Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / The Healthy Mix - Dinners 2
« on: April 27, 2024, 10:53:35 am »
I really value the recipe book reviews here, so thought I'd add Nikalene's latest book.
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Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / The Healthy Mix - Dinners 2« on: April 27, 2024, 10:53:35 am »
I really value the recipe book reviews here, so thought I'd add Nikalene's latest book.
Cakes / Dry Cake Mix Recipe?« on: March 18, 2021, 02:56:57 am »
Hi all, I haven't been on here for ages, but I do come and look up recipes quite often.
I'm after a DIY Cake Mix that I'm sure I found here, though a search hasn't turned it up. These are often used when camping to replace bought packet cake mixes. I have a picture of a bag of it with the ingredients needed to complete it - circa 2015!. The ingredients to add were: 2 eggs, 120g water and vanilla. So, the butter was crumbled into flour, milk powder, baking powder, I'm just not sure of quantities. Can anyone help? If not, I'll have a play around myself. Since it had butter in, it must have to be kept in the fridge. I've seen a lot where you add oil with the eggs and water, so that would probably be better. 3
Chit Chat / Consultants in Canada?« on: January 16, 2017, 02:22:46 am »
Our friends are interested in getting a Thermie after seeing mine in action.
They live in Champion, Alberta. Calgary is probably the closest city Are there any consultants around there? 4
Recipe Requests / Apple Cinnamon Muffins« on: March 23, 2016, 05:26:08 am »
I'd love a good recipe for Apple Cinnamon Muffins. I made one from the Recipe Community, but they weren't nice, too doughy. Does anyone have a favourite? I did a search, but this search engine is terrible!
Chit Chat / Been Busy!« on: March 23, 2016, 04:56:55 am »
Hi everyone
I can see there're loads of new people here! I haven't been on for ages. Just so busy with my Celebrancy business and now I've started a new business as well! http://www.youniqueproducts.com/MeganTuffley It's great fun and I'm loving the products! Also on FB for those who are. https://www.facebook.com/YouniqueByMeganTuffley I've also been to Tassie for two weeks with DH and our two friends. Sorry, didn't get a chance to catch up with you Roz! We had a wonderful time and did quite a few tours. Beautiful place. We loved the way people have looked after the old buildings and restored them to their former glory. Even the old farm houses were magnificent. Every little town we went to, people were so welcoming. I haven't been using my Thermie much lately, either. ![]() 6
Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Apple Tea Cakes, page 210 New EDC« on: September 10, 2015, 09:49:57 am »
I decided not to make two cakes, but used a small baking dish to make one. Bad move, as it sunk in the middle. Next time, I'd just halve the recipe. I don't really understand why the recipe is for two cakes, anyway!
This was quite nice. I added cinnamon to both apples and batter. The thing I found, though, is that the chip and the book have different methods for making the batter. The chip needed softened butter, while the book said melt the butter. I went with the book and it was easier. I served with cream, but tonight will make a custard as the apples on top are a little dry. Linked JD 7
Chit Chat / Thermomix vs others on ACA« on: May 18, 2015, 12:21:57 pm »
Just watching this right now. The Bellini has certainly gone upmarket!
Chit Chat / Air Fryer at low temps« on: April 25, 2015, 12:43:38 pm »
I've just realised that my Philips XL goes down to 60C! I think I could dry fruit and vegies at that temperature.
I made dry breadcrumbs recently by drying out the bread at 130 and grinding it up in the Thermie with herbs, my all purpose seasoning and parmesan. Has anyone used the AF at low temperatures? 9
Suggestions and Complaints / Error C160« on: April 13, 2015, 01:29:16 pm »
So cross! I have had this error tonight while cooking Tenina's Silverside. It keeps shutting down. Never did get dinner cooked. I had to microwave everything as we were starving! I used the lower speed on Varoma, as I read that this is now the rule.
I've already had a replacement chip when that stopped working. Recently, the display kept flickering between scales and normal as well. GRRRRR! I don't want to be without my machine! ![]() 10
Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Mongolian Lamb pg 152 Basic Cookbook« on: March 19, 2015, 12:49:36 pm »
WOW! This one is a winner! Absolutely delicious! Make sure you marinate the meat for a couple of hours.
