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Chit Chat / Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?
« Last post by K Atie on Today at 09:04:43 am »
Calamari rings with a garlic chilli lemon herb sauce … epic fail they were tough . Salad .
Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« Last post by K Atie on Today at 03:52:57 am »
Went to very special birthday luncheon on Friday . Saturday was huge we had our local farm to pub (now pool) run walk ( swim ). I helped to take registrations and then took over doing the raffle takings . While people ordered bbq food . There till 8.30 pm Big day but lovely catch up and get community event . The weather was not great very windy but all good . Yesterday DH and I went on a drive visited an interior decorator shop , coffee, a great Iga supermarket, fish and chips by the sea . A national reserve saw two Kolas ( very excited to see them ) and two hugs emus . A dash to Bunnings . Home late .
Chit Chat / Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?
« Last post by K Atie on Today at 03:40:28 am »
Pork loin steaks cooked cranberry sauce and vegetables.
Chit Chat / Re: New thermomix
« Last post by K Atie on Today at 02:40:16 am »
Watched heaps of posts regarding the new TMX 7 ! Think it’s ugly , but I’m not a black person . It is a lot deeper too , regarding bench space . It will be a long wait to you can actually get it July -September. The sad thing for people who have the new cutter and spiralizer does not work in TMX7 . We all will know more after tonight ! I sorry to sound negative, on a positive note it’s always exciting when they develop a new model and who knows i may well be tempted. If it was white I would be very tempted one day . Also still have one DS to pass on a machine to eventually.
Chit Chat / Re: New thermomix
« Last post by achookwoman on February 16, 2025, 07:57:26 pm »
I need to do a bit more research on it but will possibly get it. I like the no arms . Do enjoy the 2 bowls I have for the 6. Don’t use Cookidoo much so if the emphasis is on the electronics I’m not sure.
Chit Chat / Re: What have you been doing today?
« Last post by achookwoman on February 16, 2025, 07:51:05 pm »
Out for Afternoon Tea with 5 Probus girls. None of them like cooking. I said I love to cook as I find it creative. One said to me, once you turn 80 you won’t want to cook any more. I said I’m 86 next month. I hope I’ll be cooking for a few more years.
Tai Chi today.
Chit Chat / Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?
« Last post by achookwoman on February 16, 2025, 07:43:31 pm »
Love Calzones, Cookie. Reminds me of me of our holiday in Sicily.
Roasted turkey wing with a little breast attached, home grown beans and mashed potatoes.
Chit Chat / Re: What are you been cooking today
« Last post by achookwoman on February 16, 2025, 07:39:58 pm »
Need to make more bread. Gave the last lot away. Zucchini falafels. Use up the last of home grown zucchini. More plum jam. Added mixed berries this time.
Chit Chat / Re: What book are you reading?
« Last post by Cuilidh on February 16, 2025, 06:13:40 pm »
My Kris Kringle last year ... We'll prescribe you a cat by Syou Ishida.  An interesting concept, a bit like an assistance pet.
Chit Chat / Re: What book are you reading?
« Last post by cookie1 on February 16, 2025, 09:09:18 am »
I’m just finishing J D Robb’s latest. Bonded in Death. I really enjoy her books. It’s actually Nora Roberts.
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