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Messages - Tenina

Pages: 1 ... 43 44 [45]
Suggestions and Complaints / Re: Sugestions and complaints
« on: October 13, 2008, 12:51:27 pm »
Assuming it was all good Karen!  ;) Hope you sold one to your friend...are you a consultant??

Suggestions and Complaints / Re: Sugestions and complaints
« on: October 11, 2008, 08:29:53 am »
I have had some very nice correspondance with a truly contrite forum yes, all is good. I think I was just a bit taken aback and it was my first experience with that sort of husband told me to remember that imitation is the sincerest form of I went with that! hahahaha ;D

Hi there Hollandaise cookers! Yes the TM blog does now have an adjusted recipe for Hollandaise. I played around a few times and checked out other countries recipes (in their books) and found them all to be the same! I think how we (in OZ) like Hollandaise is completely different from other countries. Allow me to reassure you that my job is to actually uniformly fix ALL recipes that currently don't (at risk of getting flooded with requests!!!) please send any fix ups, questions or problem recipes to me at and I will in time get to them. I have to say that if there were 5 of me, I couldn't get it all done! So please have some patience....Thermomix are doing their level best to solve these issues and I have to say I enjoy working for them because of their pro-active approach on all these issues. I look forward to hearing from you all...good news and bad!

Cheers and Happy TMixing! ;)

Hey Karen,
I can't comment on your personal blog, (I am having an identity crisis apparently...I am niether a google blogger nor an open identity type!!)
Wanted to say your pullapart looked awesome.

Suggestions and Complaints / Re: Sugestions and complaints
« on: September 25, 2008, 02:38:25 pm »
Yeah, I am with you sister, it has given me an unpleasant is always appreciated and I hope the forum will fix this quickly! Some contributers are obviously cutting and pasting other stuff and claiming it as their own. (Even my typos are in there too!)

Seafood and Fish / Re: Sweet Seafood Salad
« on: September 25, 2008, 02:31:28 pm »
Yes NY Mixer, another one of my recipes, no credit given...please don't do must be given where it is due! Changing the name doesn't make it your recipe.

Bread / Re: Naan Bread-The best bread in the world!!!
« on: September 25, 2008, 02:28:26 pm »
Another of my recipes, no credit...and even with the mistake cut and pasted in, no yeast added in the method...note on my blog, comments to that effect!

« on: September 25, 2008, 02:16:59 pm »
Number of People: The less the better!!!

This  recipe is directly off my website Aussie...cut and pasted with only the 'NEED' changed to 'ingredients' and the DO changed to ' Preparation'! I have no probs with you using my recipes, I love that, but please give credit where credit is due and at least a link to my site! I'm now cruising all the other categories...with trepidation!

News about Thermomix / Re: Steam Oven Cooking ( & TMX recipes)
« on: September 23, 2008, 04:20:50 pm »
Thanks for the plug Thermomixer...happy to find myself on here!!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi, I'm Karen!
« on: September 23, 2008, 03:44:17 pm »
Hi Karen,

sooooo...we meet again. It is a small world this Thermomix fan club!! Didn't realise you have a group blog, going on over to check it out! Talk again soon no doubt. :D

Introduce Yourself / Hi from Tenina
« on: September 23, 2008, 03:35:03 pm »
WOW, there are so many crazy Thermophiles out there! Who knew? Thanks for this site, what a great opportunity to share knowledge and passion. I am happy to say that I am employed by TM Australia as the recipe developer (a new role) and I am enjoying this intensely BUSY job so much. I look forward to feedback and ideas from all and sundry!
In the meantime, please visit my site which has a Thermomix slant to it already at;

Cheers ;)

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