I used an Asian chilli sauce instead of sambal oelek. I also added 2 teaspoons of fish sauce. It only cooks for a brief period of time so the lamb is still slightly pink inside and oh, so tender! I just used diced lamb from Woolies. Served with stir fried vegies in sauce and jasmine rice. 5/5 Linked CC 11
Bread / Hole in each loaf« on: March 13, 2015, 06:18:43 am »
Lately, I've been getting a hole at the top of my loaves all the way through. I flatten out and roll up my dough before putting it in the pan. I've done a bit of a search and it seems that air is being trapped when I roll. Has anyone else had this problem?
The loaves look so beautiful then, after the first slice there is this awful hole. Bread with hole 12
Chit Chat / A part of me has gone...« on: March 13, 2015, 04:29:08 am »
I haven't been on here for a while, have been pretty busy and dealing with the fact that I was losing my precious sister to cancer.
My sister was diagnosed with kidney, lung and bone cancer in December. She passed suddenly on 24th Feb, 5 days after my birthday. I was fortunate to spend the night with her on my birthday as she insisted on cooking a special meal for me. She was a fighter, very healthy with no symptoms of the disease until a couple of months before she was diagnosed. She was losing weight and not interested in eating, so went to the doctor. Kidney disease has no symptoms until it's too late. She had bought a TM5 earlier in the year after going to a demo with me. She really loved it and told me before she went that she wanted my DD to have it. Jess already has a TM31, so will pass that on to my other sister. We three sisters were very, very close, talking on the phone or by email every couple of days. We went away together every five years and our last trip was to Paris last April. Thank goodness we had that time together. I read my tribute to her at the funeral and was really glad that I got through it. My training as a Funeral Celebrant kicked in. My life is different now, without my older sister giving advice, keeping me on track and just generally thinking I was wonderful. We three are now two and will carry on the legacy. My DH and I are very close to our BIL, so hope that he will still visit regularly. He's very clever with his hands and loves to fix things. I feed him and he fixes everything and does all the jobs that DH puts off. Just won't be quite the same without my sis by my side in the kitchen. Just thought I'd add a recent photo. Sue was on steroids for my son's recent wedding in January. She was really well and absolutely loved the wedding. I'm glad that she also knew that they were expecting a longed-for baby. She's the one on the right. 13
Non Food Recipes / Cyndi's Home Made Sunscreen« on: December 07, 2014, 06:27:10 am »
Cyndi O'Meara has created a tinted sunscreen with cacao wafers! Here's the recipe:
6 TBS or 80gms Coconut Oil (SPF factor 4-6) 6 or 15 gms Cacao Wafers 1 TBS or 25 gms Inca Inchi Oil 4 TBS non nano particle zinc oxide (SPF factor 15) 6 drops of either lavendar or frankinsence Warm the coconut oil and cacao wafers in a double boiler or use a Thermomix - 37C until cacao wafers are melted (about 4 minutes).Then, beat in the zinc oxide, Inca Inchi oil and drop in the essential oil. Place in a glass jar with a lid. In the summer, it will be a liquid and in the winter, it will go solid. This should last up to 6 months if not kept in direct sunlight, or if kept in the fridge, it can be used for 12 months. This sunscreen has an SPF factor of around 20. You can also use this wonderful mixture for nappy rash as it acts as a barrier cream. NB: most zinc oxide has nano particles. If you are looking to purchase some zinc oxide powder without nano particles, it can be purchased from New Directions. I'm yet to make this, but will be having a go tomorrow. I have all the ingredients. ![]() 14
Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Beef Rendang TM5 Cookbook, page 144« on: November 14, 2014, 11:55:02 am »
Wow!! Fantastic recipe!
So delicious. I made this with gravy beef and included everything as per recipe. I cooked it 10 minutes longer as suggested and placed it in the Thermoserver while cooking rice. I toasted the coconut in the microwave. Served with basmati spiced rice (just chuck in four cloves and four cardamom pods with a tsp salt) and cumin and turmeric mixed veg done in the wok. Superb. Delicious flavours. I'd make this again....and again! Linked JD 15
Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Lemon Cake - page 321 TM5 Cookbook« on: October 15, 2014, 05:16:52 am »
Cake texture was a bit 'gluey' and it was pretty tasteless. Not enough lemon zest and too sweet. I was going to reduce the sugar, but it does have 80g lemon juice, so I thought it may need it. I made it as I thought it looked interesting. I used potato starch and macadamia oil as I don't use grape seed oil. I could taste the oil, so if I did make this again, I'd use half melted butter and half oil. I'd also beat the eggs first and add in everything else later. It does make a large cake, so you need a large Bundt tin and it cracks on top, as shown in the photo in the book. Linked JD |