount of your vinegar for free!  I read it somewhere so tried it.  I only buy the generic brand 1 litre bottles of vinegar for the washing machine, tip half out into another bottle, fill both up with water, leave a few days and you will have pure vinegar again.  Don't know how this works but I do it - 2 litres for the price of 1. 

News about Thermomix / Re: Good luck in Wang
« on: May 07, 2009, 02:07:18 am »
Have seen the Moscato advertised but on asking around, no-one I know has tried it yet.  Looks like I will have to be the first to do so - I think I read it is a sweet wine which is all I drink and did I read it was pink?  Haven't seen or heard of the other one.  I have a friend coming to stay for DH's 60th in June and was going to get some nice bottles in - DD doesn't drink at all these days and it will be nice to have someone to share a bottle with me. A good time to try both of these BB ones you mentioned.  Thanks a lot for that info.

Chit Chat / Re: What are you been cooking today
« on: May 06, 2009, 02:12:07 pm »
Never heard of anyone eating the broccoli leaves over here Caroline - do they taste anything like spinach or completely different.

What a bargain Rowyfo - I paid almost $5 for mine!  An enjo rep once told us that vinegar in the dishwasher and washing machine would help keep the internals nice and clean with no build up so I have been using it for many years now instead of rinse aid and fabric softener.

News about Thermomix / Re: Good luck in Wang
« on: May 06, 2009, 01:53:33 pm »
Wish you all the luck in the world I Love Bimby - that's a great thing you are doing for country areas.  Maybe the people from Brown Bros will bring along a few bottles of wine to accompany the lovely meal you are going to cook them.  My favourite is their Crouchen Riesling.

I thought the same thing as you Caroline as I also used vinegar as a rinse aid (use it in the washing machine too instead of softener) so it will be interesting to see how it goes with all vinegar.  I actually went out and bought some blue rinse aid to follow the recipe to a T but will revert back to all vinegar if it goes OK for you.

Chit Chat / Re: Banning of plastic bags
« on: May 06, 2009, 02:23:04 am »
I haven't seen recycle bins at my Foodland and can't see why you can't re-use the plastic bags you have. Just as long as they don't supply them to you from their side of the counter - then they are in trouble, not you!

Chit Chat / Re: Banning of plastic bags
« on: May 06, 2009, 01:58:01 am »
I used to do the same thing, always left my canvas carry bags in the car when I popped in for one or two items then ended up with 3 bagsful ;D ;D ;D but over the last few months I have improved out of sight and as the ban came closer, I had learnt to always take a bag or two inside with me.  My sausage bag of plastic bags is down to just a few now which proves I have been getting it right.  Now I just buy the roll of plastic bags for the bin liner and because I recycle everything, like you, only have a couple in the bin on rubbish day.

Desserts / Re: Coconut Macaroonies
« on: May 05, 2009, 01:50:15 pm »
Bron, these were nice and crisp on the outside and soft in the middle when I made them at the weekend but I found those I put into a plastic container have now softened all over.  Still taste great but do you think it would be possible to pop them back into a hot oven to crisp up again on the outside.  I haven't got as many people to help me eat mine :D :D  Anyone else made them yet - did you have this problem?

Chit Chat / Re: What are you been cooking today
« on: May 05, 2009, 01:42:39 pm »
Bron's steam pork loin turned out beautifully - I ended up cooking the lot and I reckon we ate just over half of it between the 2 of us. We are meat and gravy people so I made some gravy and also served it with a dollop of apple sauce, made some cheese sauce in the TMX whilst the meat was resting to pour over the cauli and broccoli and with the weber roasted vegies, it was a delicious meal.  DH was suitably impressed Bron.
Question for you or anyone who can answer it is - is it possible to re-use the rock salt.  I have poured boiling water over it to clean it but would it be unsafe to store it until next time I want to cook this way.

You were right Bron, this meat is delicious cold too, in fact I think it is even better! With the leftovers I cut some into batons and made a pork stir-fry then tonight placed slices of the pork in the varoma tray and steamed it to warm through, heated all the leftovers from our roast in the microwave and we had another roast.  Still enough for sandwiches tomorrow so perhaps the $22 for the piece of meat wasn't that extravagant afterall.

Welcome / Re: 5000 posts - great stuff
« on: May 05, 2009, 11:25:30 am »
That's 1000 postings in a month - pretty darn good and getting better by the day.  Our most valuable tool after our TMX!

Introduce Yourself / Re: excited!!
« on: May 05, 2009, 11:16:32 am »
Thanks for the recipe Thermomixer.  Glad you sent that before I read how to do it myself. ??? ??? ??? Left me scratching my head but have printed it out so that I can study it then get someone in the know to decypher it.  Why don't these sites have a 'print me' button to click on for us computer illiterate oldies?

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