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Topics - voitet7

Pages: [1]
Chit Chat / sorghum grain cooking
« on: November 29, 2011, 08:38:04 am »
Trying to find sorghum grain in Australia to buy so i can make recipes that seem to be everywhere on the internet in gluten free cooking. Can anyone help me please. I have found USA sites that sell the grain but don't ship overseas.

Special Diets / More on the Chai challenge
« on: September 23, 2010, 12:07:12 pm »
Hi, I havent been on the forum for a while and was looking throu the topics. I come across the one about chai and have a great recipe
Chai Chocolate Banana Mousse
1 Tbsp chai seeds + 3 Tbsp water
60g Dark chocolate
1/4 cup Milk of any kind
honey little for sweetner
1 banana
1 cup yoghurt
almond or any nut meal about 1/4 cup
Place the chai seeds in the water and leave to form a gel
In blender process melted chocolate, honey and milk Add the chai gel
Mix  a bit then add the rest of ingreds mix well.Pour into dish and refrigerateto thicken.

Was great and i have used the chai seeds in bread making as a binder 

Introduce Yourself / Hi from Pam
« on: February 04, 2010, 08:47:47 am »
I'm new to the Thermomix. I live in Australia in a small country town and beening gluten free is a challenge.
I hope to be able to do a lot more cooking of gluten free food with the thermomix and see the recipes turn out a lot better.
Been living on a lot of fruit and veggies as baking bread and cakes just don't seem to turn out OK.
voitet7 (Pam)

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